Identifying Data 2024/25
Subject (*) Special Cargoes Transport Code 631G01401
Study programme
Grao en Náutica e Transporte Marítimo
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Fourth Optional 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Ciencias da Navegación e Enxeñaría Mariña
Pérez Canosa, José Manuel
Pérez Canosa, José Manuel
Web http://
General description Materia complementaria de Estiba (3º curso de Grao) coa finalidade de capacitar aos estudantes en todos os aspectos relacionados coas operacións de carga, descarga, estiba, trincaxe da carga e o transporte seguro das mercadorías nos buques.

Competencies / Study results
Code Study programme competences / results
A58 RA5C-Identify ship components.
A61 RA20C-Interpret plans and/or technical documentation
B31 RA9H-Effectively solve practical problems associated with the subject by applying the knowledge acquired.
B42 RA31H–Inspect and report on defects and malfunctions in cargo spaces, hatches and ballast tanks
B54 RA53H–Transporting dangerous goods
B55 RA54H–Controlling trimming, stability and stresses
B56 RA57H–Develop contingency plans for fault control, and act effectively in such situations.
B78 RA79H–Take precautions to prevent pollution of the marine environment.
B102 RA105H–Organise on-board emergency procedures
C23 RA30X–Overseeing the loading, stowage and securing of cargo, and its care during the voyage and disembarkation.
C24 RA32X–Ensuring compliance with pollution prevention requirements
C25 RA33X–Maintaining the seaworthiness of the ship
C27 RA37X–Monitoring compliance with legislative requirements
C32 RA51X–Plan and ensure the loading, stowage and securing of cargo, and its care during the voyage and disembarkation.
C33 RA52X–Assess reported failures and defects, in cargo spaces, hatch covers and ballast tanks, and take appropriate action
C34 RA55X–Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements and measures to ensure safety of life at sea, maritime security and protection of the marine environment.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
RA5C. Identify ship components A58
RA20C. Interpret plans and/or technical documentation A61
RA9H. Effectively solve practical problems associated with the subject by applying the knowledge acquired. B31
RA31H. Inspect and report on defects and malfunctions in cargo spaces, hatches and ballast tanks B42
RA53H. Transporting dangerous goods B54
RA54H. Controlling trimming, stability and stresses B55
RA57H. Develop contingency plans for fault control, and act effectively in such situations. B56
RA79H. Take precautions to prevent pollution of the marine environment. B78
RA105H. Organise on-board emergency procedures B102
RA30X. Overseeing the loading, stowage and securing of cargo, and its care during the voyage and disembarkation. C23
RA32X. Ensuring compliance with pollution prevention requirements C24
RA33X. Maintaining the seaworthiness of the ship C25
RA37X. Monitoring compliance with legislative requirements C27
RA51X. Plan and ensure the loading, stowage and securing of cargo, and its care during the voyage and disembarkation. C32
RA52X. Assess reported failures and defects, in cargo spaces, hatch covers and ballast tanks, and take appropriate action C33
RA55X. Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements and measures to ensure safety of life at sea, maritime security and protection of the marine environment. C34

