Identifying Data 2024/25
Subject (*) English Code 631G01175
Study programme
Grao en Náutica e Transporte Marítimo
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
First Basic training 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Letras
Fraga Vaamonde, Maria Pilar
Fraga Vaamonde, Maria Pilar
General description Familiarizar ao alumno co manexo de documentos relacionados coa terminoloxía marítima. Emprego do vocabulario e frases marítimas normalizadas da OMI. Reforzaranse os coñecementos sobre as estructuras gramaticais recurrentes no Inglés para Fins Específicos, así como o vocabulario e as expresións propias dos homes e mulleres da mar, tanto a nivel oral como escrito.

Competencies / Study results
Code Study programme competences / results
A54 RA1C-Write, explain and transmit the theoretical knowledge acquired both orally and in writing using scientific-technical language.
A56 RA3C-Writing and interpreting technical documentation in English
B37 RA15H-Use standardised international maritime navigation vocabulary
B80 RA81H–Contribute to effective communications on board the ship.
B81 RA82H–Contribute to good human relations on board the ship.
C15 RA17X-Communicating effectively in a work environment.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
RA1C-Write, explain and transmit the theoretical knowledge acquired both orally and in writing using scientific-technical language. A54
RA3C-Writing and interpreting technical documentation in English A56
RA15H-Use standardised international maritime navigation vocabulary B37
RA82H-Contribute to good human relations on board the ship. B81
RA81H-Contribute to effective communications on board the ship. B80
RA17X - Communicating effectively in a work environment C15

Topic Sub-topic
- Grammar - Vocabulary - Reading - Listening - Speaking - Writing

-O desenvolvemento e superación destes contidos, xunto cos correspondentes a outras materias que inclúan a adquisición de competencias específicas da titulación, garanten o coñecemento, comprensión e suficiencia das competencias recollidas no cadro AII/2, do Convenio STCW, relacionadas co nivel de xestión de Primeiro Oficial de Ponte da Mariña Mercante, sen limitación de arqueo bruto e Capitán da Mariña Mercante ata o máximo de 3000 GT.
- Ship handling
- Ship’s motion
- Parts of a ship
- The crew. Ship’s departments
- Seaspeak (English for Maritime Communications)
- Messages in SMCP and Message Markers
- Standard Wheel Orders
- Standard Engine Orders
- General description of a vessel
- Positions on board and outside the vessel
- External parts of a merchant ship
- Pilot on the bridge
- Anchoring and leaving the anchorage
- Tug assitance
- Berthing and unberthing
- Nautical abbreviations
- Expressing On Board Procedures
- Expressing Time
- Expressing Geographical Position, Bearings and Distance
- The NATO phonetic alphabet (letters and numbers)
- Hints on using VHF radiotelephone
- Marine navigation
- Nautical chart symbols
- Mathematical operations and geometrical shapes
- Navigation(al) notices (Navigation(al) warnings)
- Corrections and repetitions in SMCPs
- COLREGS (Collision Regulations)
- Cargo and cargo handling
- Prepositions: place, movement and other uses
- Types of cargo ships
- Stevedores
- Types of goods
- Import/Export
- Cargo stability
- In port: Dockside vocabulary
- Communications on board a ship
- Cargo manifest
- Safety on board / Hazards on board
- Occupational safety
- Fire protection and Fire Fighting and Damage Control
- Grounding
- Search and Rescue on board activities
- Geographical features of the coast
- Planning a trip

- Cadro A-II/2 do Convenio STCW.
Especificación das normas mínimas de competencia aplicables a Capitáns e primeiros oficiais de ponte de buques de arqueo bruto igual ou superior a 500 GT.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Summary A54 A56 B37 B80 B81 C15 15 30 45
Laboratory practice A54 A56 B37 B80 B81 C15 18 32 50
Supervised projects A54 A56 B37 B80 B81 C15 2 0 2
Objective test A54 A56 B37 B80 B81 C15 4 0 4
Guest lecture / keynote speech A54 A56 B37 B80 B81 C15 15 30 45
Personalized attention 4 0 4
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Summary Consiste nunha síntese dos principais contidos traballados.
Laboratory practice Metodoloxía que permite que os estudantes aprendan de xeito efectivo a través da realización de actividades de carácter práctico, tales como exercicios.
Supervised projects Metodoloxía deseñada para promover a aprendizaxe autónoma dos estudantes, baixo a tutela do profesor e en escenarios variados (académicos e profesionais). Está referida prioritariamente ao aprendizaxe do “cómo facer as cousas”. Constitúe unha opción baseada na asunción polos estudantes da responsabilidade pola súa propia aprendizaxe.
Este sistema de ensino baséase en dous elementos básicos: a aprendizaxe independente dos estudantes e o seguimento desa aprendizaxe polo profesor-titor.
Objective test O estudantado realizará unha proba práctica final para avaliar a aprendizaxe da materia impartida.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Durante as sesións maxistrais presentaranse diferentes aspectos da lingua inglesa, tales como o vocabulario específico de interese para o exercicio profesional da titulación e certas estruturas gramaticais. Trátase dunha exposición oral complementada coa introducción dalgunhas preguntas dirixidas aos estudantes, coa finalidade de transmitir coñecementos e facilitar a aprendizaxe.

