Identifying Data 2024/25
Subject (*) Foreign Language I: French Code 710G05049
Study programme
Grao en Relacións Internacionais
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
First Obligatory 6
Teaching method Hybrid
Department Letras
Luís Gamallo, María Obdulia
Luís Gamallo, María Obdulia
General description A presente materia pretende introducir o estudiante ao francés oral e escrito do mundo profesional das
relacións internacionais a un nivel A1/A2

Competencies / Study results
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 CE1 - To analyze information related to international sources and events in complex geopolitical, economic and legal contexts, in person or online.
A2 CE2 - To understand the structure, powers and functioning of international institutions and organizations, as well as their relationships with other state and non-state actors.
A7 CE7 - To analyze the global reality in its different dimensions, in particular the geographical, political, social, economic and legal.
A10 CE10 - To acquire knowledge of the techniques, working methods and analysis of the humanities, social and legal sciences.
B1 CB1 - To demonstrate that students demonstrate knowledge and understanding in an area of ??study that is part of the foundation of general secondary education, and is usually found at a level that, although supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects involving knowledge from avant-garde of his field of study.
B2 CB2 - That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and have the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of ??study.
B3 CB3 - That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of ??study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant topics of a social, scientific, or ethical nature.
B4 CB4 - That students can share information, ideas, problems and solutions with both specialized and non-specialized audiences.
B5 CB5 - That students develop those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
B6 CG1 - To appreciate diversity and multiculturalism.
B7 CG2 - To acquire the ability to work in an international context.
B8 CG3 - To identify essential aspects of cultures and customs of other countries.
B9 CG4 - To be trained in problem solving.
B11 CG6 - To acquire the ability to organize and plan.
C2 CT2 - To defend oneself in a foreign language and express oneself correctly orally and in writing.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Manage the tics to communicate, search, analyze socio-cultural aspects in the French language A1
Have the ability to understand and express simple messages in the French language B1
Understand the socio-political reality of the country of study A1
Plan the study of the French language using diverse resources in autonomy B6
Plan the study of the French language using diverse resources in autonomy B1

Topic Sub-topic
1. Greet and introduce yourself. Give thanks say goodbye Ask for news. introduce someone Ask where you are from. Write an email or letter.

1. Grammar: The indefinite articles; the gender of the adjectives of
nationality; the prepositions of place à / in + city / country. The denial
Verbs: the present or indicative of "être, avoir, s'appeler". The verbs of
first group in -er. Leave and go.
Vocabulary: numbers from 1 to 20. Identification. The conference The card
visiting The countries The capitals The languages
Phonetics: the alphabet.
2. Characterize someone. Talk about professional responsibilities. Start a conversation. Asking questions about someone. Ask someone's profession.

2. Grammar: the presentatives C'est/Ce sont; the gender and number of the name
and of the adjective; the prepositions à and de; the contractions au, aux, du, des. A
direct question with où, quand, comment, qui/que, qui est-ce qui,
what's that
Verbs: faire, connaître, venir.
Vocabulary: physical and moral characteristics; professions and functions.
Phonetics: the acronym.

3. Write an email, a card, a letter. to appreciate Characterize a place positively and negatively. Set, accept, decline an appointment. Talk about your family. 3. Grammar: Time indicators; the direct question with est-ce
that, inversion of the subject and change of intonation; the recent past and the
near future; the possessive adjectives.
Verbs: the irregularities of the verbs of the 1st group; the verbs
Vocabulary: the months, the days, the moments of the day; the activities
professionals; numbers over 20.
Phonetics: interrogative intonation.
4. Talk on the phone. Record a message on an answering machine. Express the frequency. 4. Grammar:
Verbs: the verbs pouvoir, devoir, vouloir; the imperative of the verbs parler,
partir, faire, être, avoir, aller, vouloir; the passé composé with être and avoir. A
negative form in the passé composé. The verbs in ir from the 2nd group.
Vocabulary: the telephone; phone functions and keys; forums and chats;
leisure with faire du, sortir, rester à la maison.
Phonetics: the tonic accent.
5. Place in space. Get oriented in a place.
Ask/indicate the way.