Topic Sub-topic
1. GRAIN CARGOES Introducción
Código internacional para o transporte de grao
Ángulo de reposo
Buques para o transporte de grao
Documento de autorización
Cálculo dos momentos escorantes supostos
Exemplo de determinación do momento volumétrico escorante suposto nunha adega chea
Prescripcións sobre estabilidade
Estiba de grao a granel
Métodos para reducir o momento escorante
Planificación e control das operacións de carga e descarga
Obtención dos momentos escorantes supostos para diferentes estibas
Cálculo de estabilidade para os buques que transporten graos a granel
Procededementos seguros de manipulación, estiba e suxeción da carga, incluidas as cargas sólidas a granel, e a sua influencia na seguridade da vida humana e do buque.
Precaucións que deben tomarse para evitar a contaminación do medio mariño
2. CARGO STOWAGE AND LASHING Forzas que se orixinan no transporte de mercadorías por mar
Compoñentes dunha trinca
Forza de fricción ou rozamento
Métodos de trincaxe
Determinación da resistencia dos dispositivos de suxeción
Camas de estiba
Convenios da OMI relativos a seguridade da vida humana no mar e a protección do medio mariño.
O Código CSS
Suxeción de cargas non normalizadas
Método empírico de trincaxe
Método de cálculo avanzado
Método alternativo: equilibrio de forzas
Manual de suxeción da carga
Estiba y suxeción de tubarías de gran diámetro na cuberta
Outros métodos de trincaxe
Coñecemento dos efectos da carga, incluidas as cargas pesadas, na navegabilidade e estabilidade do buque.
Procededementos seguros de manipulación, estiba e suxeción da carga e a sua influencia na seguridade da vida humana e do buque
Propiedades da carga
Principios de estiba e suxeción
Medios de suxeción
Estiba de troncos, postes e trozas
Estiba de madeira aserrada solta ou en fardos
Métodos alternativos de suxeción da cubertada
Precaucións durante o viaxe
Estiba de rollos de papel
Carga de balas
Líñas de carga para o transporte de madeira na cubierta
Cálculo da carga máxima a embarcar na cuberta
Sistemas de refrixeración
Transporte de mercadorias perecedeiras
Control de atmósferas
Transporte de cargas refrixeradas en contenedores
Preparación das adegas dun buque reefer
Estiba de cargas refrixeradas
Cuidados da carga
Temperaturas recomendadas de transporte
5. CONTAINER SHIPS O contenedor: introducción
Dimensións e características dos contenedores
Tipos de contenedores
Buqes portacontenedores
Tipos de buques portacontenedores
Planos de estiba
Elementos de trincaxe dos contenedores
Trincaxe de contenedores
Forzas e tipos de fallos no trincaxe
Principios de estiba
Navegación con mal tempo nun buque portacontenedores
6. RO-RO SHIPS AND RO-RO CARGOES Desenvolvemento do buque ro-ro
O buque ro-ro
Tipos de buques ro-ro
O buque car carrier
Rampas de acceso
Utillaxe ro-ro
Equipos para o manexo e a estiba da carga
Normas xerais para o transporte de vehículos
Estiba e trincaxe de automóviles
Estiba e trincaxe de vehículos pesados
Diagramas de trincaxe para buques que realicen viaxes cortas
Precaucións para a protección e seguridade dos pasaxeiros en situacións de emerxencia
7. PROBLEMS / PRACTICAL EXERCISES Resolución de problemas de carga relacionados co programa:
Determinación da carga a embarcar e o reparto da carga para deixar o buque en calados.
Cálculos de trincaxe da carga nas adegas e na cuberta polo método avanzado e o alternativo.
Cálculos de trincaxe de tubarías de gran tamaño na cubierta.
Cálculos da máxima carga de madeira a embarcar na cubierta.
Cálculos de graos
The development and passing of these contents, together with those corresponding to other subjects that include the acquisition of specific competencies of the degree, guarantee the knowledge, understanding and sufficiency of the competencies listed in table AII / 2, of the STCW Convention, related to the management level of First Officer of Merchant Ships, without limitation of gross tonnage and Captain of Merchant Ships up to a maximum of 3000 GT. Table A-II / 2 of the STCW Convention.
Specification of the minimum competition rules applicable to captains and first officers of gross tonnage vessels equal to or greater than 500 GT.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A58 A61 B31 B42 B54 B55 B56 B78 B102 C23 C24 C25 C27 C32 C33 C34 30 30 60
Laboratory practice A61 A58 B31 B42 B54 B78 B102 C33 C32 C27 C25 C24 C23 30 50 80
Objective test A58 A61 B31 B42 B54 B55 B56 B78 B102 C23 C24 C25 C27 C32 C33 C34 4 0 4
Personalized attention 6 0 6
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Presentation of each of the topics with the support of Tics, when deemed necessary. As a complement to the theoretical classes, different loading and stowage calculation problems are presented in different ship models and with different goods, as well as lashing calculations.
Laboratory practice Resolution of different loading, stowage and lashing calculations with different types of goods and vessels. Students will have to solve the problems proposed by the teacher in order to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical way and/or using software.
Objective test The theoretical objective test will consist of a series of questions, between 10 and 20, of conceptual development on the subjects taught in class and on which students will be provided with sufficient material to pass. The test will also include the resolution of one to three problems (practical exercises) of loading, stowage and lashing calculations of the same type as those solved in class.

Personalized attention
Laboratory practice
During the tutoring timetable set by the Nautical School, and also on any other date previously agreed between the students and the teacher. Tutorials can be face-to-face or telematic (Teams), previous agreement.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Objective test A58 A61 B31 B42 B54 B55 B56 B78 B102 C23 C24 C25 C27 C32 C33 C34 It will be the result of the averages obtained in the partial tests (if any) and/or the final test.

Objective written test to assess knowledge and understanding of the basic contents of the subject, considering the students' skills and abilities, and their strategies and formulations in problem solving. It may combine different types of questions and problems.
Each partial test (P1 and P2) will be worth 50%. The final grade will be the result of the averages obtained in the partial tests and/or the final test, being necessary to pass the subject to obtain a minimum grade of 5.0 in each of the tests.

Objective written test. This will be compulsory for those students who do not participate or do not pass the assessment during the course. It allows to evaluate and check the expected results in terms of the overall content of the subject and to verify the degree of achievement of the proposed objectives.

