Identifying Data 2023/24
Subject (*) Corporate and Cooperative Law Code 760G01006
Study programme
Grao en Relacións Laborais e Recursos Humanos (Ferrol)
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
First Basic training 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Dereito Privado
Dereito Público
Vizcaíno Ramos, Iván
Lopez Mosteiro, Ricardo
Vizcaíno Ramos, Iván
General description Os obxectivos da materia concrétanse no coñecemento do Dereito e das funcións das sociedades, con especial referencia ás Sociedades Cooperativas coas súas especificidades na Comunidade Autónoma de Galicia.
No aspecto práctico, os obxectivos céntranse no manexo dos textos xurídicos referentes á materia, no estudo xurisprudencial e no desenvolvemento e mais na elaboración dos estatutos socias das cooperativas.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences
A1 Marco normativo regulador das relacións laborais.
A13 Transmitir e comunicarse por escrito e oralmente usando a terminoloxía e as técnicas adecuadas.
A14 Seleccionar e xestionar información e documentación laboral.
A20 Realizar funcións de representación e negociación en diferentes ámbitos das relacións laborais.
A27 Asesoramento a organizacións sindicais e empresariais, e aos seus afiliados.
A30 Representación técnica no ámbito administrativo e procesual e defensa ante os tribunais.
A31 Aplicar os coñecementos á práctica.
A33 Comprender o carácter dinámico e cambiante das relacións laborais no ámbito nacional e internacional.
B1 Resolución de problemas.
B4 Capacidade de xestión da información.
B6 Comportarse con ética e responsabilidade social como cidadán e como profesional.
B12 Motivación para a calidade.
B13 Adaptación a novas situacións.
C1 Expresarse correctamente, tanto de forma oral coma escrita, nas linguas oficiais da comunidade autónoma.
C7 Asumir como profesional e cidadán a importancia da aprendizaxe ao longo da vida.
C8 Valorar a importancia que ten a investigación, a innovación e o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico no avance socioeconómico e cultural da sociedade.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences
Marco normativo regulador das relacións laborais A1
Transmitir e comunicarse por escrito e oralmente usando a terminoloxía e as técnicas adecuadas. A13
Seleccionar e xestionar información e documentación laboral A14
Realizar funcións de representación e negociación en diferentes ámbitos das relacións laborais. A20
Asesoramento a organizacións sindicais e empresariais, e aos seus afiliados A27
Representación técnica no ámbito administrativo e procesual e defensa ante os tribunais A30
Comprender o carácter dinámico e cambiante das relacións laborais no ámbito nacional e internacional A33
Resolución de problemas. B1
Capacidade de xestión da información B4
Comportarse con ética e responsabilidade social como cidadán e como profesional B6
Motivación para a calidade B12
Adaptación a novas situacións B13
Expresarse correctamente, tanto de forma oral coma escrita, nas linguas oficiais da comunidade autónoma. C1
Asumir como profesional e cidadán a importancia da aprendizaxe ao longo da vida. C7
Valorar a importancia que ten a investigación, a innovación e o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico no avance socioeconómico e cultural da sociedade. C8
Aplicar os coñecementos á práctica A31

Topic Sub-topic
1.- O empresario no Dereito Mercantil.
2.- As sociedades mercantiles no dereito español.
3.- Concepto e caracteres.
4.- Especial referencia á Sociedade Anónima e á Sociedade de Responsabilidade Limitada. Constitución, aportacións dos socios, órganos de goberno, disolución e liquidación.
Tema 5.- Dereito de sociedades e Dereito laboral. Institucións de participación dos traballadores, nos resultados económicos e a xestión das sociedades mercantiles. Especial referencia á Sociedade Anónima Europea.
Tema 6.- Sociedades de tipo mutualístico.
A Sociedade Cooperativa. Categorías de socios.
Tema 7.- Constitución da Cooperativa. O Rexistro de Cooperativas. A condición de socio, nas Cooperativas. Diversas vicisitudes da relación de socio: transmisión e perda. A "baixa" de socios. Normas de disciplina social.
Tema 8.- Órganos sociais das Cooperativas. A asamblea. O consello rector. Os interventores. Outros órganos.
Tema 9.- Modificacións estatutarias e estructurais na Cooperativa. As contas sociais, na Sociedade Cooperativa. O proceso extintivo da Sociedade Cooperativa.
Tema 10.- Clases de Cooperativas (especial referencia ás de traballo asociado). Outras sociedades de tipo mutualístico. Sociedades laboráis.

