Identifying Data 2024/25
Subject (*) Occupational Therapy for Personal Autonomy in Older People Code 653G01310
Study programme
Grao en Terapia Ocupacional
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Third Obligatory 6.5
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Ciencias da Saúde
Ávila Álvarez, Adriana Ivette
Ávila Álvarez, Adriana Ivette
Miranda Duro, María del Carmen
General description Esta materia ten como obxectivo achegar ao alumnado ao proceso de intervención de Terapia Ocupacional nas persoas maiores, proporcionando para iso os principios teóricos e filosóficos que sosteñen e fundamentan a práctica profesional da/o terapeuta ocupacional neste ámbito. Descritor: Fundamentos da promoción da autonomía persoal e valoración da dependencia nas actividades da vida diaria con e sen adaptacións e/ou produtos de apoio. Análise da ocupación en Terapia Ocupacional e a súa utilización terapéutica. Terapia Ocupacional para a integración das persoas maiores. Aplicación da actividade ocupacional.

Competencies / Study results
Code Study programme competences / results
A6 Trabajar en la sociedad con individuos y grupos para fomentar la promoción de la salud, la prevención, la rehabilitación y el tratamiento.
A7 Escoger, modificar y aplicar teorías apropiadas, modelos y métodos de la práctica para encontrar la ocupación según las necesidades de salud de individuos/poblaciones.
A8 Uso profesional y ético del razonamiento efectivo en todas las partes del proceso de terapia ocupacional.
A9 Utilizar el potencial terapéutico de la ocupación a través del uso de la actividad y el análisis y síntesis ocupacional.
A10 Adaptar y aplicar el proceso de terapia ocupacional en estrecha colaboración de individuos/población.
A11 Trabajar para facilitar entornos accesibles y adaptados y promover la justicia ocupacional.
A13 Buscar activamente, evaluar críticamente y aplicar los rangos de información y de evidencia para asegurar que la práctica es actualizada y relevante al cliente.
A14 Valorar críticamente la práctica de la terapia ocupacional para asegurar que el foco está sobre la ocupación y el funcionamiento ocupacional.
A15 Trabajar según los principios de la práctica centrada en el cliente.
A16 Construir una relación terapéutica como base del proceso de la terapia ocupacional.
A17 Establecer sociedades de colaboración, consultar y aconsejar a clientes, trabajadores sociales, miembros de equipo y otros en la práctica de la ocupación y la participación.
A18 Colaborar con clientes para abogar al derecho de tener sus necesidades ocupacionales satisfechas.
A20 Preparar, mantener y revisar la documentación de los procesos de terapia ocupacional.
A23 Practicar de manera ética, respetando a los clientes, teniendo en cuenta los códigos profesionales de conducta para terapeutas ocupacionales.
A24 Demostrar seguridad, autoconocimiento, autocrítica y conocimientos de sus propias limitaciones como terapeuta ocupacional.
A26 Demostrar habilidades en la propia búsqueda, el examen crítico y la integración de la literatura científica y otra información relevante.
A29 Desarrollar el conocimiento de ocupación y de la práctica de la terapia ocupacional.
B3 Aplicar un pensamiento crítico, lógico y creativo.
B4 Trabajar de forma autónoma con iniciativa.
B8 Capacidad de análisis y de síntesis.
B9 Capacidad de aplicar los conocimientos a la práctica.
B12 Conocimientos generales básicos sobre el área de estudio.
B23 Capacidad de aprender.
B24 Habilidades de gestión de la información (habilidad para buscar y analizar información proveniente de diversas fuentes).
B36 Preocupación por la calidad.
C4 Desarrollarse para el ejercicio de una ciudadanía abierta, culta, crítica, comprometida, democrática y solidaria, capaz de analizar la realidad, diagnosticar problemas, formular e implantar soluciones basadas en el conocimiento y orientadas al bien común.
C7 Asumir como profesional y ciudadano la importancia del aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Promote the personal autonomy and social participation of the user in different contexts and environments. In short, knowledge and skills to apply the theory and practice of Occupational Therapy. A9
Maintain improve the quality of life of users. A15
Develop knowledge and ability to apply occupations therapeutically and knowledge and ability to apply Activities of Daily Living therapeutically in all areas of occupational performance. A6
Ability to identify and anticipate risk situations in adults with the possibility of presenting occupational dysfunction due to contextual conditions. A20
Intervening in older adults with the pathologies that occur in this vital stage that cause a decrease in their occupational performance and, therefore, in their personal autonomy. A7
Acquire skills in the implementation of a personalised therapeutic programme (according to the user, depending on their personal history, the pathology they present and the evolutionary period of the same). And to acquire the ability to establish a therapeutic relationship appropriate to the different moments of the person's life cycle. A10

