Competencies / Study results |
Study programme competences / results
A1 |
CE01 - Asumir como profesional e cidadán a importancia da revisión crítica das actuacións sociais e ambientais das empresas. |
A2 |
CE02 - Comprender a incidencia da contorna na actividade empresarial: dispor de coñecementos adecuados para interpretar e elaborar estratexias de actuación social e ambiental da empresa. |
A7 |
Saber realizar un diagnóstico estratégico del sector en el que se encuentra ubicado la empresa u organización. |
A9 |
CE09 - Preparar informes económicos-financeiros que satisfagan as necesidades dos usuarios. |
A10 |
CE10 - Ler e interpretar estados financeiros. |
A11 |
CE11 - Deseñar estratexias corporativas, competitivas e políticas de empresas. |
A21 |
CE21 - Deseñar sistemas de información para a empresa. |
A22 |
CE22 - Manexar ferramentas informáticas para a xestión de empresas. |
B1 |
CB6 - Posuír e comprender coñecementos que acheguen unha base ou oportunidade de ser orixinais no desenvolvemento e/ou aplicación de ideas, a miúdo nun contexto de investigación |
B2 |
CB7 - Que os estudantes saiban aplicar os coñecementos adquiridos e a súa capacidade de resolución de problemas en contornas novas ou pouco coñecidos dentro de contextos máis amplos (ou multidisciplinares) relacionados coa súa área de estudo |
B3 |
CB8 - Que os estudantes sexan capaces de integrar coñecementos e enfrontarse á complexidade de formular xuízos a partir dunha información que, sendo incompleta ou limitada, inclúa reflexións sobre as responsabilidades sociais e éticas vinculadas á aplicación dos seus coñecementos e xuízos |
B4 |
CB9 - Que os estudantes saiban comunicar as súas conclusións e os coñecementos e razóns últimas que as sustentan a públicos especializados e non especializados dun modo claro e sen ambigüidades |
B6 |
CG1 - Organizar e planificar a xestión empresarial. |
B7 |
CG2 - Resolver problemas empresariais. |
B8 |
CG3 - Tomar decisións na empresa de forma efectiva. |
B9 |
CG4 - Compromiso ético na dirección empresarial. |
B10 |
CG5 - Aplicar coñecementos á xestión empresarial |
B11 |
CG6 - Aprender novas técnicas de dirección de empresas. |
B12 |
CG7 - Adaptarse a novas situacións e xerar novas ideas no mundo empresarial. |
B14 |
CG9 - Entender a importancia da cultura emprendedora. |
C1 |
CT01 - Saber manexar as fontes de información relevante e o seu contido |
C2 |
CT02 - Valorar críticamente o coñecemento e a tecnoloxía. |
C3 |
CT03 - Valorar a importancia da aprendizaxe ao longo de toda a carreira profesional. |
C4 |
CT04 - Traballar en equipo e desenvolver un espírito lóxico e creativo. |
C5 |
CT05 - Capacidade de análise e síntese |
C6 |
CT06 - Comunicación oral e escrita. |
C7 |
CT07 - Capacidade crítica. |
C8 |
CT08 - Capacidade de liderado |
C9 |
CT09 - Habilidade para traballar de forma autónoma. |
C10 |
CT10 - Capacidade para comunicarse con expertos doutras áreas. |
C11 |
CT11 - Utilizar as ferramentas básicas das tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións (TIC) necesarias para o exercicio da súa profesión e para a aprendizaxe ao longo da súa vida. |
Learning aims |
Learning outcomes |
Study programme competences / results |
Comprende-lo papel das TIC nas organizacións empresariais |
AJ1 AJ2 AJ21 AJ22
BJ1 BJ2 BJ3 BJ4 BJ6 BJ7 BJ8 BJ9 BJ11 BJ12
CJ1 CJ4 CJ5 CJ7 CJ9 CJ10 CJ11
Relaciona-las TIC coa competitividade e o desempeño empresarial |
AJ2 AJ7 AJ11
BJ1 BJ2 BJ3 BJ4 BJ6 BJ7 BJ8 BJ10 BJ11 BJ12 BJ14
Comprende-la dinámica financeira dos investimentos intensivos en TIC |
AJ9 AJ10
BJ3 BJ4 BJ6 BJ7 BJ8 BJ10
Saber avaliar invesvimentos, proxectos ou empresas intensivas en TIC |
AJ7 AJ9 AJ10 AJ21
BJ1 BJ2 BJ3 BJ4 BJ7 BJ8 BJ9 BJ10 BJ12 BJ14
CJ2 CJ3 CJ5 CJ6 CJ11
Fomenta-lo interese e o sentido crítico en relación á innovación e ó progreso da tecnoloxía |
BJ11 BJ12
CJ1 CJ2 CJ3 CJ4 CJ5 CJ6 CJ7 CJ8 CJ9 CJ10 CJ11
Contents |
Topic |
Sub-topic |
Información e toma de decisións |
Datos, información e coñecemento |
O sistema de información |
Sistemas vs. tecnoloxías da información
As TIC en perspectiva histórica
A organización como un entramado de fluxos de información |
A dimensión interna |
Procesamento de transaccións
Sistemas de xestión e para a toma de decisións |
A dimensión externa |
Comercio electrónico
Cambios estruturais: nube, inteligencia de negocio, inteligencia artificial, analítica avanzada |
Aspectos de xestión |
Avaliación de investimentos en TIC