Methodologies / tests Competencies Ordinary class hours Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Document analysis A14 A33 B1 5 18 23
Directed discussion A13 A20 A31 B4 3 10 13
Case study A1 11 18 29
Oral presentation A13 A14 B13 C1 2 7 9
Objective test A33 B1 3 0 3
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A27 A30 B6 B12 20 50 70
Student portfolio C7 C8 0 2 2
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Document analysis Use of relevant electronic and/or bibliographic documents with activities specifically designed for their analysis
Directed discussion Group dynamics technique in which members of a group discuss a topic freely, informally and spontaneously, although they may be coordinated by a moderator.
Case study Preparation and resolution of practical cases, as well as comments on the Jurisprudence submitted to the student's consideration.

Methodology where the subject faces the description of a specific situation that poses a problem that must be understood, valued and resolved by a group of people, through a discussion process. The student is faced with a specific problem (case), which describes a real professional life situation, and must be able to analyze a series of facts, referring to a particular field of knowledge or action, to reach a conclusion. reasoned decision through a discussion process in small working groups.
Oral presentation Intervention inherent to the teaching-learning processes based on verbal presentation through which students and teachers interact in an orderly manner, raising questions, making clarifications and exposing topics, works, concepts, facts or principles in a dynamic way.
Objective test Written test used for the evaluation of learning, whose distinctive feature is the possibility of determining if the answers given are correct or not. It constitutes a measurement instrument, rigorously elaborated, that allows to evaluate knowledge, abilities, skills, performance, aptitudes, attitudes, intelligence, etc. It is applicable to both diagnostic, formative and summative assessment.

The objective test can combine different types of questions: multiple-choice, ordering, short-answer, discrimination, completion, and/or association questions. It can also be built with only one type of any of these questions.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Oral presentation complemented by the use of audiovisual media and the introduction of some questions addressed to students, in order to transmit knowledge and facilitate learning.

The master class is also known as "conference", "expository method" or "master lesson". This last modality is usually reserved for a special type of lesson given by a teacher on special occasions, with a content that supposes an original elaboration and based on the almost exclusive use of the word as a means of transmitting information to the audience.
Student portfolio It is a folder or filing cabinet that contains - duly identified - the records or materials resulting from the learning activities carried out by the student in a period of time, with the comments and grades assigned by the teacher, which allows visualizing the progress from the student. The portfolio or folder - for the purposes of this subject - includes all the documents or files that must be delivered by the student for their score as "work" or "practices" whether they consist of research papers, case studies, summaries, tests written, self-evaluations, tasks developed, etc.

Personalized attention
Document analysis
Directed discussion
Case study
Oral presentation
Objective test
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Study and learning of the management of the Sources of Law through the information and guidelines of the teacher in the management of legal texts and jurisprudence.

Participation of the teacher in the discussions to develop the critical aspect of the student. Through tutorials in which the teacher guides, supervises and corrects the student's work together with him.

This activity can be carried out face-to-face (directly in the classroom and during the times that the teacher has assigned to tutoring) and non-face-to-face (through email or the virtual campus).

Train the student in the practical resolution of theoretical topics and in their presentation.

It helps to choose topics complementary to the knowledge acquired in class for individual presentation and presentation or in a round table.

New technical methodologies in the development of the master's lesson.

