Identifying Data 2024/25
Subject (*) Algorithms Code 614G03008
Study programme
Grao en Intelixencia Artificial
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Second Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Ciencias da Computación e Tecnoloxías da Información
Valderruten Vidal, Alberto
Casanova Crespo, Jose Maria
Gómez Rodríguez, Carlos
Valderruten Vidal, Alberto
General description A materia de Algoritmos permite ao estudante do Grao en Intelixencia Artificial profundizar nas técnicas de deseño dos algoritmos tendo en conta factores cualitativos e cuantitativos na súa avaliación. Dunha parte completa a formación na elaboración de programas eficientes e correctamente estructurados, e doutra permite abordar as técnicas de deseño máis utilizadas na resolución dos problemas que pode atopar para a resolución de problemas de Intelixencia Artificial.
É de destacar que a realización de experimentos de medición de tempos de execución sobre os distintos algoritmos analizados achega un enfoque empírico que adoita ser moi valorado polo estudante, que pode así constatar a interpretación concreta das complexidades manexadas. As dificultades plantexadas por algúns casos estudados permiten unha reflexión complementaria sobre aspectos como a xestión de recursos informáticos, detalles de execución de procesos, arquitecturas e sistemas operativos utilizados, etc.
Tamén é destacable o estudo e análise dun conxunto importante de algoritmos fundamentais, cubrindo un amplo espectro de técnicas algorítmicas e das súas aplicacións. A posibilidade de usar distintas técnicas na resolución dalgúns problemas leva naturalmente a pensar nas vantaxes e inconvintes das distintas estratexias, e na necesidade de saber elixir a que mellor se adapta a cada situación.
Por último é importante profundizar no rigor necesario para desenvolver non só solucións que se adapten a unhas especificacións dadas, sinon ademáis que o fagan de modo eficiente dende o punto de vista dos recursos informáticos necesarios. Resulta fundamental a ilustración mediante varios casos prácticos nos que a existencia de algoritmos eficientes coñecidos leva a desbotar deseños alternativos por moi naturais que podan resultar a primeira vista.

Competencies / Study results
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Capacidad para utilizar los conceptos y métodos matemáticos y estadísticos para modelizar y resolver problemas de inteligencia artificial.
A5 Comprender y aplicar los principios y técnicas básicas de la programación paralela y distribuida para el desarrollo y ejecución eficiente de las técnicas de inteligencia artificial.
B2 Que el alumnado sepa aplicar sus conocimientos a su trabajo o vocación de una forma profesional y posea las competencias que suelen demostrarse por medio de la elaboración y defensa de argumentos y la resolución de problemas dentro de su área de estudio.
B4 Que el alumnado pueda transmitir información, ideas, problemas y soluciones a un público tanto especializado como no especializado.
B5 Que el alumnado haya desarrollado aquellas habilidades de aprendizaje necesarias para emprender estudios posteriores con un alto grado de autonomía.
B6 Capacidad para concebir, redactar, organizar, planificar, y desarrollar modelos, aplicaciones y servicios en el ámbito de la inteligencia artificial, identificando objetivos, prioridades, plazos recursos y riesgos, y controlando los procesos establecidos.
B7 Capacidad para resolver problemas con iniciativa, toma de decisiones, autonomía y creatividad.
B8 Capacidad para diseñar y crear modelos y soluciones de calidad basadas en Inteligencia Artificial que sean eficientes, robustas, transparentes y responsables.
B9 Capacidad para seleccionar y justificar los métodos y técnicas adecuadas para resolver un problema concreto, o para desarrollar y proponer nuevos métodos basados en inteligencia artificial.
C2 Capacidad de trabajo en equipo, en entornos interdisciplinares y gestionando conflictos.
C3 Capacidad para crear nuevos modelos y soluciones de forma autónoma y creativa, adaptándose a nuevas situaciones. Iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor.
C6 Capacidad para integrar aspectos jurídicos, sociales, ambientales y económicos inherentes a la inteligencia artificial, analizando sus impactos, y comprometiéndose con la búsqueda de soluciones compatibles con un desarrollo sostenible.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To know how to solve different problems, understanding the complexity issues and the suitability of the proposed solutions. A1
To know the basic algoritmic strategies used in efficient algorithms design. A1
To know how to apply efficient algorithms on classic problems, as sorting and searching. A1
To know how to determinate the spatial & temporal complexities of different algorithms. A1
To learn and to dominate data structures suited for graphs and to learn to know and apply algorithms on them, in order to solve basic AI problems. A5
To learn algorthms design and applications on graphs, in order to solve basic AI problems. A1

