Identifying Data 2024/25
Subject (*) Organisation Organization and Management of Socio-Educational Institutions Code 652G03012
Study programme
Grao en Educación Social
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Second Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Pedagoxía e Didáctica
Gómez Sánchez, Tania Fátima
Gómez Sánchez, Tania Fátima
General description Materia coa que se pretende que se coñeza o funcionamento das institucións nas que poderán desenvolver o seu traballo, fundamentalmente as de carácter educativo regulado, coas que terán que relacionarse na súa intervención profesional.

Competencies / Study results
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Coñecer os campos da educación social e recoñecer novos ámbitos emerxentes.
A2 Comprender os supostos e fundamentos históricos, pedagóxicos, psicolóxicos e sociolóxicos da acción socioeducativa e os seus ámbitos de actuación, valorando as súas implicacións.
A5 Identificar e analizar os factores contextuais que afectan os procesos de intervención socioeducativa.
A6 Seleccionar diferentes métodos e técnicas para a planificación e avaliación de programas e servizos.
A7 Aplicar metodoloxías educativas e dinamizadoras da acción socioeducativa.
A15 Elaborar e xestionar medios e recursos para a intervención socioeducativa.
A21 Deseñar e implementar procesos de avaliación de programas e estratexias de intervención socioeducativa en diversos contextos.
B1 Elaborar, analizar, sintetizar, valorar e transmitir criticamente a información.
B2 Redactar e presentar informes técnicos, memorias, regulamentos ou calquera outro documento básico que contribúa a regular a acción socioeducativa.
B3 Xerar a cultura profesional colaborativa, fomentando o traballo en rede e integrándose en grupos interdisciplinares con iniciativa e responsabilidade.
B5 Capacidade de mostrar actitudes coherentes coas concepcións éticas e deontolóxicas propias da profesión.
B6 Adquirir e dominar habilidades comunicativas que permitan transmitir información, ideas e propostas a diversas audiencias.
C1 Expresarse correctamente, tanto de forma oral coma escrita, nas linguas oficiais da comunidade autónoma.
C4 Desenvolverse para o exercicio dunha cidadanía aberta, culta, crítica, comprometida, democrática e solidaria, capaz de analizar a realidade, diagnosticar problemas, formular e implantar solucións baseadas no coñecemento e orientadas ao ben común.
C6 Valorar criticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas cos que deben enfrontarse.
C8 Valorar a importancia que ten a investigación, a innovación e o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico no avance socioeconómico e cultural da sociedade.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To know the legal framework and the organizational functioning of the educational centers and of other socio-educational institutions. A1
Select different methods and techniques for planning and evaluating programs and services. A6
Develop and manage means and resources for socio-educational intervention. A15
Design processes for evaluating intervention programs. A21
Elaborate, analyze, synthesize, evaluate and critically transmit information. B1
Situate oneself critically in the face of the knowledge, technology and information available to solve problems related with their relationships with the education system. A5
Know and identify the macro and micropolitical variables of the organization of schools. A6
Understand the assumptions and historical, pedagogical, psychological and sociological foundations related with socio-educational action and its areas of action, valuing its implications. A1
To be able to approach a work of evaluation about the legislation and about measures taken by the different social agents on different socio-educational aspects. They will use adequately languages and research methods. A2
Write and present technical reports, reports, regulations or another basic document that contributes to regulate socio-educational action. B2
Ability to have a coherent attitude in different situations and choices that have to be made in the professional field. B5
Create a collaborative professional culture, promoting networking and integrating into interdisciplinary groups with initiative and responsibility. B3
Apply educational and dynamic methodologies of socio-educational action. A7
Apply different ways of analyze social organizations. A7
Prepare proposals for solutions to problems of the socio-educational organization. A5

