Study programme competencies |
Study programme competences / results
A1 |
"Ability to apply graphical procedures to the representation of spaces and objects (T) " |
A2 |
Ability to conceive and represent the visual attributes of objects and master proportion and drawing techniques, including digital ones (T) |
A3 |
Knowledge of spatial representation systems and projections adapted and applied to architecture |
A4 |
Knowledge of the analysis and the theory of form and the laws of visual perception adapted and applied to architecture and urbanism |
A5 |
"Knowledge of the metric and projective geometry adapted and applied to architecture and urbanism " |
A6 |
"Knowledge of graphic surveying techniques at all stages, from the drawing sketches to scientific restitution, adapted and applied to architecture and urbanism " |
A7 |
"Knowledge of the principles of general mechanics, statics, mass geometry and vector and tensor fields, adapted and applied to architecture and urbanism " |
A10 |
"Knowledge of basic topography, hypsometry, mapping and earthmoving techniques adapted and applied to architecture and urbanism " |
A12 |
Ability to conceive, calculate, design, integrate in buildings and urban units and execute building structures (T) |
A13 |
Ability to conceive, calculate, design, integrate in buildings and urban units and execute interior partition walls, carpentry, stairs and other finished work (T) |
A14 |
Ability to conceive, calculate, design, integrate in buildings and urban units and execute exterior walls and cladding, roofing and other structural work (T) |
A17 |
Ability to apply technical and construction standards and regulations |
A25 |
Adequate knowledge of conventional construction systems and pathology |
A34 |
Ability to design, implement and develop sketches and drafts, concept designs, developed designs and technical designs (T) |
A35 |
Ability to design, implement and develop urban projects (T) |
A39 |
Ability to remove architectural barriers (T) |
A41 |
Ability to solve the passive environmental conditioning, including thermal and acoustic insulation, climate control, energy efficiency and natural lighting (T) |
A44 |
Ability to develop civil work projects (T) |
A45 |
Ability to design and execute urban layouts and urbanization, gardening and landscape design projects (T) |
A48 |
Adequate knowledge of general theories of form, composition and architectural types |
A49 |
Adequate knowledge of the general history of architecture |
A50 |
Adequate knowledge of the methods of studying the processes of symbolization, practical functions and ergonomics |
A51 |
Adequate knowledge of the methods of studying the social requirements, living conditions, habitability and basic housing programmes |
A52 |
"Adequate knowledge of ecology, sustainability and the principles of conservation of energy and environmental resources. " |
A53 |
Adequate knowledge of the architectural, urban and landscape traditions of Western culture, as well as their technical, climatic, economic, social and ideological foundationsxicos. |
A54 |
Adequate knowledge of aesthetics and theory and history of fine arts and applied arts |
A55 |
Adequate knowledge of the relationship between cultural patterns and social responsibilities of the architect |
A56 |
Adequate knowledge of the foundations of vernacular architecture |
A57 |
Adequate knowledge of urban sociology, theory, economics and history |
A58 |
Adequate knowledge of the methodological foundations of territorial, metropolitan and urban planning. |
Learning aims |
Learning outcomes |
Study programme competences / results |
Upon passing this subject, the student must be able to:
- Know how to handle material tools of a certain complexity and strengthen their cultural and intellectual arguments in order to undertake the ideation and development of a medium-scale and complex architectural project.
- Know how to relate the different scales of analysis and concretion of the project, from the urban to the detail, including elements of constructive definition, such as finishes and enclosures, and design and structural definition.
- Be able to develop adequate technical documentation for a project of medium complexity and scale, indicating with precision its formal configuration, its material, constructive, structural and facilities aspects, taking into account aspects of technical and urban regulations.
- Apply conditioning systems taking into account technical regulations and criteria related to sustainability, passive energy responses and optimization of energy resources. |
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A10 A12 A13 A14 A17 A25 A34 A35 A39 A41 A44 A45 A48 A49 A50 A51 A52 A53 A54 A55 A56 A57 A58
Contents |
Topic |
Sub-topic |
- Organizational tools. Program and structure
- Cultural tools. Tradition, history and culture of the place.
- Building and environment: energy and passive conditioning.
- The collective use. Spaces for relationship and meeting.
- Processing inner spaces. Material, color, lighting.
- Processing outdoor spaces. Pavements, gardening, courtyards. |
- Public and institutional architecture.
- Architecture and heritage. The historic city. The inherited towns.