Topic Sub-topic
Lesson 1. Analysis of Algorithms.
Code: T1.
Outline: This first lesson addresses the analysis of algorithm complexity as one of the main goals of the course.
The idea is to add algorithmic efficiency to the toolbox of already familiar criteria like program structure and correctness.
Lesson topics:
1. Analysis of the efficiency of algorithms: asymptotic notations, computation model, empirical verification of the analysis.
2. Calculation of runtimes: analysis of worst and average cases, calculation of O, resolution of recurrence relations.
Lesson 2. Data Structures
Code: T2.
Outline: In this lesson, a revision of basic data structures is proposed (stacks, lists, queues, trees, sets and graphs) to study their usage concerns regarding spatial and temporal complexities. Similarly, a deep study is done over interesting structures regarding execution times: hash tables and heaps. This last structure will be turned to when dealing with an improvement over graph algorithms and in certain dynamic programming cases. The complexity of the searching operation can be used as a leitmotif in this lesson.
In the introduction of this lesson, it is important to insist on structure criteria of any application designed, motivating the use of abstract data structures and its implementation by modules. The objective is to establish general outlines of what is considered a programming discipline, which must be required from the student in the practicals.
Lesson topics:
1. Stacks, queues and lists
2. Trees and heaps
3. Hashing
4. Disjoint sets
5. Graphs (representation)
Lesson 3. Algorithms on sequences and sets of data
Code: T3.
Outline: The problem of sorting a sequence of elements becomes, in this part of the course, an ideal excuse both for studying the complexity of various kinds of algorithms and to present different algorithm design strategies that can be extrapolated to solve other problems.
One of the algorithms that merit special attention is quicksort, as it can be used to introduce the fundamental characteristic of random algorithms, which can behave in different ways on the same input. A direct consequence is that the concepts of "best case" or "worst case" for a concrete input no longer makes sense, which is an important aspect to discuss in class.
Lesson topics:
1. Search algorithms
2. Sorting algorithms: insertion, Shell, heapsort, mergesort, quicksort
3. Random algorithms
Lesson 4. Greedy algorithms
Code: T4.
Outline: In this lesson, greedy algorithms are studied. Once the technique is explained using its general characteristics, presented using an example, the most representative algorithms of this category will be studied: graph algorithms, a solution for the knapsack problem and a planning task problem.
Lesson topics:
1. The knapsack problem
2. Graph algorithms: topological sorting, minimum spanning tree and shortest paths
3. Hashing
Lesson 5. Algorithm design by induction
Code: T5.
Outline: At this point, the student has already seen various algorithms that follow a divide-and-conquer strategy: mergesort and quicksort, binary search, maximum subsequence sum... the work proposed in the first part of this lesson consist in generalising the formulation of said strategy, identifying its distinct features in each of the proposed algorithms.
The second unit of this lesson concerns the use of a bottom-up strategy to find a general solution from the solutions to elementary subproblems. From an efficiency viewpoint, the use of top-down techniques like "divide and conquer" will be questioned in some situations. The option of dynamic programming can yield a compromise allowing, when possible, an optimization of the amount of memory required by the algorithm.
Lesson topics:
1. Divide and conquer
2. Dynamic programming: optimality principle, knapsack problem
Lesson 6. Exploring graphs
Code: T6
Outline: The objective of this lesson is to give a broader insight of graph applications to undertake problems of different nature, and to take into account algorithmic techniques linked to the development of relevant areas of computer science as artificial intelligence. The graph algorithms studied in greedy algorithms lesson (T4) agree on visiting all the graph nodes. The improvement of the execution times of those algorithms that avoid the exhaustive visit of the graph nodes will be emphasized.
Lesson topics:
1. Exploring graphs
2. Strategy games
3. Backtracking algorithms
Lesson 7. Computational complexity
Code: T7
Outline: In this last lesson, we introduce a reasoning about the set of algorithms that can solve each kind of problem. We will deal with the complexity of problems, lower bounds for problem complexity and NP-completeness. In brief, we will address the main techniques and concepts used in the study of computational complexity.
Lesson topics:
1. NP-Completeness, NP-Complete problems

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A5 B2 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 C3 28.75 28.75 57.5
Short answer questions A1 A5 B2 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 C3 1.25 6.25 7.5
Laboratory practice A1 A5 B2 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 C2 C3 C6 19 19 38
Supervised projects A5 B2 B4 B6 B7 C3 C6 4 2 6
Problem solving A1 B2 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 C3 5 10 15
Objective test A1 A5 B2 B4 B6 B7 B8 B9 C3 C6 4 20 24
Personalized attention 2 0 2
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Lectures where theoretical knowledge is taught using various resources: blackboard, slides, projections, demos and virtual resources. They may include guest lectures by invited speakers.
Short answer questions Tests that consist in solving exercises involving the execution of cases using the algorithms studied in the course, or their adaptation to other situations. These tests are assessed.
Laboratory practice Practicals designed by the professor, based in the knowledge acquired by the student in the keynote speeches, and which therefore complement them.