Topic Sub-topic
Contextualisation and introductory reasoning from Occupational Therapy in ageing. 1.1 Análise das necesidades de saúde e benestar
1.2 Análise das principais ocupacións nas persoas maiores
1.3 Análise dos recursos comunitarios
1.4 Análise dos medios de comunicación e valores
1.5. Análise da transición ocupacional
Quality of life.

2.1 Aproximación desde Terapia Ocupacional
2.2 Historia de vida
Reference authors in Occupational Therapy: older people.
3.1 Comprensión do desenvolvemento teórico
3.2 Análise e reflexión dos contextos históricos e socioculturais
Service network: existing (or to be developed) resources for older persons. 4.1 Características e enfoques dos diferentes dispositivos
4.2 Lexislación que afecta ó servizo e á súa práctica
4.3 Habilidades, funcións e rol do terapeuta ocupacional
4.4 Relación co equipo interdisciplinar
4.5 Perfil das persoas usuarias.
Occupational Therapy Process in the Elderly: Personal Autonomy and Social Participation. Cross-cutting theme of the intermediate level of the degree.
5.1 Derivación

5.2 Screening e valoración inicial

5.3 Fundamentos teóricos relevantes para Terapia Ocupacional para a Promoción da Autonomía persoal na persoa maior e a súa aplicación:
- Marcos de Referencia Teóricos Primarios.
- Modelos de Práctica de Terapia Ocupacional: Modelo Canadense do Desempeño Ocupacional, Modelo de Ocupación Humana, Modelo Kawa.
5.4 Avaliación ocupacional:
- Análise do desempeño.
- Persoa/s, grupo/s, institución/s e poboación/s.
- Áreas de desempeño ocupacional.
- Avaliación das contornas significativas: domicilio, centro de ocio e tempo libre e demais recursos comunitarios.
- Barreiras e facilitadores do desempeño ocupacional, dos dereitos ocupacionais e saúde e benestar das persoas/grupos/comunidades.
- Ferramentas estandarizadas e non estandarizadas.
- Técnicas cualitativas e cuantitativas.

5.5 Planificación de metas e obxectivos en colaboración coa persoa/s, grupo/s, institución/s e poboación/s e coordinación co equipo interdisciplinar. Obxectivos realistas centrados na ocupación.
5.6 Planificación e intervención desde Terapia Ocupacional. ---Consenso co/a usuaria/o, familia, profesionais, tendo en consideración as contornas significativas, as características e as prioridades da/o usuaria/o, as condicións de saúde de maior incidencia así coma situacións de vulnerabilidade social (pobreza, exclusión, inmigración/desprazamento forzado, violencia machista, entre outras.) que poden impactar negativamente no desempeño ocupacional e/ou producir situacións que comprometan os dereitos ocupacionais das persoas/grupos/comunidades.

5.7 Actuación nos factores ambientais que funcionan como facilitadores/barreiras de participación en ocupacións da peroa maior. Produtos de apoio, actitudes, alianzas, etc.

5.8 Asesoría de terapia ocupacional cas persoas maiores: persoa/s, grupo/s, comunidade/s e demais profesionais, familias, amigas/os e outros.

