Identifying Data 2024/25
Subject (*) Applied Social Psychology Code 652438007
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Psicoloxía Aplicada
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 1st four-month period
First Obligatory 3
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Psicoloxía
Espinosa Breen, Pablo
Espinosa Breen, Pablo
General description A Psicoloxía Social Aplicada centrase no análisis e intervención psicosociais en áreas ou contextos específicos. Toma a información xerada dende a investigación básica e a aplica a temas ou problemas concretos, a miúdo para atopar formas de mellorar a calidade de vida cotiá.
Orientase a áreas diversas da actividade humana como a saude, ls negocios, o traballo, a lei, a delincuencia, o medio ambente, a educación, a política, etc...

Competencies / Study results
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 To recognize and respect human diversity and to understand that psychological explanations may vary across populations and contexts.
A2 To identify the personal, psycho-social and / or educative factors that may put human health at risk.
A3 Being able to elaborate a scientific report which involves defining a research problem, the hypotheses and variables, and defining the design, the sample and its method of selection, the tools for collecting data and their subsequent analysis and discussion.
A4 Being able to achieve an adequate level of understanding of the recipient's demand in every situation or application context.
A5 Being able to perform a psychological evaluation in the context of a scientific investigation.
A6 Knowing how to specify the demand and the objectives of the case, and to collect the information depending on them.
A7 Knowing to track on a case by choosing appropriate and realistic objectives.
A8 To know the basis for hypotheses establishment with respect to a particular case, and from them to deduce contrastable statements.
A9 Knowing the quasi-quantitative and quantitative methods and techniques for gathering information in applied psychology.
A10 Being able to design instruments for gathering information in programs of psychological intervention.
A11 Knowing all kind of limitations and restrictions (personal, social, economic, ethical, etc.) which has the scientific and technical research.
A12 To acquire a basic theoretical knowledge about the state of the art in the different areas involved in applied psychology.
A13 Knowing and being able to use the different models, theories, methods and assessment and intervention techniques that are specific of the different areas of research in Applied Psychology, and developing a critical attitude typical of the scientific spirit.
A14 Being able to analyze the bibliographic documentation necessary for a research work.
A15 Being able to critically analyze the scientific literature.
A17 Being able to communicate the results of an investigation.
A18 To show an ethical and professional compromise with respect to civic, social and global responsibilities.
A19 Knowing and complying with the deontologic obligations of Applied Psychology.
A20 Knowing the different models of assessment and intervention in the field of Applied Social Psychology.
B1 Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
B2 Capacity for organization and planning.
B4 Working in an international context.
B6 Critical thinking.
B8 Autonomous learning.
B9 Initiative and enterprising spirit.
B10 Motivation for quality.
B11 Troubleshooting.
B13 Ability to apply knowledge to practice.
C3 Using the basic tools of information and communication technologies (ICT) necessary for the exercise of the profession and for lifelong learning.
C4 To develop for the exercise of an open, educated, critical, committed, democratic and supportive citizenship, capable of analyzing reality, diagnose problems, develop and deploy solutions based on knowledge and oriented to common good.
C6 To critically assess the knowledge, technology and information available to solve the problems they face.
C8 Assessing the importance of research, innovation and technology development in the socio-economic and cultural progress of society.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Dotar de coñecementos especificamente en Psicoloxía Social Aplicada aos Problemas Sociais, Comunitarios e Humanos. AR1
Avaliar programas, proxectos, servizos e políticas dirixidos ao desenvolvemento persoal, profesional e institucional. AR9
Coñecer e comprender os supostos básicos da Psicoloxía Social AR1
Diagnosticar as diferentes dimensións, áreas e ámbitos de intervención psicosocial AR5
Habilidades para localizar e analizar información de fontes diversas AR5
Capacidade de análise e síntese AR5
Capacidade de aplicar coñecementos na práctica AR5

Topic Sub-topic
Psicoloxía da violencia, a delincuencia e a desviación social Psicoloxía da violencia, a delincuencia e a desviación social
Psicoloxía Comunitaria e Problemas Sociais Psicoloxía Comunitaria e Problemas Sociais
Psicoloxía Social dos medios de comunicación Psicoloxía Social dos medios de comunicación
Outras áreas da Psicoloxía Social Aplicada Outras áreas da Psicoloxía Social Aplicada

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A2 A12 A14 A20 12 0 12
Objective test A3 A4 A9 2 25 27
Oral presentation B1 B13 C3 1 2 3
Supervised projects A1 A5 A6 A7 A8 A10 A11 A13 A15 A17 A18 A19 B1 B2 B4 B6 B8 B9 B10 B11 B13 C3 C4 C6 C8 6 25 31
Personalized attention 2 0 2
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Exposición oral complementada co uso de medios audiovisuais e a introducción de algunhas preguntas dirixidas aos estudantes, coa finalidade de transmitir coñecementos e facilitar a aprendizaxe. A clase maxistral también é coñecida como "conferencia";, "método expositivo"; ou "lección maxistral";. Esta última modalidade adoita reservarse a un tipo especial de lección impartida por un profesor en ocasiones especiais, con un contenido que supon unha elaboración orixinal e baseada no uso casi exclusivo da palabra como vía de transmisión da información á audiencia.
Objective test Realización dun examen tipo test sobre as lecturas designadas que comprenden os contidos da materia. O modo de resposta será verdadero ou falso (duas alternativas) e se descontan os erros según a fórmula de corrección do azar.
Oral presentation Intervención baseada na exposición verbal a través da que o alumnado expoñe temas, traballos, conceptos, feitos ou principios de forma dinámica
Supervised projects Metodoloxía deseñada para promover a aprendizaxe autónoma dos estudantes, baixo a tutela do profesor en escenarios variados (académicos e profesionais). Esta referida prioritariamente á aprendizaxe de "como facer as cousas·. Constitue unha opción baseada na asunción polos estudantes da responsabilidade pola sua propia aprendizaxe. Este sistema de enseñanza basease en dous elementos básicos: a aprendizaxe independente dos estudantes e o seguimento de esa aprendizaxe polo profesor-tutor.

