Identifying Data 2024/25
Subject (*) Cooperation, migration. and development Code 615525015
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Políticas Sociais e Intervención Sociocomunitaria
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 1st four-month period
Second Optional 5
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Socioloxía e Ciencias da Comunicación
Espiñeira González, Keina Raquel
Espiñeira González, Keina Raquel
General description Este curso analiza os conceptos de desenvolvemento, cooperación para o desenvolvemento e co-desenvolvemento desde unha perspectiva sociolóxica e política. Os alumnos estudarán os principais plans de cooperación ao desenvolvemento. Prestarase especial atención ás relacións cos países da rexión mediterránea e con África.

Competencies / Study results
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 CE1 - Determinar as dimensións e categorías axeitadas para o diagnóstico e a análise científica das situacións de exclusión social.
A2 CE2 - Interpretar os feitos e as políticas sociais desde os distintos paradigmas teóricos vixentes na análise da exclusión.
A6 CE6 - Avaliar a capacidade e eficacia das medidas de intervención para corrixir ou previr situacións e procesos de exclusión social.
A7 CE7 - Identificar e valorar a posibilidade de intervención e prevención en procesos de conflitividade social.
A8 CE8 - Identificar procesos e factores de cohesión social, e deseñar medidas para a súa potenciación.
A10 CEM2 - Dominar as principais ferramentas conceptuais e técnicas que permiten definir un colectivo e unha problemática migratoria como obxecto de estudo e análise.
A12 CEM4 - Explicar os principios básicos que orientan os distintos tipos de políticas migratorias existentes, e analizar a eficacia, o deseño e a xestión destas políticas.
A14 CEM6 - Actuar como profesional competente e cualificado/a no ámbito da análise das migracións internacionais e do traballo con colectivos migrantes.
B1 CB1 - Demostrar coñecementos avanzados, de carácter multidisciplinar, para a investigación e o exercicio profesional no ámbito da exclusión social.
B2 CB2 - Aplicar e integrar os coñecementos a contornos e problemas emerxentes e indefinidos, na práctica investigadora e profesional.
B3 CB3 - Seleccionar o marco científico adecuado para avaliar as evidencias dispoñibles e postular hipóteses razoadas sobre a avaliación previsible dos feitos sociais estudados.
B5 CB5 - Comunicar con claridade os coñecementos e problemas científicos sobre os que se traballa tanto a un público non experto como de especialistas.
B6 CB6 - Posuír e comprender coñecementos que proporcionen unha base ou oportunidade para ser orixinais no desenvolvemento e/ou a aplicación de ideas, a miúdo nun contexto de investigación.
B13 CX1 - Comprender e integrar coñecementos complexos para traducilos en propostas de investigación e programas de intervención en contextos sociais problemáticos.
B14 CX2 - Realizar unha análise crítica da realidade social e do desenvolvemento profesional vinculada aos feitos sociais sobre os que se traballa.
B15 CX3 - Deseñar, aplicar e avaliar proxectos de investigación en ciencias sociais relacionados cos procesos e as situacións de exclusión social.
B17 CX5 - Elaborar e defender informes, proxectos e memorias no campo das ciencias sociais.
B18 CX6 - Valorar a adecuación das distintas ferramentas teóricas, metodolóxicas e técnicas ás preguntas e os obxectivos específicos formulados sobre a realidade social e as políticas sociais.
C1 CT1 - Adequate oral and written expression in the official languages.
C4 CT4 - Acting as a respectful citizen according to democratic cultures and human rights and with a gender perspective.
C5 CT5 - Understanding the importance of entrepreneurial culture and the useful means for enterprising people.
C6 CT6 -Acquiring skills for healthy lifestyles, and healthy habits and routines.
C7 CT7 - Developing the ability to work in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary teams in order to offer proposals that can contribute to a sustainable environmental, economic, political and social development.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Identify and critically reflect upon issues, theories and the politics of migration and development: causes, interrelationship and possibly policy interventions. AC1
To understand the evolution of the migration - development nexus within the European Union framework. AC14
Formulate advanced research questions regarding migration and development. AC10
To develop research involving the analysis of practical cases of cooperation for development, linked to the management and governance of migration and borders. BC1

Topic Sub-topic
1. Conceptual framework: cooperation, development and migrations 1.1. Development cooperation. The origins
1.2. The migration-development nexus
1.3. The concept of co-development
2. Policies, actors and tendencies in the migration-development nexus 2.1. Modalities and areas of intervention
2.2. Network of actors
2.3. Gender and the migration-development nexus
3. Cooperation for development and
immigration policy in the European Union
3.1. The external dimension of the EU migration policy
3.2. EU's tools for partnering with third countries
3.3. Externalisation and funding conditionalities
3.4. Economic instruments in EU development policies and the geographical distribution of aid
4. The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership 4.1. North African migration systems
4.2. From the Barcelona process to the Union for the Mediterranean
4.3. Renewed partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood: a New Agenda for the Mediterranean
5. The Euro-African Dialogue on Migration and Development 5.1. Migration systems: Western Sahel and Horn of Africa
5.2. Rabat and Khartoum Processes
5.3. The Second-Generation Partnership Approach
5.4. The Valetta Summit 2015. Present challenges
Seminar I: Development cooperation and migrations in Latin America .
Seminar II: The transnational dimension of development in a local perspective .