5.9 Planificación da alta, seguimento e/ou derivación.

Design, management, planning and evaluation of the Quality of the Occupational Therapy service: older people. 6.1 Dirección de recursos, estudos de custo, administración e coidado dos servizos e equipamentos nos eidos sanitarios e comunitarios (domiciliario, formativo, voluntariado, entre outros)
6.2 Actualización permanente do profesional. Introducción e aplicacions aos ODS e pegada ecolóxica

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Case study A7 A8 A9 A10 A13 A14 A15 A16 A18 A20 A23 A24 A26 A29 B3 B4 B8 B9 B24 C4 18 20 38
Laboratory practice A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A13 A14 A15 A20 A26 A29 B3 B9 B23 B24 C7 40.5 18 58.5
Mixed objective/subjective test A6 A7 A8 A13 A14 A20 A24 B12 B24 C4 C7 2 10 12
Aprendizaxe servizo A6 A7 A11 A15 A17 C4 10 10 20
Guest lecture / keynote speech A7 A9 A13 A14 A15 A20 A24 A29 B3 B4 B12 B23 B36 C4 C7 22 10 32
Personalized attention 2 0 2
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Case study This methodology means that the student is faced with the description of a specific situation that poses a problem to be understood, assessed and solved by a group of people, through a process of discussion. The student is faced with a specific problem (case), which describes a real situation in professional life, and must be able to analyse a series of facts, referring to a particular field of knowledge or action, in order to reach a reasoned decision through a process of discussion in small working groups. This methodology makes it possible to acquire the specific competences of this subject.
Laboratory practice This methodology enables students to learn effectively through practical activities such as demonstrations, exercises, experiments and investigations. It enables the acquisition of the specific competences of this subject.
Mixed objective/subjective test Test that integrates essay-type test questions and objective-type test questions.
In terms of essay questions, it comprises open-ended essay questions. In addition, as objective questions, it may combine multiple-choice, ordering, short answer, discrimination, completion and/or association questions.
Aprendizaxe servizo Methodology that combines community service with learning in a single project, in which students are trained by working on real needs in their environment in order to improve it. Activity that integrates community service with the learning of content and the acquisition of competences through reflective practice. The main difference with volunteering lies in the fact that PSA projects always respond to learning outcomes associated with a subject in the academic curriculum with the aim of achieving certain competences specific to the qualification in which the subject is framed.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Oral presentation complemented by the use of audiovisual media and the introduction of some questions addressed to the students, with the aim of transmitting knowledge and facilitating learning. This methodology includes initial activities consisting of the presentation of the subject together with a session where the students' starting point will be evaluated. On the other hand, there will be seminars of compulsory attendance, where topics will be dealt with in depth. This methodology allows the acquisition of the specific competences revered in this subject.

Personalized attention
Case study
Laboratory practice
Aprendizaxe servizo
Personalised attention will be given through individualised tutorials or in small groups, depending on the needs of the students and the methodologies used. These tutorials will preferably be virtual, for which the Teams platform will be used. The tutorials will be held at the request of the students or at the request of the teaching staff of the subject. The timetable for these will be in the timetable of the subject or in a timetable agreed between the students and the teaching staff, as long as it does not interfere with the rest of the teaching activities of other subjects.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Case study A7 A8 A9 A10 A13 A14 A15 A16 A18 A20 A23 A24 A26 A29 B3 B4 B8 B9 B24 C4 Both the work process and the result and its presentation (oral and/or written) will be assessed. The evolution of the students during the work, the management of the information and questions raised, the group work (in the corresponding cases) as well as the integration of the competences of the subject and the reflection on the whole work process will be taken into account.

In terms of content, it will be assessed that the case is coherent with the Occupational Therapy process in a specific context, articulating the specificities of the person/s / population, their occupations and environments, i.e., maintaining the focus on occupational performance. For this purpose, the consistent application of Occupational Therapy practice models will be taken into account: Canadian Occupational Performance Model, Human Occupation Model and the Kawa Model.
Finally, in the presentation (oral and/or written), the argumentation, reflection and defence of the work carried out will be assessed, as well as the capacity for written expression (grammatical and spelling errors will be negatively assessed) and/or oral expression (verbal and non-verbal communication according to the forum).

The evaluation of this methodology will also include the work carried out by the student in the Service-Learning activities.

- Theoretical case study (15 points): worked on in the laboratories in order to have a follow-up with the teachers of the subject.

- Case study of a real case (15 points): consists of the application of the occupational therapy process on the life history of an elderly person close to the student.
Laboratory practice A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A13 A14 A15 A20 A26 A29 B3 B9 B23 B24 C7 It is important to note that attendance is compulsory, and only one session may be missed with justification. The student must send the teachers of the subject, the proof of the absence. Failure to communicate with the teachers will result in failure of the methodology.

