Identifying Data 2024/25
Subject (*) Molecular and Metabolic Biochemistry Code 610G04023
Study programme
Grao en Nanociencia e Nanotecnoloxía
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Third Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Bioloxía
Cerdan Villanueva, Maria Esperanza
Cerdan Villanueva, Maria Esperanza
Fernández Bertólez, Natalia
Franco Gacio, Anahir
Rodríguez García-Rendueles, María Elena
General description Os contidos desta materia permitirán aos estudantes coñecer e entender os mecanismos moleculares asociados aos procesos de transmisión, expresión e variación do material xenético, así como técnicas de análise masiva de ácidos nucleicos e proteínas. Tamén permitirá coñecer e entender os mecanismos de bioenerxética e as principais reaccións químicas que teñen lugar na célula xunto coa súa regulación. Os coñecementos adquiridos serán indispensables para outras materia do grao en Nanociencia e Nanotecnoloxía.

Competencies / Study results
Code Study programme competences / results
A3 CE3 - Reconocer y analizar problemas físicos, químicos, matemáticos, biológicos en el ámbito de la Nanociencia y Nanotecnología, así como plantear respuestas o trabajos adecuados para su resolución, incluyendo el uso de fuentes bibliográficas.
A6 CE6 - Manipular instrumentación y material propios de laboratorios para ensayos físicos, químicos y biológicos en el estudio y análisis de fenómenos en la nanoescala.
A7 CE7 - Interpretar los datos obtenidos mediante medidas experimentales y simulaciones, incluyendo el uso de herramientas informáticas, identificar su significado y relacionarlos con las teorías químicas, físicas o biológicas apropiadas.
A8 CE8 - Aplicar las normas generales de seguridad y funcionamiento de un laboratorio y las normativas específicas para la manipulación de la instrumentación y de los productos y nanomateriales.
B3 CB3 - Que los estudiantes tengan la capacidad de reunir e interpretar datos relevantes (normalmente dentro de su área de estudio) para emitir juicios que incluyan una reflexión sobre temas relevantes de índole social, científica o ética
B4 CB4 - Que los estudiantes puedan transmitir información, ideas, problemas y soluciones a un público tanto especializado como no especializado
B6 CG1 - Aprender a aprender
B7 CG2 - Resolver problemas de forma efectiva.
B8 CG3 - Aplicar un pensamiento crítico, lógico y creativo.
C3 CT3 - Utilizar las herramientas básicas de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC) necesarias para el ejercicio de su profesión y para el aprendizaje a lo largo de su vida
C6 CT6 - Adquirir habilidades para la vida y hábitos, rutinas y estilos de vida saludables
C7 CT7 - Desarrollar la capacidad de trabajar en equipos interdisciplinares o transdisciplinares, para ofrecer propuestas que contribuyan a un desarrollo sostenible ambiental, económico, político y social.
C8 CT8 - Valorar la importancia que tiene la investigación, la innovación y el desarrollo tecnológico en el avance socioeconómico y cultural de la sociedad

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Identify the main metabolic pathways in the cell, their regulation and integration. B3
Recognize the principles of bioenergetics. B3
Recognize the systems of replication and transmission of genetic information, as well as their regulation. B3
Solve basic problems of molecular and metabolic biochemistry. A3
Apply the main biochemical techniques for the study of molecular and metabolic biochemistry. A3