Methodologies Competencies Description Qualification
Objective test A33 B1 A proba obxectiva que deberá facer o alumno para avaliar o seu nivel de aprendizaxe poderá realizarse de diversas formas, podendo se así se considera necesario, combinarse distintos tipos de preguntas: preguntas de test, preguntas de resposta múltiple de ordenación, de resposta breve, de discriminación, de completar e/ou de asociación.
Tamén de consideralo oportuno poderá construíirse cun só tipo dalgunha das formas anteditas.
Student portfolio C7 C8 portafolios ou carpeta- para os efectos desta materia- inclúe todos os documentos ou arquivos que deban ser entregados polo alumno para a súa puntuación como "traballos" ou "prácticas" xa consistan en traballos de investigación, análise de casos, resumos, probas escritas, autoavaliacións, tarefas desenvolvidas, etc. 30
Assessment comments

1) The objective test will be an oral or written exam, in
any of its modalities (test, development, theoretical-practical or a
combination of these), consisting of two different parts and scored on 5 points
each: one dedicated to Corporate Law; and another, Cooperative Law. And, to
pass the subject, it will be necessary to pass the 5 in the sum of the two
parts of which it is composed.

2) The objective test represents 70% of the assessment of
the subject and the practical classes and the rest of the methodologies the
remaining 30%.

3) In the extraordinary calls, the evaluation will be
carried out exclusively on the basis of the answers given to the questions
raised in the corresponding objective tests.

 4) Students are
reminded that class attendance is mandatory, so that this allows the
possibility of linking the assessment of the practices to be delivered to the
participatory attendance in the corresponding class.

5) The delivery of the practices, documents or files
prepared by the students (and which will integrate their individual portfolios)
will be done exclusively through Moodle and within the deadlines set for each
of them.

6) Joint test: The option of taking a joint test is
considered for those exceptional cases that did not allow the completion of the
work related to the program (students with part-time dedication and academic
dispensation of attendance exemption). This test will consist of a practical
part and a theoretical part, all of this on a grade of 10. The test will be
held on the date approved for this purpose by the center. It will be an
essential requirement to notify the teacher sufficiently in advance of the option
for this system and to justify the alleged reasons

7) In
accordance with article 11, section 4 b), of the UDC Student Disciplinary
Regulations, students who commit fraud or plagiarism will have their grade
suspended in the session in which the offense is committed and with respect to
the matter in which it was committed. The student will be graded as
"failed" (numerical grade 0) in the corresponding call for the
academic year, whether the offense is committed on the first opportunity or on
the second. To do this, he will proceed to modify his qualification in the
first opportunity report if necessary.

Sources of information
Basic FAJARDO GARCÍA, G. (Dir.) (2016). Cooperativa de Trabajo Asociado y Estatuto Jurídico de sus Socios Trabajadores . Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch
FAJARDO GARCÍA, G., SENENT VIDAL, M. J. y VARGAS VASSEROT, C. (2011). Cooperativas: régimen jurídico y fiscal . Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch
MORILLAS JARILO, M.J. y FELIÚ REY, M. (2002). Curso de Cooperativas. Madrid: Tecnos
MILLÁN CALENTI, R.A. (2003). El derecho de información en la sociedad cooperativa. Santiago de Compostela: Servicio de Publicacion de la USC
VV. AA. (1999). Estudio sobre a Lei de Cooperativas de Galicia. Santiago de Compostela: EGAP
BOTANA AGRA, M. (2004). Fundamentos de derecho de sociedades cooperativas de Galicia. Santiago de Compostela: Gallaecia Liber
VARGAS VASSEROT, C. (2006). La actividad cooperativizada y las relaciones de la cooperativa con sus socios y con terceros. Cizur Menor: Aranzadi
FAJARDO GARCÍA, G. (1997). La gestión económica de la Cooperativa: responsabilidad de los socios. Santiago de Compostela: Servicio de Publicacion de la USC
BROSETA PONT, M. (2006). Manual de Derecho Mercantil. Madrid: Tecnos
SANCHEZ CALERO, F. (2007). Principios de Derecho Mercantil. Madrid: Thomson Aranzadi

Ley 27/1999, de 16 de julio, de Cooperativas. Ley 5/1998, de 18 diciembre, de Cooperativas de Galicia (*) Toda la bibliografía y legislación recomendada deberá ser de la última edición publicada.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Introduction to Law/760G01001

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Employment Law I /760G01011

Other comments

Remind the students that this course uses Moodle as an essential tool of the subject, so that they are responsible for its use for the delivery of practices and other uses for which they may be required, as well as for its consultation with due periodicity.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.