Identifying Data 2015/16
Subject (*) Análise Arquitectónico 2 Code 630G01017
Study programme
Grao en Arquitectura
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Second FB 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Representación e Teoría Arquitectónica
Lizancos Mora, Plácido
Castro García, Óscar
Doce Porto, Juan Manuel
Franco Taboada, Juan Manuel
Lizancos Mora, Plácido
Llano Cabado, Pedro de
Ventura Real, Jose Maria Nicolas
O obxectivo desta materia céntrase na adquisición de habilidades e capacidades para a análise da arquitectura, graficamente e por medio de maquetas analíticas, que lle permitirán abordar o estudo de diversos aspectos do proxecto arquitectónico, a súa relación co seu ámbito e a adecuación ás necesidades dos usuarios, adquirindo competencias específicos dos bloques técnico e proxectual.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences

Topic Sub-topic
INTRODUCTION TO THE CASE STUDY Introduction. Organization, objectives and methodology.
Each year the course focuses on the study of a theme, which may be the work of an architect or a general topic. This theme will be presented at the beginning of the course.
Learning how to read a project.
Basic concepts for an introduction to analysis.
Diagram as a means of expression
FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS The functional content of architecture.
The functional structure as basis of architecture.
Characteristics of the itineraries.
Typology. Type and model.
SPATIAL AND LIGHTING ANALYSIS Space and light as essence of architecture.
The perception of architecture through its itineraries.
Strategies to represent and analyze space and light.
Light as vector to envisioning spaces.
Natural direct light, refelcted, blur, shadows.
Light control and new technologies.
TOPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS The “genius loci”. Choosing a plot.
The adaptation to the site: tension and harmony.
Interior spaces, exterior spaces: connections.
TECHNOLOGYCAL ANALYSIS Building and structural systems as a means on the materialisation and the meaningfullness of the architecture.
The skin on the tectonic conformation of the architecture.
VISUAL ANALYSIS Recognizing the visual appearance of an object.
The shape as a start and the shape as a consequence.
The generative process of shape as a connection between mass, space and surface.
Geometry: graphic proposal for a morphological order. Geometric analysis. Module. Modulor.

Methodologies / tests Competencies Ordinary class hours Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Directed discussion A9 A35 A36 A42 B1 B3 B7 B17 B18 4 0 4
Oral presentation B3 B7 B11 B17 B18 3 3 6
Field trip A42 A44 A45 A46 B1 B10 B17 C7 6 9 15
Guest lecture / keynote speech A4 A10 A13 A34 A35 A36 A38 A44 A45 A46 A47 B9 B14 C3 C6 15 1 16
Events academic / information A9 A44 A45 A46 C7 6 0 6
Workshop A4 A10 A13 A34 A35 A36 A38 A42 B1 B3 B4 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B13 B14 B18 B19 C3 C6 36 48 84
Mixed objective/subjective test A4 A9 A10 A13 A34 A35 A36 A38 A42 A44 A45 A46 A47 B1 B3 B4 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B13 B14 B17 B18 C3 C6 C7 6 12 18
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Directed discussion Periodically crisis sessions will be held in order to discuss in an informal way the results of the group work, this discussion can be led by a moderator.
Oral presentation Students do presentations, with the support of ICT, of the results of their work, interacting with teachers and other students.
Field trip The field trip helps to know the buildings to be analyzed.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Aimed at the conceptual introduction and providing the information necessary for the development of workshop exercises.
Events academic / information To deepen the knowledge of specialized aspects of the subject that can provide new information to the general aspects of the course.
Workshop In the workshops all methodologies (presentations, simulations, debates, problem solving, supervised exercises, etc.) are combined simultaneously on practical tasks, with the assistance of the teacher.

Mixed objective/subjective test This is a test of theoretical and practical content in which students show their progress in the knowledge of the methodology of the subject. It will be done during class time and will be submitted for class evaluation at the end of the session.

Personalized attention
Directed discussion
Evaluation is a continuous process, in which the activity in each of the sessions of the course developed by the student is monitored and recorded. Periodically and whenever the student requires, he is informed of the level reached by his exercises in relation to the objectives of the subject. There is a period at the end of the course, free of theoretical sessions and workshops, in which the care is provided exclusively individually, so that each student is oriented in order to achieve the objectives of the subject and even the excellence. At all times of the semester teachers provide students individually with additional support in a suitable timetable.