- Architecture and landscape. Physical and cultural environment.
- Architectural language. Materiality and structure |
- Conditioning of spaces. Lighting, ventilation, systems.
- Technical facilities in buildings.
- Fire safety and evacuation infrastructures.
- Heritage, restoration and architectural intervention. |
- Urban analysis.
- Project of an urban facility or building with structural relevance in an unconsolidated environment.
- Development of the materiality of the proposal: construction and structure. |
- This course includes one of the projects of the IACOBUS Erasmus + International Convention, which is carried out with the OTH Architecture Schools of Regensburg (Germany), ENSACF of Clermont-Ferrand (France) and NUACA of Yerevan (Armenia)
- The agreement has an annual and rotating nature. Its object and theme affect the recovery of European Architectural Heritage and attention to refugees, and is configured through an International Workshop and a final presentation in the format of an architecture competition.
- This project may overlap or replace any of the exercises proposed within the contents of the subject.
- Students participate on a voluntary involvement basis. |
- Contextual analysis.
- Project of intervention on the natural and / or built heritage. |
Planning |
Methodologies / tests |
Competencies / Results |
Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) |
Student’s personal work hours |
Total hours |
Introductory activities |
A10 A48 A49 A54 |
2 |
0 |
2 |
Document analysis |
A3 A4 A5 A50 A51 |
0 |
12 |
12 |
Collaborative learning |
A53 A55 A56 A57 A58 |
4 |
10 |
14 |
Directed discussion |
A25 A41 A52 |
5 |
0 |
5 |
Diagramming |
A1 A2 |
0 |
8 |
8 |
Workshop |
A6 A7 A12 A13 A14 A17 A34 A35 A39 A44 A45 |
15 |
20 |
35 |
Guest lecture / keynote speech |
A25 A48 A49 A52 A53 A54 |
15 |
0 |
15 |
Supervised projects |
A1 A2 A10 A12 A13 A14 A17 A25 A34 A35 A41 A44 |
14 |
20 |
34 |
Objective test |
A34 A44 A45 A48 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Student portfolio |
A48 A49 A50 A51 A52 A53 A54 A55 A56 A57 A58 |
0 |
20 |
20 |
Personalized attention |
4 |
0 |
4 |
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students. |
Methodologies |
Methodologies |
Description |
Introductory activities |
In the first classes of this course, different tests will be posed to students in order to know their level of architectural expression. These tests will be done in the classroom. |
Document analysis |
Before starting the development work material in the Workshop, will proceed to the analysis of documentary sources related to the theme by using audiovisual documents, bibliographical, documentary reports, graphic panels, photographs, models, articles, informational texts , applicable regulations, etc.. The so formed groups (teacher - student) analyze the available documentation and complete it, producing a synthesis of various documentary sources. This analysis is complemented with interventions and architecture professionals from other fields, to be invited to conduct talks and discussions with development of specific issues and personal experiences. |
Collaborative learning |
Students are divided into small working groups, in which they work together to solve the tasks assigned by the teacher. The group is organized to obtain and elaborate the information and share it (analysis of the plot, finding examples of regulations, general construction site layout, data or in situ measurements, infographic treatment documentation obtained, etc.. ). This work is guided by the teacher. Its objective is to optimize both individual and group learning. |
Directed discussion |
Both the group and the individual works are exposed in public, to encourage group members to intervene in their own and others' creative process in a free, informal and spontaneous context. |
Diagramming |
The data obtained in the analysis, as well as the intentions of the project, will be expressed in simplified graphic form in the early stages of each job. These are the phases of background information and draft. |
Workshop |
Projects are developed by combining different methodologies and tests: attending exhibitions and lectures, by discussion of specific problems of the program, etc. The student works mainly on practical tasks in each exercise, always under the support and supervision of teachers. |
Guest lecture / keynote speech |
Expository teaching is organized around subject content. Periodically, conferences and / or exhibitions related to the topic at hand in each year will be held, in which the rapporteur will present orally and / or graphical information to students. |
Supervised projects |
It is intended to promote the autonomous learning of students, under the guidance of the teacher. It refers to the learning of "how to do things"; it is the student who assumes responsibility for his training. |
Objective test |
There will be an objective test on the contents presented in the expository sessions, which configure the theoretical and normative framework of the subject. |
Student portfolio |
As a result of their work at the end of the semester, each student will have developed its own portfolio, accessible through the Moodle teaching platform. This document, elaborated through the group sessions and the workshop, will serve as a basis for personnel qualification and student curriculum vitae. |
Personalized attention |
Student portfolio |
Supervised projects |
Workshop |
Directed discussion |
Description |
Students will receive personalized attention by their group's teacher, concerning the work developed in the subject and in the Workshop. In the Workshop students will also be able to comment and get critical revision by the teachers of other subjects and groups, to compare opinions and criteria and confront them with their own.