Personalized attention
Supervised projects
Students will attend a series of tutorials to check on the general development of the course and specifically, on the supervised project.

This also applies to part-time students.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects A54 A56 B37 B80 B81 C15 Project supervised throughout the academic term 10
Laboratory practice A54 A56 B37 B80 B81 C15 English practice 30
Objective test A54 A56 B37 B80 B81 C15 Wtitten test 60
Assessment comments

- Deadlines are strict: missed or late assignments will not be
collected, nor graded.

- In order to pass the course a minimum of 5 out of 10 in the final mark is

- End of term exam: x/6. The student must achieve a minimum score of
2 out of 6 in the exam to add the class assignment marks (x/4) to it. Likewise,
a total minimum score of 1,5 out of 4 in the class assignments is required to
add the exam marks (x/6) to it. Otherwise, the student will be given a final
score of 4.8 (x/10) and will have to sit for the "second chance examination" in July.

- "Second chance exam":
x/10. Those students who are absent from or fail the official exam(ination
session will have to sit for the "second chance exam" in
July, where a minimum of 5 out of 10 is required in order to pass the
course. This exam will include all the assignments done during the term.

- Students sitting the December exam (final exam brought forward)
will be assessed according to the criteria specified for the July opportunity.

- Those students who do not sit the exam (x/6 in May; x/10 in July and
December) will be given a grade of NP (absent).

 - Students who are officially registered as part time, and have
been granted permission not to attend classes, as stipulated in the
regulations of this University, will be assessed in either of the opportunities
according to the same criteria specified for the second opportunity. 

- ADI is a university office specialised in attending to members of the
university with special needs
due to discapacity or other differentiating
situations with regard to the rest of the community. Students can contact ADI
directly at, or by phone: 981 167000, ext. 5622,
or via email:

Sources of information

Allister Nisbet et al 1998: MarlinsEnglish for Seafarers. Marlins.

Blakey, T.N. 1983: Englishfor Maritime Studies. Prentice Hall.

Bruce, A.E.; Aguirre, M.C.1984: English for Seamen. The English Institute.

Carrasco Cabrera, M.J. 2011: Inglés TécnicoMarítimo para Titulaciones Náuticas Profesionales y Capitán de Yate. Netbiblo S.L.

Eastwood, J. 1994: OxfordPractice Grammar (with answers). Oxford: O.U.P.

Grice, T. 2009: English forMariners. Arbeitsbereich Linguistik, WWU Münster.

Grice, T. 2012: English forthe Maritime Industry. Idris Education.

Hewings, Martin 2006:Advanced Grammar in Use. Cambridge: C.U.P.

Jones, L. 2005: MakingProgress to First Certificate (Self-study Student's Book). Cambridge: C.U.P.

López, E., Spiegelberg, J.M. & Carrillo, F.2008: Inglés Técnico Naval. Universidad de Cádiz.

López Pampín, A. ; González Liaño, I. 2004: Inglés Marítimo.Instituto Universitario de Estudios Marítimos.

McCarthy, M.; O’Dell, F. 1994:English Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge: C.U.P.

Murphy, Raymond 2004: English Grammarin Use (with answers). Cambridge: C.U.P.

Sánchez Benedito, F. 1991: Gramática Inglesa.Madrid: Alhambra Longman.

Subirá, T. 2006: Comunicaciones Marítimas enInglés. Ediciones Omega S.A.

Swan, Michael 1995: PracticalEnglish Usage. Oxford: O.U.P.

Taboas Vázquez, J.B.; Fernández Pérez, F. 1984: GramáticaInglesa e Inglés marítimo. Ed. J.B. Taboas.

Thomson, A.J. and A.V.Martinet 1993: A Practical English Grammar. Oxford: O.U.P.

Vince, Michael 1998: IntermediateLanguage Practice. Oxford: Heinemann.

1995: InternationalDictionary of English. Cambridge: C.U.P.

1995: Word Selector, Inglés-Español. Cambridge:C.U.P.

1996: Diccionario Oxford Avanzado para estudiantesde Inglés. Oxford: O.U.P.

2005: Cambridge AdvancedLearner's Dictionary. Cambridge: C.U.P.

2006: Diccionario Cambridge KLETT CompactEspañol-Inglés, English-Spanish. Cambridge: C.U.P.

Suárez Gil, Luis 1981: Diccionario Técnico Marítimo. Alhambra.


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

It goes without saying that my classes will promote values of respect and equality.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.