The students will develop this work in groups of two or three throughout the course, and individually in a final practical that is included in the objective test.

The practicals will consist in the implementation of programs that illustrate problems related with the course contents. A report of results will be required for assessment. During the hours assigned to each practical, the reports of the previous practical will be assessed.
Supervised projects Supervised projects proposed by the professor and developed by the students, either in groups or individually.
Problem solving Examples will be developed on the theoretical contents of each part of the course, and doubts will be solved. The resolution of some of the problems will be assessed individually.
Objective test Knowledge of the theoretical and practical contents of the course will be assessed, as well as the final individual practical assignment.

Personalized attention
Laboratory practice
Supervised projects
Problem solving
Problem-solving lessons in small groups: Examples about theoretical contents related to the lesson will be developed and questions will be answered.

Individual or in groups tests for monitoring purposes about the lesson studied. The teacher controls them by SGTs and assessment tests.

Computer laboratory practicals: Programs will be implemented to learn problems related to the lesson. A report with results will be asked for assessment.

Regarding individual tutoring, it will be maintained during each teacher's office hours through the following channels:
- Email, for short answer questions.
- Teams: virtual meetings, preferably upon request via email.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Short answer questions A1 A5 B2 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 C3 Two objective tests of monitoring assessment, where the theoretical contents skills of the academic work will be evaluated.

They will be made during lectures and will be pre-announced in the initial planning presented in the start of the course.
Laboratory practice A1 A5 B2 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 C2 C3 C6 Four laboratory practicals made in groups of two or three, where it will be assessed: program structure, documentation quality, clarity, appropriateness, and result explanation.
To deliver the laboratory practicals in time and form is a necessary condition to take the objective individual practical test for the first opportunity (January).
Assessment is done by monitoring practical work, during the laboratory practicals sessions.
Problem solving A1 B2 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 C3 Evaluation of two or three exercises where, after solving doubts, examples about content skills of the lesson will be developed.

These exercises will be carried out in Small Group Tutorial (SGT) hours scheduled along the course. Sometimes, they may be finished in non-teaching hours.
Objective test A1 A5 B2 B4 B6 B7 B8 B9 C3 C6 Theoretical and operative knowledge of the subject will be evaluated.

Individual theory exam: 55%
Individual practice exam: 15%

To take the first opportunity practice exam, it is mandatory to deliver the laboratory practices in time.
Assessment comments

The individual practical exam (objective test) will take place the
same day of the theory exam and different shifts may be established
depending on the number of students enrolled; it is mandatory for the
student to have in its laptop (or in its user account) all the practical work done in the

A student will have a status of “Absent” if he does not attend the theory and practical exams in the official evaluation period.

Part-time enrollment students:
this subject, this fact involves that the final grade will be the best
one between the one obtained following this teaching guide criteria and
the one obtained in the objective test with the following division: 70%
theory exam and 30% practical exam.

In the 2nd opportunity, the
student may attend again the theory and practice exams (parts planned in
the objective test). If they do not appear for any of these, the grade
obtained in the 1st opportunity will be retained for them.

In the advanced opportunity of December the total grade (100%)
corresponds to a specific exam with theoretical and practical issues.

All aspects related with academic dispensation, dedication to study, permanence and academic fraud will be treated in accordance with current academic regulations of the UDC.

Sources of information
Basic M. A. Weiss (1995). Estructuras de Datos y Algoritmos. Addison Wesley
G. Brassard y P. Bratley (1997). Fundamentos de Algoritmia. Prentice Hall
U. Manber (1989). Introduction to Algorithms - A Creative Approach. Addison Wesley

Complementary R. Peña Marí (2005). Diseño de Programas. Formalismo y Abstracción. Tercera edición.. Pearson Prentice Hall
T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson y R. L. Rivest (1990). Introduction to Algorithms. MIT Press
F. Aguado, F. Gago, M. Ladra, G. Pérez, C. Vidal y A. M. Vieites (2018). Problemas resueltos de Combinatoria. Laboratorio con SageMath. Paraninfo
R. Sedgewick (1988). Algorithms. Addison Wesley
Goodrich, Michael T. (2013). Data structures and algorithms in Python. John Wiley and Sons

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Programming I/614G03006
Programming II/614G03007
Discrete Mathematics/614G03003

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Basic Algorithms of Artificial Intelligence/614G03019
Automata and Formal Languages/614G03017
Concurrent. Parallel and Distributed Computation/614G03014

Other comments

As established in the relevant regulations, this subject incorporates gender perspective (non-sexist language will be used, the participation of male and female students in class will be encouraged...). We will work to identify sexist prejudices and actitudes and will influence the surroundings to modify them and promote values of respect and equality. Any situations of gender discrimination should be detected, and actions and measures proposed to correct them.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.