Identifying Data 2023/24
Subject (*) English Literature and Gender Code 613G03043
Study programme
Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Fourth Optional 4.5
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Letras
Gomez Blanco, Carlos Juan
Gomez Blanco, Carlos Juan
General description Estudio da producción literaria inglesa desde a perspectiva de xénero.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences
A1 Coñecer e aplicar os métodos e as técnicas de análise lingüística e literaria.
A2 Saber analizar e comentar textos e discursos literarios e non literarios utilizando apropiadamente as técnicas de análise textual.
A3 Coñecer as correntes teóricas da lingüística e da ciencia literaria.
A6 Ter un dominio instrumental avanzado oral e escrito da lingua inglesa.
A11 Ter capacidade para avaliar, analizar e sintetizar criticamente información especializada.
A14 Ser capaz para identificar problemas e temas de investigación no ámbito dos estudos lingüísticos e literarios e interrelacionar os distintos aspectos destes estudos.
A15 Ser capaz de aplicar os coñecementos lingüísticos e literarios á práctica.
A16 Ter un coñecemento avanzado das literaturas en lingua inglesa.
A19 Coñecer a situación sociolingüística da lingua inglesa.
B1 Utilizar os recursos bibliográficos, as bases de datos e as ferramentas de busca de información.
B2 Manexar ferramentas, programas e aplicacións informáticas específicas.
B3 Adquirir capacidade de autoformación.
B4 Ser capaz de comunicarse de maneira efectiva en calquera contorno.
B6 Ter capacidade de organizar o traballo, planificar e xestionar o tempo e resolver problemas de forma efectiva.
B7 Ter capacidade de análise e síntese, de valorar criticamente o coñecemento e de exercer o pensamento crítico.
B8 Apreciar a diversidade.
B10 Comportarse con ética e responsabilidade social como cidadán/á e profesional.
C2 Dominar a expresión e a comprensión de forma oral e escrita dun idioma estranxeiro.
C3 Utilizar as ferramentas básicas das tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións (TIC) necesarias para o exercicio da súa profesión e para a aprendizaxe ao longo da súa vida.
C4 Desenvolverse para o exercicio dunha cidadanía aberta, culta, crítica, comprometida, democrática e solidaria, capaz de analizar a realidade, diagnosticar problemas, formular e implantar solucións baseadas no coñecemento e orientadas ao ben común.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences
Integrate literary knowledge in the socio historic context A2
Fluency in English in order to write essays and make oral presentations of research work. A1
Ability to organize and synthesize knowledge and personal input. A2
Widen knowledge of literary theory A1
Ability for critical analysis of (literary) texts from different periods and countries. A1

Topic Sub-topic
1. The politics of writing: The question of gender in English literature
2. Myths of womanhood (and manhood).
3. Gender and the canon.
4. Introduction to early women writers. Reception and censorship. Pros and amateurs.
5. The 20th century: Female aesthetics. Gay Studies.
1. Characters and writers. The male perspective.
2. Heroes and Heroines in western culture. A brief view, focusing on the periods from Elizabethan to modern times. (Greek and ancient Christian cultures too.)
3. The role of Angloamerican/French feminist criticism and Gay Studies.
4. Individual writers. Aphra Behn, Mary Astell, Mary Wollstonecraft, Hannah Moore, Jane Austen and the eighteenth-century novel by women.
5. Modern Feminism(s)

Compulsory readings:

John Vanbrugh, The Relapse
Jane Austen. Sense and Sensibility (and) Persuasion.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, "The Yellow Wallpaper"
Kazuo Ishiguro. "Crooner" and "Nocturne" in Nocturnes: Five Stories
Optional: Hotel du Lac, by Anita Brookner
The Feigned Courtsesans and The Rover by A. Behn
The Provoked Wife by J. Vanbrugh
I. Gender and sexuality.
II. Gender, class and ethnicity.
III. Patriarchy and its stigmas.

Passages from Vanbrugh, Austen, Gilman, Brookner and Ishiguru.
A few passages from other textos: by Astell, Wollstonecraft, Meredith, Woolf, Cisneros, Gilbert & Gubar, etc.