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Directed discussion A1 A2 A8 A10 A14 B1 B5 B6 B18 C1 C5 C6 C7 10 10 20
Workbook A10 A12 B3 B6 10 50 60
Collaborative learning A6 B2 B5 B13 B14 B15 B17 B18 C1 C4 C6 C7 10 20 30
Seminar A7 A12 A14 B13 B14 B18 C1 2 7 9
Personalized attention 6 0 6
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Directed discussion The sessions are based on a theoretical introduction to each didactic unit and student participation in guided discussions.
Workbook Presentation and commentary in class on the texts assigned to each student or group of students.
Collaborative learning A set of research procedures guided and/or supported by information and communication technologies, based on the organisation of the class into small groups in which students work together to solve tasks assigned by the teacher in order to optimise their own learning and that of the other members of the group.
Seminar Participation in a seminar organised by experts with experience in the development cooperation sector.

Personalized attention
Directed discussion
Collaborative learning
Students can request personalized tutoring by e-mail.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Directed discussion A1 A2 A8 A10 A14 B1 B5 B6 B18 C1 C5 C6 C7 Attendance at the lectures and active participation in the discussions arising from them will be assessed. 10
Workbook A10 A12 B3 B6 The completion of the suggested readings for each unit will be assessed through their presentation in the classroom and/or the development of textual commentaries. 40
Collaborative learning A6 B2 B5 B13 B14 B15 B17 B18 C1 C4 C6 C7 Carrying out practical activities in teams in which different tests are combined: readings, debates, analysis of secondary sources, problem solving.

For students in distance learning or with recognition of part-time dedication and academic dispensation of exemption from attendance, the activities will be carried out individually and must be delivered in writing (through the system enabled for that in the virtual classroom).
Assessment comments

For students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic exemption, a specific tutoring program will be agreed at the beginning of the course, according to their dedication.

In the 2nd opportunity, the evaluation criteria will be the same as those proposed for the 1st call.

It is compulsory to solve the activities in a reasoned way, supporting and arguing based on the documents of the subject and others that may be considered of interest. 

The improper use of citations and bibliographical references may result in a penalty in the final grade and plagiarism in the failure of the subject.

The delivery of the work to be done in this subject will be done through the tool provided for it in the virtual classroom, in digital format and on the dates indicated by the teachers.

All aspects related to "academic dispensation", "dedication to study", "permanence" and "academic fraud" will be governed in accordance with the current academic regulations of the UDC 

Sources of information
  • Bastia, Tanja and Skeldon, Ronald (eds.) (2020) Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development. Routledge 
  • International Organization for Migration (2023) World Migration Report
  • Chetail, V. (2008) “Paradigm and Paradox of the Migration-Development Nexus: The New Border for North-South Dialogue” German Yearbook of International Law, 52: 183-215.
  • Portes, A. (2009) “Migration and development: reconciling opposite views”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32:1, 5-22.
  • Raghuram, P. (2009) “Which Migration, What Development? Unsettling the Edifice of Migration and Development”, Population, Space and Place, 15, 103–117. DOI: 10.1002/psp.536 
  • Geiger, M. and Pécoud, A. (2013) “Migration, Development and the ‘Migration and Development Nexus’”, Population, Space and Place, DOI: 10.1002/psp.1778
  • Gamlen, A. (2014) “The new migration-and-development pessimism”, Progress in Human Geography, 1–17, DOI: 10.1177/0309132513512544
  • Guizardi and Grimson (2020) “Migration and Development Transition. A Perspective from Latin America”, in: Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development, edited by Tanja Bastia, Ronald Skeldon 
  • Casas, M. and Cobarrubias, S. (2018) “’It is Obvious from the Map!’: Disobeying the Production of Illegality Beyond Borderlines”, Movements: Journal Fur Kritische Migrations und Grenzregimeforschung, 4(1): 29-44.
  • Cortinovis, R. and Conte, C. (2018) “Migration-related Conditionality in EU External Funding”, ReSOMA Discussion Brief, July 2018
  • Collyer, M. (2016) "Geopolitics as a migration governance strategy: European Union bilateral relations with Southern Mediterranean countries", Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(4): 606-624.
  • Crawley, H. and Blitz, B.K. (2019) “Common agenda or Europe’s agenda? International protection, human rights and migration from the Horn of Africa”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(12): 2258-2274
  • Zanker, Franzisca (2019) Managing or restricting movement? Diverging approaches of African and European migration governance, Comparative Migration Studies 7: 17,  
  • Zardo, Federica (2022) The EU Trust Fund for Africa: Geopolitical Space Making through Migration Policy Instruments. Geopolitics, 27:2, 584-603

NOTE: This bibliography may be modified as the academic year progresses in order to adapt it to the training needs of the students.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Information sources and statistical techniques for the analysis of social policies/615525007
Design, management and evaluation of social policies/615525009

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Migration policies and migration law/615525012
History and theories of migratory movements/615525013

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

Students must regularly check the virtual platform and consult the proposed documents and activities.

The lecturers will communicate with students through the Virtual Classroom or the UDC email.

Communication with the lecturer should be carried out through institutional channels and using the university's email.

In this subject:

  • A sustainable use of resources and the prevention of negative impacts on the natural environment must be made.
  • The importance of ethical principles related to the values of sustainability in personal and professional behaviour will be taken into account.
  • In accordance with the different regulations applicable to university teaching, the gender perspective must be incorporated into this subject (non-sexist language will be used, bibliography of male and female authors will be used, the intervention of all students in class will be encouraged, etc.). This will be done in order to identify and modify sexist prejudices and attitudes, and will have an impact on the environment in order to modify them and promote values of respect and equality. Likewise, the right to gender identity will be respected.
  • The full integration of students who, for physical, sensory, mental or socio-cultural reasons, experience difficulties in gaining adequate, equal and profitable access to university life will be facilitated.
  • The principle of democratic debate will be upheld, listening to and respecting all the different opinions on the subjects dealt with, both on the part of the teaching staff and the students.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.