Identifying Data 2018/19
Subject (*) Fundamentals of Electricity Code 730G03012
Study programme
Grao en Enxeñaría Mecánica
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Second Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Enxeñaría Industrial
Menacho Garcia, Carlos Miguel
Menacho Garcia, Carlos Miguel
Santome Couto, Emilio
General description Nesta materia se estudia o análise de circuitos eléctricos, e una breve introducción ao funcionamiento das máquinas eléctricas.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences
A10 Coñecemento e utilización dos principios de teoría de circuítos e máquinas eléctricas.
B1 Que os estudantes demostren posuír e comprender coñecementos nunha área de estudo que parte da base da educación secundaria xeral e adoita encontrarse a un nivel que, aínda que se apoia en libros de texto avanzados, inclúe tamén algúns aspectos que implican coñecementos procedentes da vangarda do seu campo de estudo
B2 Que os estudantes saiban aplicar os seus coñecementos ao seu traballo ou vocación dunha forma profesional e posúan as competencias que adoitan demostrarse por medio da elaboración e defensa de argumentos e a resolución de problemas dentro da súa área de estudo
B3 Que os estudantes teñan a capacidade de reunir e interpretar datos relevantes (normalmente dentro da súa área de estudo) para emitiren xuízos que inclúan unha reflexión sobre temas relevantes de índole social, científica ou ética
B5 Que os estudantes desenvolvan aquelas habilidades de aprendizaxe necesarias para emprenderen estudos posteriores cun alto grao de autonomía
B7 Ser capaz de realizar unha análise crítica, avaliación e síntese de ideas novas e complexas
C1 Utilizar as ferramentas básicas das tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións (TIC) necesarias para o exercicio da súa profesión e para a aprendizaxe ao longo da súa vida.
C4 Valorar criticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas cos que deben enfrontarse.
C5 Asumir como profesional e cidadán a importancia da aprendizaxe ao longo da vida.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences
Apply Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's laws. Use correct general methods of analysis of DC circuits. Analyze any direct current circuit using the most appropriate method. A10
Interpret and differentiate between different types of ac power. Use correct general methods of analysis of alternating current circuits. Analyzing any AC circuit using the most appropriate method. A10
To analyze the operation of the three-phase balanced and unbalanced circuits. Interpret, differentiate and measure various types of power present in three-phase circuits. A10
Understanding the difference between the transitional regime and the steady or stationary state of a circuit. Learn to get the relevant initial conditions in an electrical circuit. Clearly identify the final steady state (elapsed long enough) expected of a circuit. Distinguish circuits first and second order. Get representative differential equation for each circuit transient. A10
Know the basic principles of electromagnetic energy conversion system. Know the basics and general operating principles of electric machines. A10

Topic Sub-topic
Analysis of DC circuits Basics
Circuit elements
Association of elements
Mesh analysis
Nodal analysis
Circuit Theorems
Analysis of AC circuits Basics
Analysis of circuits in sinusoidal steady state
Power and energy steady state sinusoidal
Theorems steady state sinusoidal
Analysis three-phase circuits Overview
Balanced and unbalanced three-phase circuits
Power in three-phase circuits
Measurement of power in three-phase circuits
Circuit analysis transient Basics
First order circuits
Second order circuits
Laplace Transform
Introduction to the operation of electric machines Magnetic circuits and energy conversion
General principles of electrical machines

Methodologies / tests Competencies Ordinary class hours Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Introductory activities A10 1.5 0 1.5
Guest lecture / keynote speech A10 B1 B2 B3 B5 B7 C1 C4 C5 24 38 62
Problem solving A10 B1 B2 B3 B5 B7 C1 C4 C5 22 33 55
Laboratory practice A10 B1 B2 B3 B5 B7 C1 C4 C5 9 5 14
Objective test A10 2 12 14
Multiple-choice questions A10 0.5 2 2.5
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Introductory activities Presentation of the subject, in large group (GG). Teachers: Miguel Menacho (theory and problems) and Emilio Santomé (Workshop Practice).

Guest lecture / keynote speech Oral presentation complemented the use of media and the introduction of questions aimed at motivating students, in order to impart knowledge and facilitate learning.

Corresponds to the kind of theory, large group (GG). Professor Miguel Menacho.

Problem solving Technique by to be solved a particular problem situation, from the knowledge and procedures that have been studied and worked.

Corresponds to the class of problems, medium (GM) group. Professor Miguel Menacho.

Laboratory practice Methodology that allows students to apply the knowledge acquired through the completion of practical activities.

It is for the workshop exercises, small group (GP). Instructor: Emilio Santomé.
Objective test Written test used for the assessment of learning.

In order to more rigorously assess the achievement of the objectives, the test consists of two parts: multiple choice questions (items) and problem solving.

Multiple choice questions (items) is a measuring instrument, whose distinctive feature is that it allows the answers qualify as correct or not; and to assess the knowledge acquired.

