Identifying Data 2024/25
Subject (*) Foundations of Speech Therapy Intervention Code 652G04005
Study programme
Grao en Logopedia
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
First Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Didácticas Específicas e Métodos de Investigación e Diagnóstico en Educación
Garcia Real, Teresa Juana
Garcia Real, Teresa Juana
Ríos de Deus, María Paula
General description A materia de Fundamentos da intervención logopédica sitúase no 1º cuatrimestre do 1º Curso do Grao en Logopedia; polo tanto, trátase dunha materia que permite introducirse nos coñecementos necesarios para o estudo no campo da logopedia. A logopedia é unha disciplina de carácter multidisciplinar que comparte o seu estudo sobre a comunicación humana con outras disciplinas relacionadas coa mediciña (neuroloxía, psiquiatría, neurología, fisioloxía...), así como coa lingüística, a pedagoxía, a psicoloxía...

Competencies / Study results
Code Study programme competences / results
A6 Coñecer a clasificación, a terminoloxía e a descrición dos trastornos da comunicación, a linguaxe, a fala, a voz e a audición e as funcións orais non verbais.
A13 Coñecer os principios xenerais de la intervención logopédica.
A14 Coñecer as funcións da Intervención logopédica: prevención, educación, reeducación, rehabilitación e tratamento.
A16 Coñecer as características diferenciais da intervención logopédica nos ámbitos familiar, escolar, clínico-sanitario e asistencial.
A24 Coñecer o concepto de Logopedia, obxecto e método; A profesión de logopeda; A Historia da Logopedia; A deontoloxía e a lexislación relevante para o exercicio profesional.
A25 Coñecer a organización de institucións educativas, sanitarias e sociais.
A32 Utilizar tecnoloxías da información e da comunicación.
B7 Capacidade de análise e síntese.
B9 Capacidade de organizar e planificar.
B16 Resolver problemas de forma efectiva.
B17 Saber expresarse en público.
B19 Ter compromiso ético.
C1 Expresarse correctamente, tanto de forma oral coma escrita, nas linguas oficiais da comunidade autónoma.
C8 Valorar a importancia que ten a investigación, a innovación e o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico no avance socioeconómico e cultural da sociedade.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Know and differentiate fundamental concepts relating to communication, language, speech, voice and hearing disorders and non-verbal oral functions A6
Explains the concepts and general principles of speech intervention, identifying and differentiating according to their competencies, as well as the functions of prevention, education, re-education, rehabilitation and treatment A13
It identifies and differentiates the characteristics of speech therapy in family, school, clinical-health, and healthcare settings. A13
Understand and analyze the profession of speech therapist, its object and method, taking into account its historical evolution, characteristics and current deontology and legislation for the exercise of the profession A14
Show how to use relevant information collection tools to study the reality of the speech/speech therapy profession A32
Utilize the information gained about the Logopeda profession and its work in different educational, health, and social institutions. A25
Acknowledge the significance of research, innovation, and technological advancement in the socio-economic and cultural advancement of society. B19

Topic Sub-topic
1. An introduction to the basic principles of speech therapy 1.1. History of Lopopeadic.
1.2. Basic concept and terminology.
1.3. Training needs for intervention
2. Functions of speech therapy: 2.1. Prevention, education, rehabilitation and treatment.
2.2. Speech therapy intervention areas and recipients.
2.3. Structure of the therapeutic process: evaluation, programming and application of the specific therapy.
2.4. Control of therapeutic efficacy.
3. Introduction to the main pathologies of speech intervention in language and communicative alterations. 3.1. Concept, etiologies and main characteristics of aphasia.
3.2. Concept, risk factors and characteristics of Development Language Disorders -DLD-, Speech Sound Disorders -SSD-.
3.3. Communicative disorders in pathologies with neurological and cognitive disabilities
4. Introduction to the main pathologies of speech and voice intervention: 4.1. Concept, etiologies and characteristics of the main speech disorders: dysarthria, stuttering, dysglossia.
4.2. Concept, etiologies and characteristics of the main voice alterations: functional dysphonias, molting disorders, laryngeal paralysis and laryngectomies.
5.Introduction to the main pathologies of speech therapy in hearing disorders. 5.1. Concept, etiologies and main hearing problems.
5.2. Effects of hearing deficits on language, speech and voice.
6.Areas and contexts of speech therapy intervention. 6.1. Models, theories and trends of speech therapy.
6.2. Logopaedic intervention programs with scientific evidence.
6.3. Therapeutic guidelines and protocols.
7. The profession of speech therapist. 7.1. Profile and competences.
7.2. Speech therapist performance and teamwork.
7.2. Basic legislation in speech therapist.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A6 A13 A14 A16 A24 A25 21 0 21
Document analysis A6 A13 A14 A16 A24 A32 B7 B9 B17 C1 C8 6 30 36
Case study A13 A14 A16 A32 B7 B9 B16 B19 C1 C8 4 25 29
Oral presentation A13 A14 A16 A24 A32 B7 B9 B17 B19 C1 C8 9 2 11
Supervised projects A6 A13 A14 A16 A24 A25 A32 B7 B9 B16 B17 B19 C1 C8 3 15 18
Objective test A6 A13 A14 A16 A24 2 28 30
Personalized attention 5 0 5
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Oral presentation by the teacher who will work on the contents that make up the theoretical framework, complemented by the use of presentations and audiovisual media, as well as the introduction of questions addressed to students in the form of classroom activities, in order to make learning more dynamic and involve students.
The structure of the master sessions will be governed by the order established in the learning contents, introducing theoretically each of the topics and subtopics; students will be offered bibliography and additional documentation to deepen the topic; and the theoretical work will be complemented in each session with practical activities.
Document analysis Activities for students to read and critically analyze the different sources of quality and relevant documents.
Case study When the topics of the main pathologies are taught, clinical cases will be presented with some of the described alterations (voice, hearing, speech and language) to introduce students in the management of clinical data, specific terms and methodology of therapeutic programming for speech therapy.
Oral presentation Oral presentation of all the activities carried out in the subject, through which students and teachers interact raising questions, making clarifications and presenting topics, works, concepts, facts or principles in a dynamic way.
Supervised projects Methodology designed to promote the autonomous learning of students, under the supervision of the teacher and in varied scenarios (academics and professionals). It refers primarily to learning "how to do things". It is an option based on students taking responsibility for their own learning. This teaching system is based on two basic elements: the independent learning of the students and the monitoring of this learning by the teacher-tutor.
Objective test Test used for the evaluation of knowledge, skills, skills, performance, etc.

