The evaluation of the course is configured as a weighted sum of tutoring woks and exams. Each of the three parts form the qualification (individual work, collective work and exam) are rated from 0 to 10 points, being required to achieve a minimum score of 3 points in each one of them to pass.
Attendance and participation at face-to-face classes are required to be evaluated. Non-Presential work is valued through the works according to the maximum and minimum percentages described above.
Supervised projects are individual or collective practical works developing specific and basic ideas of the contents. Graphic expression and analytical abilities will be specially considered for grading.
The objective test involves specific questions and specific analysis of texts, works or architectural fragments that enable to assess the understanding of the particular aspects of the contents and make it possible to verify their assimilation and the proper customization of rating. As a preparatory process, during the period will have some trials to understand the objective test's questions.
Students to be graded at the first opportunity (January) must meet all of the following requirements:
1. Attend 80% of the classes.
2. 80% of works in due dates
3. Collective work in due date
4. Answer all the questions in the objective test
In case of failure to comply with any of the three first points the student will get a "NP" (no presentado) in January and July oportunities.
If the student do not complete the first objective test (January) and all the requirements are passed he/she will get a "NP" (January)
The second oportunity (July) will only consists in an objective test. The same conditions are required as in the first opportunity, so students must: 1. Meet all the previous 4 requirements and obtained a grade under 5 in the first objective test. 2. Or they meet the first 3 requirements and did not attend the first objective test.
Late registration students:
1. Will have to attend al least 90% of face to face classes
2. Will have to complete all the individual and collective works in due date -after registration-
3. Works done before registration will also have to be done according to the responsible professor.
The other rules without conflicting the previous ones will affect all late registration students.
Incoming and outgoing mobility studens will be adapted to the same rules as regular students.
Previous year students who have accomplished the attendance conditions do not have to repeat it
Previous year/s students who have passed the individual works do not have to repeat them
Previous year/s students who have passed the group work do not have to repeat it.