Troubleshooting: part that is intended to evaluate conceptual, procedural and attitudinal.

It is for the consideration of theory and problems. Instructor: Miguel Menacho

Multiple-choice questions Objective test consisting raise a question as direct question or incomplete statement with several response options or alternatives that provide possible solutions, of which only one is valid.

Corresponds to practice exam workshop. Instructor: Emilio Santomé.

Personalized attention
Objective test
Tutorials review.

In the case of part-time students, they will have exam sessions before each continuous assessment exam. In addition, they will be given a collection of objective tests and problems to solve throughout the course.

Methodologies Competencies Description Qualification
Multiple-choice questions A10 In the January announcement, the grade will be the sum of the amount of the assistance and assessment practices workshop note, which is valued between 0 and 5 points, and the note of a final exam (multiple choice test), which was also assessed from 0 to 5 points.

In the July, qualifying match corresponding note final exam (multiple choice test), which is valued between 0 and 10 points.

Objective test A10 This test involves problem solving and / or items, and will be computed between 0 and 10 points.
Laboratory practice A10 B1 B2 B3 B5 B7 C1 C4 C5 In the January announcement, the grade will be the sum of the amount of the assistance and assessment practices workshop note, which is valued between 0 and 5 points, and the note of a final exam (multiple choice test), which was also assessed from 0 to 5 points.

In the July, qualifying match corresponding note final exam (multiple choice test), which is valued between 0 and 10 points.
Assessment comments

Para aprobar a asignatura é necesario aprobar a parte de teoría e problemas e a parte de prácticas de laboratorio. Aprobarase tamén a asignatura se acadando unha nota superior o igual a 3'5 puntos na nota de prácticas de laboratorio, compensara coa parte de teoría e problemas. A calificación final é a suma da (nota de teoría e problemas)*0'80 e a (nota de prácticas de laboratorio)*0'20 . Na presentación da asignatura (primeiro día de clase) poderanse indicar actividades adicionáis cuia valoración sumarase á nota da prueba obxetiva da parte de teoría e problemas. En cualquera caso, a nota desta parte (teoría e problemas) no poderá ser superior a 10 puntos.  

No caso de estudantes a tempo parcial, realizarase unha avaliación periódica e
continua, con probas obxetivas e problemas, tras impartir cada tema da materia.
Na segunda oportunidade, todos os temas entrarán no exame. A asistencia ás
clases de teoría e de problemas non é obrigatoria (exención do 100%), aínda que
se lle ofrecerá total flexibilidade para asistir ao grupo que elixan; non
obstante, a asistencia á clase práctica do taller é necesariamente obrigatoria
(exención do 0%), aínda que tamén se lle ofrecerá completa flexibilidade de

Sources of information
Basic Fraile Mora, J. (2012). Circuitos eléctricos. Madrid: Pearson
Paul, C.R. (2001). Fundamentals of electric circuits analysis. USA: John Willey and Sons
Alexander, C.K. y Sadiku, M.N.O. (2013). Fundamentos de circuitos eléctricos. Méjico: McGraw-Hill
Fraile Mora, J. (2008). Máquinas eléctricas. Madrid: McGraw-Hill
Eguiluz Morán, L.I. y Sánchez Barrios, P. (1989). Pruebas de examen de teoría de circuitos. Santander: Universidad de Cantabria
Eguiluz Morán, L.I. et al. (2001). Pruebas objetivas de circuitos eléctricos. Barañáin (Navarra): EUNSA
Eguiluz Morán, L.I. (1986). Pruebas objetivas de ingeniería eléctrica. Madrid: Alhambra
Sánchez Barrios, P. et al. (2007). Teoría de circuitos: problemas y pruebas objetivas orientadas al aprendizaje.. Madrid: Pearson/Prentice Hall
Humet, L., Alabern, X. y García, A. (1997). Tests de Electrotecnia. Fundamentos de circuitos. Barcelona: Marcombo
Parra, V. et al. (1976). Unidades didácticas de teoría de circuitos (2 vols.). Madrid: UNED


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Calculus /730G03001
Linear Algebra/730G03006
Physics II/730G03009

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits/730G03016
Installations for Industrial Plants/730G03031

Other comments

"To help achieve a sustained immediate environment and meet the goal of action number 5: "Healthy and sustainable environmental and social teaching and research" of the "Green Campus Ferrol Action Plan":

             The delivery of the documentary works that are made in this matter:

               • Will be requested in virtual format and / or computer support

               • It will be done through Moodle, in digital format without the need to print them

               • If it is necessary to make them on paper:

                   - Plastics will not be used

                   - Double-sided prints will be made.

                   - Recycled paper will be used.

                   - Printing of drafts will be avoided.

• There must be a sustainable use of resources and the prevention of negative impacts on the natural environment


(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.