The student's portfolio will be discussed through periodical and personalized reviews, to observe its evolution and verify its authorship.
Specific conditions related to mobility for outgoing and incoming students:
- This subject foresees exclusively on-going assessment for all students, even for those in mobility programs, under similar requirements of evaluation and attendance. Specific attention may be provided to incoming students for linguistic reasons or obvious differences between the schools of origin and destination.
Assessment |
Competencies / Results |
Student portfolio |
A48 A49 A50 A51 A52 A53 A54 A55 A56 A57 A58 |
O resultado final dos traballos realizados na materia plasmarase no portafolios persoal do alumno, dispoñible e accesible a través da plataforma docente Moodle.
Avalíanse os resultados, pero a través dun proceso docente tutelado e guiado, onde o esforzo persoal e a evolución intelectual do alumno deberán aparecer reflectidos na documentación final. |
80 |
Objective test |
A34 A44 A45 A48 |
Os coñecementos instrumentais contidos no temario de docencia expositiva do curso serán avaliados mediante unha proba oxectiva. |
20 |
Assessment comments |
In order to overcome the course, the student must meet the following requirements:
1- Submit all proposed work, in good time and in an appropriate manner.
2- Attend classes and workshop on a regular basis. (A minimum attendance of 80% is required)
The students in any of the following circumstances will be considered as ABSENT:
1. By not submitting work in good time and in an appropriate manner, or submitting it incomplete. Work not matching the documentation required in the workshop shall be considered as incomplete.
2. Not accomplishing minimun attendance requirements.
3. Not attending the final test exam.
IMPORTANT: To overcome the subject, a minimum mark will be required in each one of the works and tests.
Tests of different opportunities may allow students to complete and modify all or part of their work to overcome part or all the subject.
Sources of information |
NEUFERT, Ernst (2007). Arte de Proyectar en Arquitectura. Barcelona, G.G.
VVAA (2010). Código Técnico de la Edificación.
TANIZAKI, Junichiro (1933). El elogio de la sombra. Siruela
VVAA (2009). Escuela de música y albergue en St. Klara, Regensburg. A Coruña, UDC
PROYECTOS III (Plan Antiguo) (). IACOBUS: Rehabilitación del Patrimonio Europeo.
VVAA (2007). La plaza de Pontevedra y el frente marítimo del Orzán. A Coruña, UDC
AUGÉ, Marc (). Los no lugares. Gedisa
VVAA (2007). Normas do hábitat galego.
ZUMTHOR, Peter (). Thinking architecture. Birkhäuser
VVAA (2008). Un complejo hotelero en Randan. A Coruña, UDC
ASCHNER ROSELLI, Juan Pablo (2009). ¿Cómo concebir un proyecto arquitectónico?. deArq (Revista digital) num. 05 |
DAZA, Ricardo (2000). Buscando a Mies. Barcelona, Actar Publishers
MONTEYS, X., FUERTES, P. (2001). Casa Collage. Barcelona, G.G.
KOOLHAAS, Rem (2007). Conversaciones con estudiantes. Barcelona, G.G.
SLOTERDIJK, Peter (1998-2004). Esferas . Siruela
BACHELARD, Gaston (). LA POETICA DE LA ENSOÑACION . Madrid: Fondo de Cultura Económica de España
TORRES TUR, Elías (2005). Luz cenital. Barcelona, Collegi d´Arquitectes de Catalunya
DELEUZE, Gille, GUATTARI, Félix (1994). Mil Mesetas. Capitalismo y esquizofrenia. Pre-textos
Recommendations |
Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before |
Construction 3/630G01022 | Urban Planning 2/630G01024 | Architectural Design 4/630G02016 | Structures 2/630G02023 |
Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously |
Construction 4/630G01027 | Urban Planning 3/630G01029 | Structures 3/630G02028 |
Subjects that continue the syllabus |
Projects 7/630G01031 | Architectural Design 6/630G02026 |