Topic Sub-topic
TOPIC 1. DNA replication Semiconservative DNA replication. Enzymology of the replication. Telomere synthesis. Replication of mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA.
TOPIC 2. Synthesis and processing of RNA. Classes of RNA. RNA polymerases. Promoters and transcriptional apparatus. Transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes: initiation, elongation and termination. Interrupted genes: exons and introns. Processing of eukaryotic pre-mRNA. Synthesis and processing of pre-rRNA. Synthesis, processing and editiong of the different RNAs.
TOPIC 3. Mutation and DNA repair. Mutation molecular basis. DNA Repair mechanisms.
TOPIC 4. Molecular mechanism of genetic recombination, The role of genetic recombination. Gene conversion. Models of homologous and site-specific recombination.
TOPIC 5. OMICs. Methodology for genome and genome expression studies.
TOPIC 6. Translation and protein processing. Central dogma in molecular biology. Ribosomes and tRNAs. Translation cycle: initiation, elongation, and termination. Genetic code and genetic decoding.
TOPIC 7. Regulation of gene expresssion. Regulation od gene expression in bacteria. Operons. Regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes.Changes in chromatin structure. Transcription, RNA processing and mRNA stability control. Control at the level of translation.
TEMA 8. Proteomics. the proteome. Protein sequencing methods. Proteomic studies using mass spectrometry. Different strategies for proteome analysis.
TOPIC 9. Bioenergetics and introduction to metabolism. Anabolic and catabolic pathways. Compartmentalization. Need for coordination and interaction between the different routes. Transport of metabolites across cell membranes. Oxidation reduction in energy production. Generation of ATP: substrate-level phosphorylation, oxidative phosphorylation and photosynthetic phosphorylation as energy production systems.
TOPIC 10. Glycolysis and catabolism of hexoses. Location of the routes. Stages and pathway regulation. Fermentations. Relationship with the pentose phosphate pathway.
TOPIC 11. TCA cycle. Location of the route. Conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA. Study of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and interaction with other routes. Anaplerotic routes, importance of mitochondrial shuttles and balances.
TOPIC 12. Gluconeogenesis. Definition and localization, metabolic need for this route. Glyoxylate cycle.
TOPIC 13. Glycogen metabolism. The reserve polysaccharide glycogen. Biosynthesis and degradation of muscle and liver glycogen. Regulation. The role of the liver in the maintenance of blood glucose.
TOPIC 14. Specific metabolism of plants. Photosynthesis. The Calvin cycle. Photorespiration. Regulation. Sucrose metabolism and starch.
TOPIC 15. Lipid Metabolism. Lipid catabolism: lipolysis, beta-oxidation. Biosynthesis of fatty acids, triglycerides, membrane lipids and steroids. Regulation of lipid metabolism. Metabolism of ketone bodies.
TOPIC 16. Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives. Digestion and degradation of intracellular proteins. Nitrogen removal of amino acids. Urea cycle. Ammonia transport to the liver. Fate of the carbon skeleton of amino acids. Amino acid biosynthesis. Regulation. Purine and pyrimidine nucleotides metabolism. Regulation.
TOPIC 17. Integration of metabolism. Metabolic profiling of major organs. Key connections between routes: glucose-6-phosphate, pyruvate and acetyl CoA. Metabolic adaptations to stress. Fasting, exercise.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech B3 B6 B8 C8 28 54 82
Laboratory practice A6 A7 A8 B3 B4 B6 C6 C7 9 6 15
ICT practicals A7 B3 B6 B7 B8 C3 6 4 10
Problem solving A1 A2 A3 B2 B4 B6 B8 8 17 25
Diagramming B6 B8 0 12 12
Mixed objective/subjective test B3 B4 B8 4 0 4
Personalized attention 2 0 2
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech The topics of the subject will be taught by the professors with the help of audiovisual media. The relevant documentation will be available to the students in the Virtual Campus.
Laboratory practice Practial classes will be carried out in the laboratory so that students learn how to handle basic scientific instruments used in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
ICT practicals Exercises requiring the consultation of databases and the use of bioinformatics tools will be carried out.
Problem solving Practical problems/questions will be solved in smaller groups of students to deepen the practical application of the concepts explained in the lectures.
Diagramming Creation of a metabolic map by diagrams of the metabolic pathways that occur in the cell and that allows interrelation and connection of different pathways.
Mixed objective/subjective test Written test used for learning assessment, which may combine different types of questions: multiple-choice, association, explanatory, or calculation and problem-solving questions.

Personalized attention
Laboratory practice
Problem solving
For all students, personalized tutoring will be provided, focused on guidance for the realization of problems, resolution of doubts and clarifications. This personalized attention will be carried out throughout the course and upon request of the student.
Students will also be able to request tutoring and solve specific doubts by e-mail.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Laboratory practice A6 A7 A8 B3 B4 B6 C6 C7 Laboratory practices are considered a compulsory attendance activity to pass the subject.
The evaluation will consist of an objective test in which questions will be asked on the basis and applications of the practical clases carried out.
Diagramming B6 B8 A metabolic map integrating the metabolic pathways that take place in the cells will be made. 10
ICT practicals A7 B3 B6 B7 B8 C3 The degree of understanding of the analyses performed and knowledge of the bioinformatics tools used will be assessed. The test requires the use of a computer connected to the internet and equipped with the bioinformatics programs to be used. 10
Mixed objective/subjective test B3 B4 B8 Evaluation of the knowledge acquired both in the lectures and in the problem classes by test questions, essay questions, definitions, questions to relate and/or questions that require providing a solution. 70
Assessment comments

LABORATORY PRACTICES are compulsory. Absence from practicals must be duly justified in order to pass the course.

