Identifying Data 2023/24
Subject (*) Cybersecurity Code 710G04032
Study programme
Grao en Xestión Dixital de Información e Documentación
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Fourth Optional 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Ciencias da Computación e Tecnoloxías da Información
Puente Castro, Alejandro
General description

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A14 CE14 - Apply the legal and regulatory provisions and procedures related to the information and documentation activity in general and in the digital environment in particular
A19 CE19 - Determine and apply methods, measures and techniques designed to order, protect, preserve and restore data, information and documents of different nature
A22 CE22 - Acquire computational skills and management of new ICT
B7 CG2 - Capacity for reflection and critical reasoning
B9 CG4 - Capacity for analysis, diagnosis and decision making
B11 CG6 - Ability to understand the importance, value and function of the Digital Information and Documentation Management in the current ICT society
C2 CT2 - Use the basic tools of information and communication technologies (ICT) necessary for the exercise of their profession and for learning throughout their lives

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To know and know how to use the basic encryption algorithms A19
To know and know how to use the concepts of digital signature A19
To know the basics of network security A19
To know the different backup, data redundancy and synchronization policies to avoid data loss A19
To know the legislative environment in relation to the protection of personal data A14

Topic Sub-topic
00 Introduction Introduction to security
Basic security concepts and terms
01 Private key encryption Basic Concepts
Advantages and disadvantages
02 Public key encryption Basic Concepts
Advantages and disadvantages
Certification authorities
Digital Signature
03 Tools and applications RAID
Backup policies
Data synchronization
04 Legal aspects Basic concepts
Safety regulations

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Supervised projects A19 B7 B9 B11 5 50 55
Objective test A14 A19 A22 B7 B9 B11 2 20 22
Guest lecture / keynote speech A14 A22 B7 21 0 21
ICT practicals A14 A19 A22 B7 B9 B11 C2 15 30 45
Personalized attention 7 0 7
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Supervised projects Realization, by the student individually or collectively, of projects in which the learning of each topic of the subject is put into practice. The teacher will supervise the evolution of the work.
Objective test Realization of an individual writing test where there will be multiple-choice questions, open questions of development and/or short answer questions.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Lectures will be given in which theoretical contents will be presented in combination with practical exercises. Most of the sessions will be taught in the traditional way (exposition of contents). The flipped classroom criterion will be valued for certain contents (subjects will be left for revision by the student and the classroom will be dedicated to the resolution of doubts or verification of the concepts acquired).
ICT practicals Performance, by the student individually or collectively, of works that require the use of tools or programs in which to apply the concepts previously exposed.

Personalized attention
ICT practicals
Supervised projects
Resolution of the doubts that arise in the realization of practices and or works. They will be solved preferably in the timetable assigned for the classes or in the established tutoring hours.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
ICT practicals A14 A19 A22 B7 B9 B11 C2 Performance of work with ICT tools in the field of security. 30
Supervised projects A19 B7 B9 B11 Evaluation of the work proposed by the teacher, or by the student himself, throughout the course. 20
Objective test A14 A19 A22 B7 B9 B11 Examination test: multiple-choice and/or short essay questions. 40
Guest lecture / keynote speech A14 A22 B7 Attendance and active participation in the classroom lectures. 10
Assessment comments

In order to pass the subject, the student must obtain a minimum grade of 5 out of 10 in the result of combining the different evaluable items. In order to average the grades, the student must obtain a minimum grade of 3.5 out of 10 in the objective test. If this minimum grade is not obtained, the grade of the subject will be the one corresponding to the grade of the objective test.

The ICT practices will be of obligatory delivery to be able to opt for a passing grade in the subject.

Students with part-time enrollment and academic dispensation:

Indicate to the professor the situation of this type of students. The delivery of the work/practices must be done on the dates established for all students.

Second opportunity and advanced convocation:

In the second opportunity the evaluation of the active participation in the Objective test will be maintained, not being able to return the obtain grade since it results from the continuous evaluation of the work during the subject. The student can retake the exam of the mixed test or deliver again the tutored work or practices through ICT, being the criteria to obtain the total grade those indicated at the beginning of this section. The student will be able to hand in the tutored work, whether or not he/she will hand it in beforehand, and the grade of the work handed in will replace the one he/she has previously obtained in this section. The student may take the parts of the objective test that he/she considers necessary to reach the minimum grade. The grade obtained will replace the previous one, but will be maintained for the parts of the exam not taken.


In any submission in which plagiarism is detected, the delivery will be valued with a zero. Plagiarism in the objective test will be sanctioned according to the current regulations of the university.

Sources of information

Stallings, W. (1994). Fundamentos de seguridad en redes: aplicaciones y estándares. Pearson Educación.

García Alcázar, Ana María (2020). Firma digital, certificado electrónico y factura electrónica. Ra-Ma Editorial.

Intypedia :: Inicio - Criptored:


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.