Identifying Data 2019/20
Subject (*) Economic Policy Code 611G02016
Study programme
Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Second Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Economía
Seijas Diaz, Amparo Dolores
Casal Rodríguez, Bruno
Erias Rey, Antonio
Nuñez Gamallo, Ramon Jose
Pena Lopez, Jose Atilano
Seijas Diaz, Amparo Dolores
General description O obxectivo desta asignatura é comprender os aspectos fundamentais dos procesos de toma de decisión en política económica. Para elo, estudianse os problemas básicos que plantexa a súa elaboración, os seus principais obxectivos e instrumentos, así coma os conflitos e intereses que xurden entre os diferentes actores, e como éstos poden influir nos resultados finais das diferentes políticas económicas.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences
To understand the utility of the subject in order to analyse potential economic situations affecting bussiness decisions A2
To develope intellectual attitudes, such as: creativity, intuition and analytical capacity, of logical and critical reflection B1
To achieve a group of instruments in order to analyse economic facts in changing contexts A1

Topic Sub-topic
Tema I. Fundamentos teóricos da Política Económica: Política Económica e Goberno
1.1. Introdución: A Política Económica como campo de análise.
1.2. Os sistemas económicos e as razóns da intervención na economía
1.3. O papel do Estado naeconomía e os fallos do sector público.
1.4. A interdependencia entre política e economía.
Tema II. O proceso de elaboración da Política Económica
2.1. Introdución
2.2. O esquema fins-medios.
2.3. Etapas e suxeitos do proceso de elaboración da Política Económica.
2.4. Problemas e restricións ó proceso de elaboración da política económica
Tema III. Obxectivos de Política Económica (I) 3.1. Introdución.
3.2. O pleno emprego.
3.3. A estabilidade de prezos.
3.4. Equilibrio exterior.
Tema IV. Obxectivos de Política Económica (II) 4.1. Introdución.
4.2. Crecemiento económico.
4.3. Redistribución da renda.
4.4. Calidade de vida e conservación do medioambiente.
Tema V. Política Económica coxuntural 5.1. Introdución.
5.2. O ciclo económico e a política coxuntural.
5.3. Política monetaria: fundamentos e instrumentos.
5.4. Política fiscal: fundamentos e instrumentos.
5.5. Política mixta.
Tema VI. Política Económica estrutural 6.1. Introdución.
6.2. Políticas económicas de oferta.
6.3. Políticas económicas de reformas estruturais.
6.4. Política de competencia.

Part I. Theoretical foundations of Economic

Policy 1.1. Introduction 1.2. Economic Policy as analysis field 1.3. Reasons and limitations of government's intervention in the economy 1.4. Economic functions of public authorities

Part II. The process of elaboration of the

Economic Policy 2.1. Introduction 2.2. The aims-means scheme 2.3. Active agents in the process of elaboration of Economic Policy 2.4. Stages and problems of the elaboration process of Economic Policy

Part III. Models and Economic Policy 3.1. Introduction 3.2. The decision-making models. 3.3. The models of interdependence between politics and economics 3.4. Other problems and restrictions of the economic policy

Part IV. Stabilization Economic Policy versus Structural Economic Policy 4.1. Introduction 4.2. The economic cycle and the stabilization policy 4.3. The monetary policy 4.4. The fiscal policy

Part V. Objectives and instruments of Economic

Policy 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Full employment 5.3. Price stability 5.4. Economic growth 5.5. Income redistribution


Methodologies / tests Competencies Personalized attention Assessment A Ordinary class hours

Methodologies / tests Competencies Ordinary class hours Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A11 A12 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 C1 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 17 34 51
Workshop A6 A8 B3 B4 B9 C1 25 50 75
Seminar A6 A8 A10 B4 B9 C1 4 8 12
Mixed objective/subjective test A7 A8 A11 B4 C1 C6 2 8 10
Personalized attention 2 0 2
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech The main aspects of the subject are explained by the teacher. The teacher might use audiovisual and means. In these sessions, student's active participation will be necessary, in order to transmit the knowledge base that the student needs to start his/her work and his/her learning.

Workshop Different activities that require the active participation of students will be carried out. The students’ analysis and reasoning capacity will be valued, deepening in the contents characteristic of the subject. As for the student's specific work, questions of short answer will be posed to value both the learning grade and the synthesis capacity; furthermore, there will be questions of wide answer related with aspects of the subject usually with reference to a text, a graph, a piece of news, etc. and where appropriate, there could also be multiple-choice questions.
Seminar Each group will be divided into two sub-groups of students (15 students each one). These sessions may be used to solve doubts and to discuss about the different parts of the subject. This technique allow an active participation of the students in the development of the subject contents.
Mixed objective/subjective test At the end of the course there will be a written test that will combine short answer or multiple answer questions with some broad questions. This exam model is intended to assess the knowledge acquired by the student throughout the course, as well as the reasoning capacity, creativity and critical spirit of the student.

Personalized attention
To optimize the use of this methodology the individual learning needs of each student will be taken into account.

Methodologies Competencies Description Qualification
Workshop A6 A8 B3 B4 B9 C1 Activities carried out throughout the course. Within this section, participation in classes and practical activities developed and presented by the student during the course are considered. 60
Mixed objective/subjective test A7 A8 A11 B4 C1 C6 Assessment in a final exam. It consists of taking a written exam where all the content developed during the course is evaluated. 40
Assessment comments

The qualification as “Non-presented” corresponds to the student when he only participates in evaluation activities that have a weight lower than 20% in the final qualification, regardless of the grade reached.

Final qualification: To pass the subject, it will be necessary to have done at least the 20% of the tests of continuous evaluation ("workshop").

The evaluation of the second opportunity (July) will be carried out with the same criteria that the evaluation of the first opportunity.

Those students who have opted to the evaluation of the early opportunity will be treated with the same criteria applied for the July opportunity, i. e., 40% final exam and 60% continuous evaluation.

Students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic assistance waiver exemption. Except for the dates approved by the Faculty Board for the mixed tests, for the remaining tests will be agreed at the beginning of the course a specific timetable compatible with their dedication.

Conditions for doing the final exam and the evaluation activities: The professors in charge of each group will communicate the students the material required for the realization of both the different activities of continuous evaluation and the final exam.

Sources of information
Basic ARIAS, X.C. (1996). La formación de la política económica. Madrid: Civitas.
PAREJO GÁMIR, J. A.; A. CALVO BERNARDINO y J. PAUL GUTIÉRREZ (1995). La política económica de reformas estructurales. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces
CUADRADO ROURA, J. R. (dir.) (2010). Política Económica. Madrid:McGraw-Hill
FERNÁNDEZ DÍAZ, A.; J. A. PAREJO GÁMIR y L. RODRÍGUEZ SÁIZ (2011). Política Económica. Madrid: McGraw-Hill
GÁMIR. L. (coord) (2008). Política Económica de España. Madrid: Alianza Editorial
Aranda, E.;Pérez, S.;Sánchez, A (2018). Política Económica y Entorno Empresarial. Madrid:Pearson
JORDÁN GALDUF, J.M. y A. GARCIA RECHE (coords) (1995). Política Económica. Objetivos, instrumentos, sectores y territorio. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanc
García Reche, A.; Sánchez Andrés, A. (2016). Políticas económicas estruturales y de competitividad. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch
MANKIW, N. G. (2004). Principios de economía. Madrid:McGraw-Hill.
PETITBÒ, A. (2000). “La defensa de la competencia en el ámbito del sector servicios”. Información Comercial Española, nº 787, págs. 153-185.


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.