Intanxibles e competitividade |
Planning |
Methodologies / tests |
Competencies / Results |
Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) |
Student’s personal work hours |
Total hours |
Case study |
A1 A2 A7 A9 A10 A11 A21 A22 B2 B3 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B14 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 |
6 |
12 |
18 |
Supervised projects |
A2 A9 B10 B11 B12 C2 C4 C6 C9 C10 C11 |
15 |
52 |
67 |
Problem solving |
A7 A11 A21 A22 B1 B2 B3 B6 B7 C2 C3 C11 |
15 |
30 |
45 |
Guest lecture / keynote speech |
A2 A7 A9 A10 A11 B1 B2 B3 B4 B6 B7 B8 B14 C1 C2 C3 |
6 |
12 |
18 |
Personalized attention |
2 |
0 |
2 |
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students. |
Methodologies |
Methodologies |
Description |
Case study |
Critical analysis of real cases. They will be practical activities through the use of information and communication technologies and spreadsheets. Discussion is sought in small groups of the contents.
The student can intervene: a) on their own initiative, after asking for a turn to speak; b) at the initiative of the teacher, who will expressly request the intervention of the student |
Supervised projects |
Medium-length tasks on specific topics or issues, related to information management and data processing, within the field of interest of the subject |
Problem solving |
1. Preparation, presentation and solution of practical examples that the student, as part of a work group or individually, has to carry out throughout the course.
2. There will be exercises and/or readings to be done by the student in non-contact hours or autonomous work. In subsequent face-to-face hours, the following will be done:
a) a review of the exercises in which the student can intervene in the terms described in point 3 and b) of the readings, the corresponding question time will be opened in order to clarify those aspects that the student raises about the content of the same .
3. The student can intervene: a) on their own initiative, after asking for a turn to speak; b) at the initiative of the teacher, who will expressly request the intervention of the student.
Guest lecture / keynote speech |
Session General presentation of work topics, and group coordination |
Personalized attention |
Guest lecture / keynote speech |
Problem solving |
Supervised projects |
Description |
1. In the guest lectures and keynote speechs the student can participate, after being given the floor, to ask, clarify or explain his or her point of view about the issues being dealed with in the moment of his participation.
2. In the problem solving classes and supervised projects the student can participate as described in the Methodologies section.
3. In the tutorials, the student (including those with partial attending or with attending exemption) can ask about the doubts arisen in the preparation of the subject. Although it is not compulsory, the student can ask about the doubts and the data and time -inside the tutorials schedule- in which he or she wants to be received, thus improving the tutorials effectiveness and management.
4. If the questions dealed with in the individual tutorials are of a general interest, from the point of view of the teacher, they could be published in Moodle, together with their answers, to allow other students a better preparation of the subject. The name of the person who made the question will never be published
Assessment |
Competencies / Results |
Case study |
A1 A2 A7 A9 A10 A11 A21 A22 B2 B3 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B14 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 |
The cases will consist of preparation, presentation and group discussion of activities related to the specific contents of the subject at the proposal of the teachers.
20 |
Problem solving |
A7 A11 A21 A22 B1 B2 B3 B6 B7 C2 C3 C11 |
The problems will consist of individual and/or group exercises using spreadsheets containing data related to business management and decision making.
It will be valued i) the degree of participation; ii) creativity and level of assertiveness; iii) the ability to diagnose the situations raised and make valuable contributions; iv) the quality of the proposed solutions; v) the content of the report or memory presented; and vi) the ability to support the conclusions with arguments based on the financial, organizational and competitive logic of the company.