Topic Sub-topic
Analysis of nearby socio-educational organizations. The structure of schools.
Management documents as a framework for the intervention.
Relationship of schools with other institutions and socio-educational organizations.
The study of organizations. Analysis of organizations: different images of organizations as a key to their study.
The specificity of schools as organizations. Differentiated characterization of its structures and functions.
A key dimension of socio-educational organizations: social climate. Interventions for improvement.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Document analysis A1 A2 A5 B3 B1 5 20 25
Directed discussion B2 B6 C1 C4 C6 5 15 20
Oral presentation A15 B2 B6 C1 C8 5 25 30
Case study A5 A6 A7 A15 A21 B5 4 8 12
Introductory activities A1 A5 A6 A7 A21 B1 B3 C1 21 0 21
Long answer / essay questions A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C6 2 30 32
Personalized attention 10 0 10
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Document analysis The methodological technique involves the use of audiovisual documents obtained through the analysis of a reality (fragments of documentary reports or films, current news, graphic panels, photographs, biographies, articles, legislative texts, etc.) relevant to the subject matter, with activities specifically designed for their analysis. Specific instructions will be provided to guide the analysis of the audiovisual data derived from the approach to reality for diagnosis.
Directed discussion The technique of group dynamics in which group members engage in free, informal, and spontaneous discussions on a topic, although they may be coordinated by a moderator. It will be aimed at understanding and diagnosing the reality regarding various social issues that may be impacting the educational community. More detailed instructions will be provided regarding its implementation. This technique will serve to generate reflective proposals from the subject matter to different social actors.
Oral presentation The public presentation of the conclusions of group work to the rest of the students.
Case study Real cases of the media or simulations or audiovisual documents will be proposed for analysis.
Introductory activities Introductory activities will be conducted using various resources or methodologies, such as debates, hypothesis formulation, dramatized simulations, and film viewing, which will always revolve around theoretical work.
Long answer / essay questions An examination that seeks written responses to questions of a certain breadth, evaluating the provision of the expected answer, combined with reasoning skills (arguing, relating, etc.), creativity, and critical thinking. It allows measuring abilities that cannot be assessed with objective tests, such as the capacity for criticism, synthesis, comparison, writing, and student's originality. It implies a comprehensive and in-depth study of the subject matter, while considering the entirety of ideas and their relationships.

Personalized attention
Directed discussion
Oral presentation
To clarify, review or complement the reference activities, it is recommended to arrange tutorials with the corresponding teacher. For this, it is suggested to previously agree on a date and time with the teacher.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Long answer / essay questions A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C6 Review criteria of the exam:

1. Definition and / or identification of key ideas.
2. Ability to synthesize and concretize ideas.
3. Coherence and cohesion of ideas in argumentation.
4. Application of the concepts worked on the subject.
5. Elaboration, analysis, synthesis and critical evaluation of the information.
6. Analysis and relationship between concepts and connection with social reality.
Document analysis A1 A2 A5 B3 B1 The following aspects will be assessed in the documentary analysis:

1. Rigor in the review and analysis of sources.
2. Reflection and deepening on the treated theme.
3. Connection of the mentioned arguments with the social reality.
4. Comprehension and approach to the basic contents.
Directed discussion B2 B6 C1 C4 C6 The assessment criteria in this section will be included in a scale with the following items:

1. Expository clarity
2. Approach to the basic contents of the subject
3. Argumentation and support of their ideas
4. Active listening and respect in communicative exchange
5. Participatory attitude
Oral presentation A15 B2 B6 C1 C8 The assessment criteria of this section will be syntethize the following items:

1. Exposure clarity and appropriate format
2. Approach to the basic contents of the subject
3. Conceptual domain and literature review
4. Level of cooperation and exposure of the work as a whole, not as a sum of parts.
Case study A5 A6 A7 A15 A21 B5 The assessment of the case study report will be based on the following criteria:

1. Use of the academic record and expository clarity
2. Grammar and formatting correction
3. Approach to studied and argumented contents
4. Critical and reflective analysis with sufficient bibliographic review.
Assessment comments

"English Friendly"Subject

The final assessment will have the following breakdown:

Final exam, value of 50% of the final grade (the minimum rating is 4 out of 10).

Maximum grade of the case study will be 20% of the grade, along with oral presentation (5%).

Maximum grade for the analysis of documentary sources will be 20% of the grade, along with the directed discussion (5%).

To pass in all cases the grade point average must be equal to or higher than 5 points.

If you have an academic exemption, according to UDC regulations, only the final exam will be taken into account for the assessment, which will therefore have a 100% weighted value in the qualification.

For students who have pending subjects from previous courses, they can choose to either redo the assignments or only take the essay test for evaluation, which will have a weighted value of 100% in the grade. The assignments evaluated in previous sessions will not be taken into account.