Methodologies / tests Competencies Ordinary class hours Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Workbook A2 A15 A1 A2 A3 A6 A11 A14 A15 A16 A19 B5 B7 B8 B9 B1 B2 B4 B6 B7 B10 C5 C2 C3 C4 0 24 24
Document analysis A2 A15 A1 A2 A3 B5 B7 B9 B2 B3 B4 B6 B8 B10 C5 C2 10 11 21
Directed discussion A2 B8 4 3 7
Supervised projects A1 A2 A6 C2 C7 0 15 15
Oral presentation A2 A15 3 6 9
Guest lecture / keynote speech A15 B5 C5 13 6.5 19.5
Mixed objective/subjective test A2 A15 B5 B7 C5 1.5 13.5 15
Personalized attention 2 0 2
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Workbook The students are to read the compulsory sources and whatever photocopies they are provided with.
Document analysis Lectures: General issues and textual analysis (DE).
interactive classes: textual analysis .
Directed discussion interactive classes: discussion and textual analysis from a gender perspective (vid. reading list of PRÁCTICAS).
Supervised projects A 7-8 page essay on an aspect from Vanbrugh's, Austen's, Perkins' or Ishiguro's texts.
Length: A minimum of 6 double-spaced A4 pages. OBLIGATORY.
Oral presentation PRÁCTICAS: oral presentation of an essay. OBLIGATORY.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Lectures on the contents of the course.
Mixed objective/subjective test Final exam.

Personalized attention
Supervised projects
Oral presentation
The student is to present a project in class (PRACTICAS) and write another individual essay or PROJECT (TEORIA), and he or she must contact the teachers so that his or her work may be revised as it progresses and the corresponding teacher's advice may be followed.

Methodologies Competencies Description Qualification
Supervised projects A1 A2 A6 C2 C7 1 PROJECT or essay done individually on issues related to gender in literature written in English (using ONLY the corpus; vid. reading lists in the sources section). 5-7 double-spaced pages. Those cannot do the presentation may present a written essay. It will compute for both (20%).

Oral presentation A2 A15 Orally presented PROJECT (which is compulsory) . Done in class using Powerpoint. It will actually compute as a presentation and a project (2 points).. 10
Directed discussion A2 B8 Making use of readings, analyses and explanations done in all classes, a debate must be established over them so that the students may participate and further their knowledge and textual-analysis competence. (small group classes)
Document analysis A2 A15 A1 A2 A3 B5 B7 B9 B2 B3 B4 B6 B8 B10 C5 C2 In the PRÁCTICAS or interactive classes, it will consist of literary commentary and textual analysis, which is the most important didactic method used in PRÁCTICAS (beside directed discussions), but also frequent in the lectures.
Some of these exercises will be marked. 2.5 points (25%).
TEORÍA (DE): Though literary commentaries done in class will be less frequent in this hour, they may be also marked.
Textual analysis will be also an important element in the January/July exams (see MIXED TEST below).
Mixed objective/subjective test A2 A15 B5 B7 C5 Mixed (theoretical/practical) exam: an essay and a textual commmentary.
Assessment comments

Students must get at least 2 out of 5 in the exam and 2 out of 5 points in continuous evaluation parts, and the average must be at least 5. Written essays must be handed in before the deadline set by the teacher, and always before the course is over.

The essay, if there has been no presentation , is to be delivered by Dec 15th (and June 15th for the second opportunity).
NO COPYING. Original essays: To detect plagiarism, the application Turnitin could be used. This application recognises papers previously turned in by other people(or the student him/herself) at this university or other universities.
For the July assessment students that have not done or passed any part earlier will have to take an exam (50% of the final mark) and do (written) exercises of textual analysis plus the project (25% max)

Those students that have already done acceptable exercises and essays or presentations will not have to write new ones.
Those students that fail or do not complete the first-chance (January) or second-chance (July) assessment will appear as Non Presentado only if they carried out or handed in less than 30% of the continuous assessment activities during the course (including both theory and practice classes). As established by the Vicerreitorado de Organización Académica e Titulacións, those students that fail in the first-chance assessment and do not take the second-chance tests will appear as "suspenso" .
DISPENSA ACADÉMICA: Those who are officially registered as part-time students, and have been granted permission not to attend classes, as stipulated in the regulations of this University, should contact the teacher at the beginning of the course. These students will be assessed in either of the opportunities according to the same criteria specified for the second opportunity.

Students sitting the December exam (final exam broughtforward) will be assessed according to the criteria specified for the July opportunity.

DIVERSITY: This module can be adapted to students who need support for their particular situation(physical, visual, auditory, cognitive, learning process, or related to mentalhealth). If necessary, students should contact the services available in UDC/in their school or faculty, or the Unidadde Atención a la Diversidad (ADI) at the beginning of each academic semester inthe timeframe officially established ( ); alternatively, they can contact the ADI tutor in the Faculty of Philology at the following address: ).