- Attitude and participation (10 points): collaborative attitude (involvement with the group, with the tasks and with the general development of the laboratory); participation: (empathetic, proactive, analytical and constructive interaction); Respect (for the participants of the group, teachers and rules of operation of the laboratory); Responsibility (with oneself and/or with the group, both in the preparation of the work carried out during the laboratory and in the teaching-learning process).

- Roll-playing (10 points): based on the intervention of the theoretical case study and worked on in the laboratories.

- Podcast (10 points): on the role of occupational therapy in different fields of action with the older adults.
Mixed objective/subjective test A6 A7 A8 A13 A14 A20 A24 B12 B24 C4 C7 The knowledge acquired, the students' ability to express themselves in writing (grammatical and spelling mistakes will be assessed negatively), and the integration of concepts will be evaluated.

All the content taught in the lectures, as well as in the laboratory practicals, is subject to examination.
Assessment comments

The qualification system will be expressed by numerical qualification in accordance with that established in article 5 of Royal Decree 1125/2003 of 5 September (BOE 18 September), which establishes the European credit system and the qualification system for official university qualifications valid throughout the national territory Qualification system: 0-4.9=Failure 5-6.9=Passed 7-8.9=Notable 9-10=Outstanding 9-10 Honourable Mention (Graciable).

A student who, while enrolled in a subject, does not attend the different assessment activities established for the academic year, will be considered as "Not Presented" (NP). In the absence of specific regulations for each degree, the student will be considered as "No-show": a) when he/she does not complete the continuous assessment process, under the conditions that appear in the teaching guide, or b) when he/she does not take the official assessment period test. The consideration of NP does not consume a call in the total number of calls that the student has per subject.

In general, the assessment of the subjects will be continuous throughout the course, without prejudice to that indicated in the degree's verification reports. The final qualification will be the result of the overall results obtained in all the assessment activities. As a general rule, an assessment activity will be included to be carried out on the dates established in the official academic calendar. This activity may also be established as an overall assessment test of the learning outcomes or, where appropriate, form part of the continuous assessment process. The teaching guides must establish the weighting of the different assessment activities and, where appropriate, of the overall test, within the framework that the centre may establish. 

Punctuality and compulsory attendance at all face-to-face hours of the methodologies established in the subject will be assessed.

In order to pass the subject, the student must actively participate in the proposed methodologies, hand in all the assignments and have passed each of the methodologies that make up the subject. In addition, it will be necessary to have a minimum grade of 2.5 (out of 5) points in the mixed test, and the grades of the other methodologies will only be taken into account for the final grade if the student achieves this score in the mixed test. If this is not the case, the mark for the examination will correspond to the mark obtained in the mixed test. The marks obtained in the other methodologies will be taken into account for the grade in the second opportunity (July), in the case of having passed and passed the mixed exam. 

According to the rule that regulates the study regime for undergraduate students at the University of A Coruña (approved by the Governing Council on 22/05/2012), when a student is recognised as a part-time student, he/she has the right to enjoy a flexible class attendance regime and to request the special academic dispensation established in article 4 (section 5) of this rule, as long as it does not negatively affect the student's evaluation process. To this effect, the Academic Committees of the different centres of the UDC specify the scope of the aforementioned dispensation. 

Therefore, the concession to the request for flexibility will be at the expense of the assessment and decision of the academic committee of the degree of Occupational Therapy, taking into account the methodologies and evaluation criteria of the subjects".

According to the Disciplinary Regulations for students of the University of A Coruña, approved by the Governing Council of 27/02/2023 and modified in article 11.4.b by the Governing Council of 28/06/2023, if plagiarism is detected in the work of students, being considered a serious offence, the qualification in the call will be a fail with a numerical value of 0. 

At the same time, the teacher in charge reserves the possibility of making some changes in the evaluation or in other aspects of the subject, which will be notified to the students with sufficient notice.