IMPORTANT-1: In case of committing plagiarism or fraudulently carrying out exams or other evaluation activities, the final grade will be a fail in the term when the offense is committed: the student will be given a "fail" grade (numeric grade 0) in the corresponding academic year term, whether the offense occurs in the first opportunity or the second. If necessary, their grade will be modified in the record of the first or second opportunity.

IMPORTANT-2: Group work ( is intended to raise the individual grade of the exam, not to lower it. In other words, if all works together receive a lower score than the exam, the final grade will be based on the individual exam score.  Thus, group work cannot harm individual work.

NON-ATTENDANCE AND EXEMPTION: Students with academic exemption or irregular attendance must contact the respective professor and, to pass the subject, will take the final exam, which will account for 100% of the final grade. In exceptional cases, the professor may allow the student to participate in other evaluation activities in some way. In such cases, the value of the final exam will be weighted based on the degree and quality of participation in other subject activities.

GENDER PERSPECTIVE EQUALITY: As stated in various regulations of university teaching, this subject will incorporate a gender perspective: non-sexist language will be used, bibliography authored by both genders will be used, equal participation of students in class sessions will be encouraged, identification and modification of sexist biases and attitudes will be addressed, and efforts will be made to change discriminatory processes in the environment and promote values of respect and equality. Possible situations of gender-based discrimination will be identified and proposals for actions and measures to correct them will be made.

Sources of information
Basic Dewey, J. (2002). Democracia y educación : una introducción a la filosofía de la educación. Madrid: Morata
Collet, J. et al. (2016). La gobernanza escolar democrática : más allá de los modelos neoliberal y neoconservador . Barcelona: Morata
Bernal Agudo, J.L. (2014). Organizacion de los centros educativos : LOMCE y políticas neoliberales. Zaragoza: Mira Editores
García Cabrera, M.M. & Olivares García, M.A. (2016). Vivir la escuela como un proyecto colectivo : manual de organización de centros educativos. Madrid: Pirámide
Beltrán, F. e San Martín, A. (2000). Diseñar la coherencia escolar. . Madrid.Morata.
Santos Guerra, M. Á. (2010). El Proyecto de Centro: una tarea comunitaria, un proyecto de viaje compartido. En J. Gimeno Sacristán (Coord.), Saberes e incertidumbres sobre el curriculum (pp. 294-310) . Madrid: Morata.
Civís Zaragoza, M.; Longás Mayayo, J. (2015). La colaboración interinstitucional como respuesta al desafío de la inclusión socioeducativa. Análisis de 4 experiencias de trabajo en red a nivel local en Cataluña. . Educación XX1, 18(1), 213-236. doi: 10.5944/educXX1.18.1.12318
Torres Santomé, J. (2011). La justicia curricular: El caballo de Troya de la cultura escolar. . Madrid: Morata.
Lynch, K. & Lyons, M. (2014). Amor, cuidados e injusticia. Morata
Jares, X.R. (2001). Aprender a convivir. Vigo. Xerais.
Elboj, C., Puigdellívol, I., Soler, M. & Valls, R. (2002). Comunidades de Aprendizaje. Transformar la educación (pp.73-90). . Barcelona: Graó.
Gairín & Castro (2021). El contexto organizativo como espacio de intervención. Síntesis
Feu, J., Simó, N., Serra, C., Canimas, J. e Lázaro, L. (2016). Elementos clave para una gobernanza escolar democrática de la escuela: Dimensiones e indicadores. En J. Collet e A. Tort (Coord.) La gobernanza escolar democrática. Morata
Robinson, K. E Aronica, L. (2016). Escuelas creativas . Grijalbo
Swann, M. Peacock, A., Hart, S. e Drummond, M. J. (2016). Generar aprendizaje sin limitaciones. Morata
Conell, R.W. (1999). Justicia social en educación. En R.W. Connell (autor), Escuelas y justicia social (pp.17-29). Madrid: Morata.
Ball, S.J. (1989). La micropolítica de la escuela. Hacia una teoría de la organización escolar.. Barcelona. Paidós.
Jares, X.R. (2005). Los conflictos en las organizaciones educativas. En M.A. Santos Guerra (Coord.), Escuelas para la democracia: cultura, organización y dirección de instituciones educativas (pp. 129-154). . Santander: Consejería de Educaciónde Cantabria.
Fantova Azcoaga, F. (2005). Manual para la gestión de la intervención social. Políticas, organizaciones y sistemas para la acción.. Editorial CCS
Díez Gutiérrez, E. (2022). Pedagogía antifascista. Construir una pedagogía inclusiva, democrática y del bien común frente al auge del fascismo y la xenofobia. Octaedro
Parcerisa, A. (coord) (2021). Planificación de proyectos socioeducativos participativos. Graó
Rodríguez Martínez,C., Saforcada, F. y Campos-Martínez, J. (2020). Políticas educativas y justicia social. Entre lo global y lo local . Morata
Hargreaves & O'Connor (2020). Profesionalismo colaborativo. Cuando enseñar juntos supone el aprendizaje de todos. Morata