Methodologies Competencies Description Qualification
Guest lecture / keynote speech A4 A10 A13 A34 A35 A36 A38 A44 A45 A46 A47 B9 B14 C3 C6 The contents of the theoretical sessions are essential to know the techniques and objectives of analysis which will then be used in the course work. 20
Events academic / information A9 A44 A45 A46 C7 To enhance the knolowdege of highly specialised concepts or ideas, special academic events as lectures or keynote speakers can be launched. 3
Field trip A42 A44 A45 A46 B1 B10 B17 C7 Study trips can be organised when usefull for deepening on the knowlodege of artworks. 2
Oral presentation B3 B7 B11 B17 B18 As AA2 is a very practical subject, oral presentations done by the students are the best way to assess both knowledge and skills that are the objective of the subject. 5
Mixed objective/subjective test A4 A9 A10 A13 A34 A35 A36 A38 A42 A44 A45 A46 A47 B1 B3 B4 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B13 B14 B17 B18 C3 C6 C7 This is a test of theoretical and practical content in which students show their progress in the knowledge of the methodology of the subject. It will be done during class time and will be submitted for class evaluation at the end of the session. 5
Directed discussion A9 A35 A36 A42 B1 B3 B7 B17 B18 The directed discussions will bring out the strength of the student's knowledge and visual communication mechanisms of their ideas. 5
Workshop A4 A10 A13 A34 A35 A36 A38 A42 B1 B3 B4 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B13 B14 B18 B19 C3 C6 The workshop is the area of synthesis of the subject. The Workshop simultaneously demonstrate the intellectual development of students and the knowledge of the course objectives, the mastery of the subject and the communication resources essential for an architect. 60
Assessment comments

The student must attend the keynote sessions and present the graphic works, models, etc. put forward in the workshops, with the level of quality required to pass the course. Attendance to the theoretical and practical sessions and workshops is compulsory at least 80%. Without this requirement, the student will not pass the course. In order to pass the subject, the student will have two opportunities: January and July. The first one coincides with the date of submission of the last job, and may enable students to pass the course. Students who do not pass this first opportunity, may take a second one, which will consist of a practical exam in July. The submission of exercises below 80% implies a grade of "Absent" in the two assessment opportunities. Therefore, the student must repeat the course from start to finish. It is essential to deliver the specific practices of the subject, including the 3rd semester workshop with Projects 3 in order to pass each of the subjects that make up the workshop. This will amount to 20% of the final grade. Students who do not submit practices -wholly or partly- required in the workshop will be graded with an "Absent" in all subjects of the workshop. Students who do not pass the subject Projects 3 on the two opportunities, must attend the workshop the following year. In that case, students will do all the course work of the subjects that they did not pass.
Students who passed the subject Projects 3 but did not pass any of the other subjects of the workshop, will have to redo their exercises with the corrections suggested by their teachers. Students enrolled after the start of the academic year, must attend the theoretical and practical classes from the date of enrollment, with the possibility of new dates of submission. MOBILITY: Teaching students on mobility programs will be adapted to teaching conditions as well as supervised exercises and tests.

Sources of information
Basic Baker, Geoffrey H. (1989). Análisis de la forma. Urbanismo y arquitectura. GG. Barcelona
Clark & Pause (1987). Arquitectura. Temas de composición. GG. Barcelona
Clark & Pause (1984). Arquitectura. Temas de composición. Aalto, Kahn, Moore, Stirling, Le Corbusier, Paladio, Venturi. GG. Barcelona
Ching, Frank (1988). Arquitectura: forma, espacio y orden. GG. Barcelona
Various (2014). Cadernos PFC. ETSAC, A Coruña
Ching, Frank (1989). Dibujo y proyecto. GG. Barcelona
Leonardo Benévolo (1984). El diseño de la ciusdad-1. GG. Barcelona
Fraser & Henmi (1994). Envisioning architecture. An analysis of drawing. Willey & Sons. Nova York
Lasseau, Paul (1992). Frank Lloyd Wright: Between Principe and Form. Nostrand Reinhold. Boston
Norberg- Schulz, Christian (1967). Intenciones en arquitectura. GG. Barcelona
Moore /Allen & Lyindon (1974). La casa:forma y diseño. GG. Barcelona
Curtis, Wilian (1987). Le Corbusier, Ideas y formas. Blume
Baker, Geoffrey H. (1989). Le Corbusier. Análisis de la forma. GG. Barcelona
Michel, Lou (1996). Light. The shape of space. Van Nostrand Reinhold. Rotterdam
Wittkower, Rudolf (1995). Los fundamentos de la arquitectura en la edad del humanismo. Alianza Editorial
Moo Zell (2008). The architectural Drawing Course. Thames & Hudson. Londres

Aparte de estas entradas bibliográficas, cada ano a asiñatura incorpora bibliografías específicas, que serán suxeridas ós estudantes.


Aparte de estas entradas bibliográficas, cada ano a asiñatura incorpora bibliografías específicas, que serán suxeridas ós estudantes.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Architectural Drawing/630G01002
Descriptive Geometry/630G01003
Analysis on Architectural Form/630G01007
Análise Arquitectónico 1/630G01012
Xeometría da Forma Arquitectónica/630G01014

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Proxectos 4/630G01016
Urbanística 1/630G01018

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

Incoming students need to be highly proficiency on drawing skills, both analogycal either digital ones. 

We highly recommend to acces only if ANALISIS 1 has been superated. This subject should not be taken simultaneously with superior workshops. This subject must be attended in conjunction with Proyectos 4 and Urbanismo 1 of the same semester. 

Mobile phones, tablets or computers in theoretical classes are not allowed for non academic purposes. Violation of this rule may result in the immediate expulsion from the classroom.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.