In the case of group tasks, the qualification can be individualized according to these criteria. |
40 |
Supervised projects |
A2 A9 B10 B11 B12 C2 C4 C6 C9 C10 C11 |
Autonomous group work in which each group will choose a database that must contain qualitative and/or quantitative variables and will prepare a report in Word that will include the following sections:
- Characteristics of the chosen information system
- Structure of the information system
- Sources of information and type of data used
- Analysis and Visualization of data through spreadsheets, any Statistical tool or "Business Intelligence" The report will explain the steps followed to carry out the corresponding analysis and will be accompanied by the work files used.
- Decision making and conclusions
Additionally, each group will make a presentation and present the analysis and results obtained in the Team Project, including a reflection on the difficulties encountered (for example: inaccurate data, available information, purpose of the analysis, analytical skills) and the lessons learned.
The presentation of the work will be carried out and will have a maximum duration of 10 minutes. After the presentation, each team will have to answer the questions or clarifications raised by their classmates or the teacher.
All team members must participate in the oral presentation. |
40 |
Assessment comments |
EVALUATION REGULATIONS: All aspectsrelated to "academic dispensation", "dedication to study","permanence" and "academic fraud" will be governed inaccordance with the current academic regulations of the UDC. EVALUATION OPPORTUNITIES: 1. First opportunity: The evaluation criteria previously indicated in this section will be applied. 2. Second opportunity: The evaluation criteria are the same as in the first opportunity. 3. Early opportunity: It will be evaluated through a mixed test that will account for 100% of the final grade OTHER EVALUATION OBSERVATIONS: 1. In general, without prejudice to what is indicated for students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic exemption from attendance exemption, class attendance is required to qualify for the part of the grade corresponding to continuous evaluation, both on the first opportunity and on the second opportunity. At the end of the evaluation period corresponding to the first opportunity, students who have yet to pass the subject may be offered activities that allow them to recover the part of the grade corresponding to the continuous evaluation for the second opportunity, which must be requested. to the teaching staff of the subject at least ten days in advance of the date of the second chance exam. 2. In those tasks that require teamwork, the group's work must be carried out equitably by all its members, avoiding unbalance in individual contributions to the group. In the event that any member does not make their corresponding contribution to the team, they will not be able to pass the subject at the first opportunity. On the second opportunity, you will have to prepare the entire task assigned to the team on your own, presenting it if necessary.
Sources of information |
Andreu, R. (1996). Estrategia y sistemas de información. Madrid: McGraw - Hill
Hirschheim, R. et al. (2002). Information systems outsourcing: enduring themes, emergent patterns, and future directions. New York: Springer Verlag
Alter, S. (1996). Information Systems. A Management Perspective. Menlo Park, California: Benjamin Cummings
O'Brien, J. (2006). Management information systems. Boston: McGraw - Hill
Cardona, J. (ed.) (2011). Sistemas de información empresarial: casos y supuestos prácticos. Granada: GEU
Gómez Vieites, A. (2009). Sistemas de información: herramientas prácticas para la gestión empresarial. Madrid: Ra-ma
Robson, W. (1994). Strategic management and information systems an integrated approach. Londres: Pitman
Li, F. (1995). The geography of business information. Chichester: Wiley |
A busca e análise de fontes é unha das metodoloxías desenvolvidas durante o curso e un dos seus obxectivos formativos; neste sentido, a bibliografía aportada debe entenderse como unha reseña básica e xeral, que se completa con referencias específicas para cada capítulo. |
Recommendations |
Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before |
Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously |
Subjects that continue the syllabus |
Other comments |
1. The delivery of the documentary works carried out in this subject:
- It
will be requested in virtual format and / or computer support
- It
will be done through Moodle, in digital format without the need to print
2. The importance of ethical principles related to sustainability values
in personal and professional behavior must be taken into account.
3. Work will be done to identify and modify prejudices and sexist
attitudes and the environment will be influenced to modify them and promote
values of respect and equality. Actions to fix gender discrimination, when
detected, will be proposed.
Según se recoge en las
distintas normativas de aplicación para la docencia universitaria se deberá
incorporar la perspectiva de género en esta materia. Se trabajará para
identificar y modificar prejuicios y actitudes sexistas y se influirá en el
entorno para modificarlos y fomentar valores de respeto e igualdad. Se deberán
detectar situaciones de discriminación por razón de género y se propondrán
acciones y medidas para corregirlas.
4. The full integration of students who, for physical, sensory,
psychological or sociocultural reasons, experience difficulties to an adequate,
equal and profitable access to university life will be facilitated. |