Also,  different publications of public organisms and entities of the third sector will be a reference. Similarly, the references provided by the students during the course of the subject will be articles from scientific journals available in a section of the virtual campus for the subject.

Complementary Santos Guerra, M.A. (1994). Entre bastidores. El lado oculto de la organización escolar.. Málaga. Aljibe.

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AA.VV. (1996): Manual de organización de instituciones educativas. Madrid, Escuela Española.

AA.VV. (2000): "Democracia, educación y participación en las instituciones educativas". Kikiriki, nº 55-56, marzo-mayo, pp. 35-122.

AA.VV. (2001): “Convivencia en los centros”. Cuadernos de Pedagogía, nº julio-agosto, monográfico.

ANTUNEZ, S. (1993): Claves para la organización de centros escolares. Barcelona, ICE-Horsori.

APPLE, M.W. (1987): Educación y poder. Barcelona, Paidós-MEC.

APPLE, M.W. e BEANE, J.A. (1997): Escuelas democráticas. Madrid, Morata.

BALL, S.J. (1989): La micropolítica de la escuela. Hacia una         teoría de la       organización             escolar. Barcelona, Paidós-MEC.

BALL, S.J. (1990): "La perspectiva micropolítica en el análisis de las organizaciones educativas". En AA.VV.: I Congreso Interuniversitario de Organización Escolar. Actas. Barcelona, Areas y Dtos. de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de Cataluña, pp. 129-145.

BATES, R. e OUTROS (1989): Práctica crítica de la administración educativa. Valencia, Univ. de Valencia.

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BELTRAN, F. e SAN MARTIN, A. (2000): Diseñar la coherencia escolar. Madrid, Morata.

BERNAL, J.L. (2006): Comprender nuestros centros educativos. Zaragoza, Mira.

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SANTOS GUERRA, M.A. (Cdor.) (2005): Escuelas para la democracia. Cultura, organización y dirección de instituciones educativas. Santander, Consejería de Educación del Gobierno de Cantabria.

SIX, J.F. (1997): Dinámica de la mediación. Barcelona, Paidós.

TORREGO, J.C. (2000): Mediación de conflictos en instituciones educativas.          Madrid, Narcea.

TORRES SANTOMÉ, J. (2001): Educación en tiempos de neoliberalismo. Madrid, Morata.

TYLER, W. (1991): Organización escolar. Una perspectiva sociológica. Madrid, Morata.

WATKINS, CH. e WAGNER, P. (1991): La disciplina escolar. Propuesta de trabajo en         el marco global del centro. Barcelona, Paidós/MEC.


Cuadernos de pedagogía.

Investigación en la escuela.

Revista de educación .

Revista galega de educación.

Revista OGE: Organización y Gestión Educativa.

Recursos web:

Portal educativo da Xunta de Galicia:

Articulos on line desta Enciclopedia virtual de didáctica e organización escolar:

Centro Nacional de Información e Innovación Educativa:

Outros materiais de apoio:

PELÍCULA “HOXE EMPEZA TODO” (Ça commence aujourd'hui ) de BERTRAND TABERNIER de  1999.


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

O alumnado con dispensa académica ou que estivera matriculado en cursos anteriores na materia debe poñerse en contacto co profesorado da materia ao inicio do curso académico por correo electrónico, co fin de acordar un plan de seguemento da mesma.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.