5. Grammar: review of presentations; the prepositions and adverbs of
place; adjectives and demonstrative pronouns. the pronouns
adverbials in/y.
Verbs: the verbs mettre, savoir, attendre, prendre, descendre; the form
impersonal il and a; the future of the verbs arriver, finir, mettre, être, avoir.
Vocabulary: office furniture; the property; the city; the
travel and means of transport; the ordinals.
Phonetics: o and mute.
6. To welcome, to be welcomed. Take/order an order. Ask for the bill in a restaurant. Order a meal at home. Invite someone, accept, decline an invitation. Apologize Offer/give thanks. contact Propose, accept, reject. say goodbye 6. Grammar: the quantity; the partitives; the tonic pronouns; the denial
no/yes; the pronoun in;
Verbs: boire and serve; the imperfect of the verbs avoir, être, parler.
Vocabulary: in the restaurant, types, food, the menu; the tableware
Phonetics: the liaisons.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Laboratory practice A2 A1 A7 A10 B3 B4 B7 B8 C2 10 10 20
Simulation A2 A1 A7 B2 B3 B11 B1 C2 5 15 20
Glossary A2 A1 A7 B6 B11 B8 C2 4 10 14
Multiple-choice questions A2 A1 A7 B8 C2 10 10 20
Speaking test A2 A1 A7 B6 C2 10 10 20
Problem solving A2 A1 A7 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B8 B1 C2 8.5 15.5 24
Guest lecture / keynote speech A2 A1 A7 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B9 B11 B8 B1 C2 5 17 22
Personalized attention 10 0 10
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Laboratory practice Practices that include activities, problems or exercises to be solved.
Simulation Task in which students simulate situations in French to improve their oral skills and
written in French.

Glossary Preparation of different tasks that will be kept for feedback in folder.

Multiple-choice questions Tests to assess acquired skills that include activities, problems or
exercises to solve.
Speaking test Evaluation of the student's communicative and understanding skills in the French language.
Problem solving Activities that present the student with a search that must be solved in order to achieve a result.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Presentation and explanation of grammatical, lexical and cultural content.

Personalized attention
Multiple-choice questions
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Laboratory practice
Laboratory practices: Students must respond to formulated activities applying oral and written skills of the subject.
Multiple choice test: Examination of objective questions. Tests to evaluate acquired skills that include activities, problems or exercises to solve.
Problem solving: Students must answer directly based on the knowledge they have acquired in the subject.
Master's session: After the content presentations, a debate opens for questions and answers from the

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Simulation A2 A1 A7 B2 B3 B11 B1 C2 Simulacións que poñan en práctica as competencias de expresión
Multiple-choice questions A2 A1 A7 B8 C2 Probas que avalían as diferentes competencias orais e escritas
postas en práctica na aula.
Laboratory practice A2 A1 A7 A10 B3 B4 B7 B8 C2 Actividades, exercicios diversos a resolver na aula ou na casa para
Resolución de problemas: tarefas de comprensión ou expresión escrita ou oral a entregar.
Assessment comments

The subject may be adapted to students who require the adoption of measures aimed at supporting diversity (physical, visual, auditory, cognitive, learning or related to mental health). If this is the case, they must contact the services available at the UDC/at the Center: during the official deadlines stipulated prior to each academic term, with the Diversity Attention Unit ( /).

1. At the first opportunity, students will have to attend class to benefit from continuous assessment (with more than 5
classes without justification will lose the right to continuous assessment) which consists of the collection of tasks and activities done in class or at home to be delivered, as well as presentations of oral simulations to be delivered (50% of the final grade). For continuous evaluation
it will be necessary to bring the French language method daily: RIEHL, SOIGNET, AMIOT,

Le français des relations internationales et européennes, Objectif Diplomatie 1, ed. Hachette, new edition, 2017.

The continuous assessment includes a control in the middle of the semester and another final one on the last day of class (total: 50% of the grade
end). The controls may include some type of oral expression test as part of the grade. It will be reached at least
an average of 5 in the set of the two controls to make an average with the grade of the class assignments that will have to be like
minimum a 4.

Students who do not pass during the course may take the final exam in the first call provided by the
Faculty board, as well as those who want to raise their grades. In this case the final exam will consist of a test with
objective questions that aim to assess the 4 foreign language skills. Students who do not pass the continuous assessment during the course, or the exam of the first call, will have to take the final exam of the 2nd call scheduled by the Faculty Board.

2. Evaluation of the second opportunity: If the subject is suspended in the first opportunity for not reaching the minimum score in the written test and/or in the oral test, the students must take it again in the second opportunity.
The date, time and location of the written test must be checked by students on the faculty's website.

3. In the extraordinary call in December, the students will be assessed on their knowledge and skills in the different skills of the subject through a written test and an oral test.
For the implications of the fraudulent or irregular performance of the written or oral test, see section 6.