To be evaluated, it is mandatory to take tests on theory (mixed test), laboratory practices, and ICT practices.

To pass the subject a 5 must be achieved and have >4,5 in the mixed tests and an average qualification in the practical >4,5 (laboratory and ICT). If the qualification resulting from the sum of all the assessable activities is equal to or higher than 5, but the indicated requirements are not met, the qualification would be 4.0 (fail).

The grade of Non Attendance(NP) will be applied to the students that do no attend the official exam.

Honors will be preferably awarded among students with a score of 9 or higher in the January opportunity.

There will be a midterm exam and, in case of achieving a grade higher than 4,5 it will not have to be repeated in the January and July opportunities.

On the second opportunity (July), students may choose to: (A) adopt the evaluation criteria of the first opportunity (specified in the EVALUATION section); or (B) take the tests corresponding to theory (mixed test), laboratory practice sessions, and ICT, with the mixed test representing 80% of the total grade. If the student chooses option B, he/she must inform the teacher responsible for the subject 10 days before the exam.

In the case of students with part-time dedication and exemption from attendance, additional measures may be adopted so that the subject can be passed. These measures may include flexibility in the date of submission of essays, flexibility in the hours of practices, or grading thAdvance call in December: the mixed test that will include all the theoretical contents will be carried out. This test will account for 70% of the final grade, to which will be added the marks of continuous assessments (ICT practices, laboratory practices and mixed test).

Early December call: a mixed test that will include all the theoretical contents will be carried out. This test will account for 70% of the final grade, to which will be added the marks of continuous assessments (Laboratory practice, ICT practical and diagramming).

FRAUDULENT ACTIVITIES: In the situation that any fraudulent activity is observed during tests or evaluation activities,the measures established in current University regulations will be taken.

Sources of information
Basic Luque J, Herráez A. (2010). Biologia Molecular e Ingenieria Genetica. Hardcourt
Mathews C.K., Van Holde K.E., Appling D.R. y Anthony-Cahill S.J. (2013). Bioquímica. Pearson
Stryer, L., Berg, J.M. y Tymoczko, J.L. (2015). Bioquímica. Reverté
Feduchi, E., Romero, C.S., Yáñez, E., García-Hoz Jiménez, C. (2021). Bioquímica. Conceptos esenciales. Médica Panamericana
Klug, W.S., Cummings, M.R., Spencer, C.A . (2013). Conceptos de Genética. Pearson/Prentice Hall
Klug, W.S., Cummings, M.R., Spencer, C.A., Paladino, M.A., Killian, D.J. (2020). Concepts of Genetics. Pearson Education
Pierce, B.A. (2015). Genética: un enfoque conceptual. Médica Panamericana
Pierce, B.A. (2020). Genetics: a conceptual approach. Freeman
Nelson, D.L, Cox, M.M. (2018). Lehninger. Principios de Bioquímica. Omega


Melo y Cuamatzi (2004). Bioquímica de los procesos metabólicos. Reverté-UAM Xochimilco

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Structural Biochemistry/610G04019
Cell Biology/610G04003
Integrated Basic Laboratory/610G04004

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Microbiology and Immunology/610G04024

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Fundamentals of Biotechnology/610G04029

Other comments

Gender Perspective

According to the different regulations applicable to university teaching, the gender perspective must be incorporated in this subject (non-sexist language will be used, bibliography of authors of both sexes will be used, the intervention of male and female students in class will be encouraged...).

We will work to identify and modify sexist prejudices and attitudes and will influence the environment to modify them and promote values of respect and equality.

Situations of gender discrimination should be detected and actions and measures will be proposed to correct them.


Green Campus Program Faculty of Sciences

To help achieve an immediate sustainable environment and comply with point 6 of the "Environmental Statement of the Faculty of Science (2020)", any documentary homework to be carried out in this subject:

a. They will be requested mostly in virtual format and computer support.

b. If on paper:

- No plastics will be used.

- Double-sided printing shall be used.

- Recycled paper shall be used.

- Drafts shall be avoided.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.