Sources of information
Basic World Health Organization (WHO) (2002). Active ageing: A policy framework. WHO
International Longevity Centre Brazil (ILC-Brazil) (2015). Active ageing: A policy framework in response to the longevity revolution. ILC-Brazil
Máximo, N., Pérez de Heredia, M., Gutiérrez, M. (2004). Atención en el hogar de personas mayores. Manual de terapia ocupacional. Ediciones Témpora, S.A.
Clark, F. et al (2011). Effectiveness of a lifestyle intervention in promoting the well-being of independently living older people: Results of the Well Elderly 2 Randomised Controlled Trial. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 66 (9): 782-90 (DOI: 10.1136/ jech.2009.099754)
Clark, F. et al (2001). Embedding health-promoting changes into the daily lives of independent-living older adults: Long-term follow-up of occupational therapy intervention. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 56B (1): P60-P63
Carracedo-Vázquez, M., Nieto-Riveiro, L., Miranda-Duro, M.C., Groba, B., Pousada, T., Pereira, J. (2017). Estudio fenomenológico sobre la relación entre el envejecimiento activo y la terapia ocupacional en centros de día y residencias de la ciudad de A Coruña. Revista Chilena de Terapia Ocupacional, 17 (1): 37-48 (DOI: 10.5354/0719-5346.2017.46376)
Nieto-Riveiro, L. (2016). Estudio sobre el impacto de un programa de envejecimiento activo a través de herramientas tecnológicas. Universidade da Coruña
Gómez, M., Gómez, J. (2013). Evaluación de áreas de intervención desde terapia ocupacional en un centro de mayores mediante el enfoque de envejecimiento activo. TOG (A Coruña), 10 (18)
Trentham, BL. & Neysmith, SM. (2017). Exercising senior citizenship in an ageist society through participatory action research: A critical occupational perspective. Journal of Occupational Science, 25(2): 174-190
Marante, P. (2015). Intervención no farmacológica a través de la estimulación multisensorial en personas mayores con deterioro cognitivo. Universidade da Coruña
Mandel, D.R., Jackson, JM., Zemke, R., Nelson, L., & Clark, FA. (1999). Lifestyle Redesign: Implementing the Well Elderly Program. The American Occupational THerapy Association
McIntyre, A. & Atwal, A. (2005). Occupational Therapy and Older people. Blackwell
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Carlson, M., Clark, F., Young, B. (1998). Practical contributions of occupational science to the art of successful ageing: How to sculpt a meaningful life in older adulthood. Journal of Occupational Science, 5 (3), 107-18 (DOI: 10.1080/14427591.1998.9686438)
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Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Historical Review and Documentation in Occupational Therapy/653G01108
Occupational Science and Foundations of Occupational Therapy/653G01109
Work Placement I/653G01110
Occupational Therapy for Personal Autonomy in Children and Adolescents/653G01207
Work Placement II/653G01210
Work Placement III/653G01211
Rehabilatition of Adults with Physical Disabilities/653G01302
Occupational Therapy for personal autonomy in adults with physical disabilities/653G01303
Work Placement IV/653G01304
Occupational Therapy for Personal Autonomy in Adults with Mental Health Disorders/653G01306
Work Placement V/653G01307

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Work Placement VI/653G01311

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Case Studies in Occupational Therapy/653G01403
Terapia Ocupacional para a autonomía personal na Comunidade/653G01406

Other comments

1.- In order to help achieve an immediate sustainable environment and comply with strategic objectives 1 and 2 of the "V Action Plan of the Green Campus Programme (2023-2025)", the documentary work carried out in this area:

a.- Most of them will be requested in virtual format and computer support.

b.- To be done on paper:

- No plastics shall be used.

- Double-sided printing shall be used.

- Recycled paper shall be used.

- The printing of drafts shall be avoided.

2.- The teacher responsible for the subject reserves the right to make any changes in the evaluation or other aspects, which will be notified to the students sufficiently in advance.

3.- During the teaching period of the subject, and without altering the students' attendance to other academic activities, optional seminars or workshops may be programmed to deepen in certain contents and very specific techniques that will complement the development of the subject.

4.- The lecturer in charge of the subject will apply the corresponding UDC regulations in the event of the detection of any attempt at plagiarism motivated by a student of the subject in the development of his/her work.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.