You can combine different types of questions: multiple-answer, sorting, short-answer, discrimination, completion and/or partnership questions. You can also build with just one type of one of these questions.

Personalized attention
Oral presentation
Supervised projects
Students will be offered personalized attention in individual and/or group tutorials, both for the development and correction of classroom work (analysis of documentary sources, readings, case studies) and for the resolution of doubts, in order to follow up. of the evolution of learning and a record of your personal work.

The students will attend the tutorial hours arranged by the teachers. It is recommended to request an appointment in advance, by email, for better organization.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Objective test A6 A13 A14 A16 A24 Test type single response test. Incorrect answers will be discounted by applying the following formula: Score= number of hits - (number of errors x 0.25).
- It is compulsory and counts 70% of the final grade.
The test can be carried out in person or virtual using institutional computer tools.
Oral presentation A13 A14 A16 A24 A32 B7 B9 B17 B19 C1 C8 The presentation of each of the activities carried out will be evaluated by the teacher (heteroevaluation), by the classroom group (coevaluation) and by the student himself (self-evaluation), according to the criteria established jointly. Among them: relevant and clear contents; order in the exhibition; linguistic clarity and correctness; ability to synthesize fundamental ideas; coherence in speech, non-verbal language and ... 10
Supervised projects A6 A13 A14 A16 A24 A25 A32 B7 B9 B16 B17 B19 C1 C8 Methodology designed to promote autonomous student learning, under the guidance of the teacher through simulation and deliberate practice. It is primarily concerned with learning "how to do things". It is an option based on students taking responsibility for their own learning.
This teaching system is based on two elements: the independent learning of the students and the monitoring of this learning by the teacher-tutor.
- Students will be divided into groups.
- Their completion is compulsory and counts for 20% of the final mark.

Assessment comments

  Evaluation criteria 

1st opportunity: In order to pass the subject, students must obtain 5 points out of a possible 10 (oral presentation 10%, supervised work 20% and objective test 70%). 

2nd opportunity for students attending, non-attending students and advanced opportunity: in order to pass the subject, students must obtain 5 points out of a possible 10 in the objective test (100% weight), which is the only evaluation activity. 

Finally, all aspects related to academic dispensation, dedication to study, permanence and academic fraud will be governed in accordance with the academic regulations in force at the UDC (/gl/normativa/academica/). 


Sources of information
Basic Gallego Ortega, J.L. (1999). Calidad en la intervención logopédica: Estudio de caso. Málaga: Aljibe
Perelló, J. (2002). Diccionario de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología (2ª ed.). Barcelona: Ediciones Lebón
Gutiérrez Zuloaga, I. (1997). Introducción a la historia de la logopedia. Madrid: Narcea
Nolla Casals, A. (2015). La logopedia. Barcelona: Editorial UOC
Lou Royo, M.A. y Jiménez Correa, A. (1999). Logopedia: Ámbitos de intervención . Málaga: Aljibe
Peña-Casanova, J. (2014). Manual de logopedia (4ª ed).. Barcelona: Elsevier Masson
Gallardo, J.R. y Gallego Ortega, J.L. (2003). Manual de logopedia escolar: un enfoque práctico (4ª ed.). Málaga: Aljibe
American Psychological Association (2010). Manual of the American Psychological Association (6ª ed.). Washington: American Psychological Association
Castellanos López, M.A., Pérez Moreno, E. y Simón López, T. (2018). Métodos de investigación en logopedia. Madrid: Síntesis


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Anatomy of the Organs of Hearing and Speech/652G04001
Physiology of the Organs of Hearing and Speech/652G04006

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Speech Therapy Intervention in Speech and Voice Disorders/652G04027
Speech Therapy Intervention in Language Disorders/652G04034

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.