4. In each evaluation opportunity, students will receive the NP qualification if they have not taken any of the evaluation tests (written and oral).

5. Students with recognition of part-time dedication with academic dispensation, prior communication and documentary accreditation of said situation to the teacher, can, without attending classes, carry out and deliver the continuous assessment activities scheduled for the first opportunity, according to the provisions in section 1. Face-to-face activities will be replaced by equivalent non-face-to-face activities. The other evaluable methodologies will apply (written and oral test) with the same requirements and characteristics as for the rest of the students.
For the evaluation of the second opportunity, the provisions of section 2 will apply.

6. The academic works (meaning all the material that the students present to be the subject of evaluation) must be individually prepared (unless expressly indicated by the teacher) and personal.
Fraudulent or irregular completion of the tests and/or any of the continuous assessment activities will automatically result in a '0' failing grade in the subject in the corresponding call, invalidating the grades obtained in the different assessable methodologies.

The works presented by the students may be incorporated into Turnitin, a tool for detecting plagiarism as well as works previously presented at this or other universities, even by the same student. In the event that any of these circumstances occur, the measures contemplated in the Rules for evaluation, review and complaint of grades of undergraduate and master's degree studies of the University of A Coruña (article 14.4) may be applied.

7. In the no contemplated cases previously will apply  the willing in
the "Norms of evaluation, review and claim of the qualifications of the
studies of degree and mestrado @universitario" of the UDC.

According to the different regulations that govern university teaching, it is necessary to incorporate the gender perspective in this matter. This includes, among other measures, the use of non-sexist language, inclusive bibliographies from a gender perspective and encouraging the participation of all students in class, regardless of their gender.

We will pay special attention to identifying and addressing prejudices and sexist attitudes. We will actively work to change this environment and promote values ??of respect and equality.

Our efforts will focus on detecting cases of gender discrimination and implementing the appropriate actions to correct such cases.

Sources of information

Basic bibliography

RIEHL, L; SOIGNET, M.; AMIOT, M.-H., Objectif Diplomatie 1, 987-2-01-513535-9, Hachette, 2017

GRÉGOIRE, M.; THIÉVENAZ, O., Grammaire progressive du français, CLE International,

Complementary bibliography

ABRY, D.; CHALARON, M.-L., Phonétique, 350 exercices, Hachette, 2011.

Collectif, Bescherelle La conjugaison pour tous, Hatier, 2012

FAFA, C.; LOISEAU, Y. ; PETITMENGIN, V. Grammaire et conjugaison du français A1 (470 exercices et corrigés), Didier, 2020.

GLAUD, L. ; LANNIER, M. et LOISEAU, Y. ; PETITMENGIN, V. Grammaire et conjugaison du français A2 (470 exercices et corrigés), Didier, 2020

MIQUEL, C., Vocabulaire progressif du français, CLE International,

BLANC, J; CARTIER, J.-M.; LEDERLIN, P., Scénarios professionnels. Niveau 1, CLE International, 1994

CLOOSE, E., Le français du monde du travail, PUG, 2014

DANILO, M.; PENFORNIS, J.-L., Le français de la communication professionnelle, CLE International, 1993

FERRE, A.; GERRIER, N., Points de vue : Culture, société, littérature, art, CIDEB/Black Cat Publishing, 2014

LAMOUREUX, J., Les combines du téléphone, PUG, 2009

LESOT, A., Bescherelle L'essentiel, Hatier, 2013

PENFORNIS, J.-L., Vocabulaire du français des affaires avec 200 exercices, CLE Internacional, 2004

ZOUARI, I., Petit dictionnaire du monde francophone : tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur les 45 pays et territoires francophones, L'Harmattan, 2015



Le point du fle,

International phonetic alphabet for French,

Phonétique FLE, cours de prononciation,


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

It is recommended to attend a class regularly to follow continuous assessment, with the instructions found on the Moovi portal
of the matter

Students are advised to read this teaching guide carefully: in its different sections, you will find answers to many questions that arise about the conception, organization and objectives of the course. Do not hesitate to go to the teacher to clarify any question in this regard. You must pay special attention to the following aspects: • Perform punctually as assigned activities. Accumulated delays harm the evolution of their learning and the progressive development of skills, and make their use progressively less; also, remember that, except for justified reasons, and always with the express agreement of the teacher, it is not allowed to deliver activities outside the established deadline. • Try to observe yourself and self-evaluate, becoming aware of your shortcomings and your progress. • Your written and oral presentations or interventions must be appropriate to the level of studies you are at and to the activity you are developing.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.