-In accordance with the various regulations governing university teaching, it is necessary to incorporate a gender perspective into this subject. This includes, among other measures, the use of non-sexist language, bibliographies that are inclusive from a gender perspective, and encouraging participation from all students in class, regardless of their gender.

-We will pay particular attention to identifying and addressing sexist prejudices and attitudes. We will actively work towards the modification of this environment and the promotion of values of respect and equality.

-Our efforts will focus on detecting cases of gender discrimination and implementing appropriate actions to rectify such cases.

Any plagiarized exercise or test will result in a failing grade (0) in this subject in accord with article 11, section 4b, of the "Regulamento disciplinar do estudantado da UDC":

Cualificación de suspenso na convocatoria en que se cometa a falta e respecto da materia en que se cometese: o/a estudante será cualificado con “suspenso” (nota numérica 0) na convocatoria correspondente do curso académico, tanto se a comisión da falta se produce na primeira oportunidade como na segunda. Para isto, procederase a modificar a súa cualificación na acta de primeira oportunidade, se fose necesario.

Sources of information


Textos de lectura obligatoria:

John Vanbrugh, The Relapse

Jane Austen. Sense and Sensibility; Persuasion

C. Perkins Gilman .The Yellow Wallpaper,

Kazuo Ishiguro. "Crooner" and "Nocturne" from Nocturnes: Five Stories


The Feigned Courtsesans, The Rover by Aphra Behn

The Provoked Wife, by John. Vanbrugh

Emma, by Jane Austen

Daisy Jones & The Six (TV series, one season only, 2023) 

(Presentations/essays on any of the list)

PRÁCTICAS - Phocopies, pdfs or links to websites will be provided.



  •  Susan Heinzelman (). Women Gender and Literature e-Journal. Univ. of Texas
  •  Lizbeth Goodman (1996). Literature and Gender. Routledge. London
  • Eagleton, Mary (1998). Feminist Literary Criticism. Longman. London
  • Gómez Lara, Manuel J., and Juan A. Prieto Pablos. The Ways of the Word: An Advanced Course on Reading and the Analysis of Literary Texts. Huelva: U de Huelva, 1994. 
  • Miles, Rosalind (1987). The Female Form. Women Writers and the Conquest of the Novel.. Routledge.London
  • Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theory. Eds. Lisa Disch and Mary Hawkesworth. Oxford: OUP, 2016.
    • Brizee, Allen. Gender Studies and Queer Theory. Purdue Univ. Indiana. 2010.
    • Gilbert, Sandra, & Susan Gubar. The Madwoman in the Attic. Yale Univ. Press, 2000.
    • Gilbert, S. Feminist Literary Theory and Criticism. Norton, 2007.
    • Glen A. Love. Practical Ecocriticism. Univ. of Virginia Press, 2003.
    • Ledger, Sally. Fiction and Feminism at the fin de siècle. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1997.
    • Ledger, Sally and Luckhurst, Roger.The Fin de Siécle. A Reader in Cultural History, 1880-1900. Oxford: OUP, 2009.
    • Morris, Pam.Literature and Feminism.London: Blackwell, 1993.
    • Pykett, Lynn. Engendering Fictions. The English Novel in the Early 20th Century. London: Arnold, 1995.
    • Ruthven, K.K. Feminist Literary Studies. An Introduction. Cambridge:CUP, 1984.
    • Showalter, Elaine. A literature of their Own: British Women Novelists from Brontë to Lessing. London: Routledge, 1989.
    • Stone, Lawrence. The Family, Sex and Marriage in England, 1500-1800. Abreviada. Penguin, 1990.
    • Todd, Janet. The Sign of Angellica: Women, Writing and Fiction, 1600-1800. Columbia UP, 1992.
    • Todd, Janet.Feminist Literary History. London: Polity Press, 1988.


    The Purdue OWL Family of Sites. The Writing Lab and OWL at Purdue and Purdue U, 2008. Web

    Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
    Literatura Inglesa 1/613G03010
    Literatura Inglesa 2/613G03017
    English Literature (16th and 17th Centuries)/613G03021
    Culture and Civilisation of English-Speaking Countries/613G03022
    North American Literature 1/613G03024
    Postcolonial Literature/613G03026
    Writing and Argumentation Skills/613G03027
    English Literature and Literary Criticism/613G03032

    Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

    Subjects that continue the syllabus

    Other comments

    (*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.