The overall final exam, as a single assessment, will consist of a test composed of a theoretical part and a problem-solving part with independent assessment, being necessary to obtain a minimum of 5.0 points in each: a) theoretical (50%); b) practical (50%).
Laboratory practice A61 A58 B31 B42 B54 B78 B102 C33 C32 C27 C25 C24 C23 The final objective test will consist of solving two loading, stowage and lashing calculations (with different types of goods and vessels), similar to those solved in class. It will be compulsory for students who do not pass the evaluation of problem solving per course, if they have done so. 50
Assessment comments

Finalexam: The objective written test will be compulsory for those students who havenot participated in or passed the continuous evaluation of the subjectthroughout the course. The global final exam, as a single evaluation, willconsist of a test consisting of a theoretical part and a problem solving partwith independent assessment, being necessary to obtain a minimum of 5 points ineach and an average of 5: a) theoretical 50% ; b) 50% practice.

The evaluation criteria contemplated, in Table A-II / 1 of the STCW Code, and recollection of the Quality Assurance System, will be taken into account at the time of designing and carrying out the evaluation.

All aspects related to "academic dispensation", "dedication to study", "permanence" and "academic fraud" will be governed in accordance with the current academic regulations of the UDC. 

Sources of information
  1. Estiba de Cargas Sólidas, Felipe Louzán, Cartamar, A Coruña, 2016.
  2. Problemas de Estiba y Transportes Especiales. F. Louzán y José M. Pérez-Canosa. Cartamar, A Coruña, 2024.
  3. Código internacional para la construcción y el equipo de buques que transportes gases licuados a granel. OMI.
  4. Código IMDG, IMO 2018.
  5. Código IMSBC, IMO 2018.
  6. Código de prácticas de seguridad para la estiba y sujeción de la carga. IMO 2011.
  7. Código BLU: Código de prácticas de seguridad de las operaciones de carga y descarga de graneleros. IMO 2011.
  8. Manual de estiba de mercancías sólidas. Ricardo González Blanco, Ediciones UPC 2006
  9. Tratado de estiba. Capt. J.B.Costa, Tercera edición, 2008.
  10. Cargo work. David J. House, Seventh edition, 2007.
  11. Thomas Stowage: The properties and stowage of cargoes, 5th edition. Brown, Son & Ferguson, Ltd. 2008.
  12. Hatch Cover Inspections: A Practical Guide. Walter Vervloesem AMNI. The Nautical Institute, 2003.
  13. Hatch Covers: Operation, Testing and Maintenance. Mike Wall. Witherby Seamanship International, 2008.
  14. Steel: Carriage by Sea, fifth edition. Arthur Sparks & Frans Coppers. Lloyd’s Practical Shipping Guides, London 2009.
  15. Manejo de cargas: Riesgos y medidas preventivas, 2ª edición. Luis Mª Azcuénaga Linaza. FC Editorial, Madrid 2010.
  16. Bulk Carrier Practice, 2nd edition. Captain Jack Isbester. The Nautical Institute, London 2010.
  17. Bulk Carrier Notes. Abdul Khalique. Witherby Seamanship International, 2010.
  18. Cargo Notes. Dhananjay Swadi. Witherby Seamanship International, 2005.
  19. Cargo Ventilation: A Guide to Good Practice. David Anderson and Daniel Sheard. North of England P&I Association. Newcastle upon Tyne, 2006.
  20. Hatch Cover Maintenance and Operation: A Guide to Good Practice, Second Edition. David Byrne. . North of England P&I Association. Newcastle upon Tyne, 2005.
  21. Draught Surveys: A Guide to Good Práctice. Jim Dibble and Peter Mitchell.. North of England P&I Association 1998.
  22. Código de prácticas de seguridad para buques que transporten cubertadas de madera, IMO 1992.
  23. Código de prácticas de seguridad para buques que transporten cubertadas de madera, IMO 2011.
  24. Cargo Stowage and Securing: A Guide to Good Practice, Second edition. Charles Bliault. North of England P&I Association. Newcastle upon Tyne, 2007.
  25. Deck Stowage and Securing of Pipes. Charles Bliault. North of England P&I Association. Newcastle upon Tyne, 2008.
  26. Reefer Transport & Technology. Capt. A.W.C. Alders. Rotterdam Marine Chartering Agents B.V., The Neetherlands, 1995.
  27. Lashing and Securing of Deck Cargoes, second edition. The Nautical Institute, London 1994.
  28. Stability, Trim and Strength for Merchant Ships and Fishing Vessels, second edition. Ian Clark. The Nautical Institute, 2006.
  29. El transporte en contenedor. Ricard Mari y Jaime Rodrigo de Larrucea, Marge Books, 2012.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Ship's Theory I/631G01208
Cargo Stowage/631G01301

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.