Personalized attention
Supervised projects
Objective test
Monitoring of the individual work carried out by each student. Guidance on the methodology and documentary sources that must be handled and on the writing of the final report of the work.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects A1 A5 A6 A7 A8 A10 A11 A13 A15 A17 A18 A19 B1 B2 B4 B6 B8 B9 B10 B11 B13 C3 C4 C6 C8 Metodoloxía deseñada para promover a aprendizaxe autónoma dos estudantes, baixo a tutela do profesor en escenarios variados (académicos e profesionais). Esta referida prioritariamente á aprendizaxe de "como facer as cousas·. Constitue unha opción baseada na asunción polos estudantes da responsabilidade pola sua propia aprendizaxe. Este sistema de enseñanza basease en dous elementos básicos: a aprendizaxe independente dos estudantes e o seguimento de esa aprendizaxe polo profesor-tutor.
Si se supera o traballo tutelado, non será necesaria a realización da proba obxectiva, neste caso o traballo tutelado pasará a ter unha valoración do 100%.
Objective test A3 A4 A9 Realización de proba tipo test sobre as leituras que comprenden a materia. Se descontan os erros según a fórmula de evitación do azar. Si se supera o traballo tutelado, non será necesaria a realización da proba obxectiva, neste caso o traballo tutelado pasará a ter unha valoración do 100%. 40
Oral presentation B1 B13 C3 O trabajo tutelado deberá ser exposto na aula 10
Assessment comments

It is necessary to achieve 50% of the maximum score each of the evaluations to pass the subject.

Ordinary Exam

The final grade will be the sum of all methodologies. It is necessary to pass each of the parts in order to pass the subject.

If the tutored work is passed, it will not be necessary to take the exam test, in which case the tutored work along with the oral presentation will represent 100% of the valuation.

All tasks must be delivered on the date set at the beginning of the semester.

Extraordinary Exam

The evaluation system will be the same in all calls. The students will be able to keep the grade of the methodologies that they have passed and repeat those that they did not pass.

All tasks must be delivered on the virtual campus as a deadline on the day and time of the official exam set by the Faculty board.

Students with partial attendance or academic dispensation:

The evaluation system will be the same as in the previous cases. In addition, you should contact the teacher at the beginning of the course to replace the master session with tasks consisting of case studies or tutored works.


The disciplinary regulations of the UDC student body will be applied (Consello de Goberno do 28/06/2023), article 11, section 4 b), which establishes the "suspension qualification in the call in which the offense is committed and with respect to the subject in which it was committed: the student will be graded with “fail” (numeric grade 0) in the corresponding call of the academic year, whether the commission of the offense occurs in the first opportunity or in the second. For this, his/her grade will be modified in the record of the first opportunity, if necessary.

Sources of information
Basic MUCHINSKY, P.M. (1994). Psicología Aplicada al Trabajo: Una Introducción a la Psicología Industrial y Organizacional. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer.
GOMEZ L. y otros (1993). Aplicaciones de la Psicología Social. Málaga: Miguel Gómez Ediciones.
GRACIA, E. (1997). El apoyo social en la intervención comunitaria. Barcelona: Piados
SANCHEZ A. y MUSITU, G. (1996). Intervención Comunitaria. Aspectos científicos, técnicos y valorativos. Barcelona: PPU.
MUSITU, G., BERJANO, E. y BUENO, J. R. (1993 (1993). Intervención Psicosocial. Programas y Experiencias. Madrid: Editorial Popular
OVEJERO, A. (1998). Las Relaciones Humanas: Psicología Social teórica y aplicada. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva
ROMAY MARTÍNEZ, J. (2007). Perspectivas y retrospectivas de la Psicología Social en los albores del siglo XXI. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva
SABUCEDO, J.M. & MORALES, J.F. (2021). Pisoclogía Social. Madrid: Panamericana
MARTIN, A. (1998). Psicología Comunitaria. Madrid: Síntesis.
PEIRO, J.M. (1984). Psicología de las Organizaciones. Madrid: UNED
SÁNCHEZ, A. (2002). Psicología Social Aplicada. Madrid: Prentice-Hall
ALVARO, J.L., GARRIDO, A. TORREGROSA, J.R. (Coords.) (1996). Psicología Social Aplicada. Madrid: McGraw-Hill
CLEMENTE, M. (1992b). Psicología Social Aplicada. Madrid: Eudema
HERNÁNDEZ-RUIZ, B. & VALERA i PERTEGÁS, S (2008). Psicología Social Aplicada e Intervención Psicosocial. Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Resma
CLEMENTE, M. (1992). Psicología Social. Métodos y técnicas de invesgtgación. Madrid: Pirámide
PEIRO, J.M. y PRIETO, F. (1996). Tratado de Psicología del Trabajo. Madrid, Síntesis.


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.