Temas Subtemas
1. A novela no século XVIII. The Novel in the 18th Century.

2. A poesía romántica.

3. A novela no século XIX.

4. Literatura inglesa 1901-1939.

5. Literatura inglesa 1940-1979.

6. A literatura inglesa 1980-2010.
1.1. The Birth of the Novel in the English Language.
1.2. Swift, Defoe and Sterne.
Readings: Passages from Gulliver's Travels, Moll Flanders and A Sentimental Journey.

2.1. Romanticism in the British Isles.
2.2. Early Romanticism.
2.3. Romanticism and the Novel.
2.4. Later Romantic Poets.
Readings: Poems by Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Burns, Keats, Shelley, Byron; Extracts from Frankenstein and Ivanhoe.

3.1. Jane Austen
3.2. The Brontës.
3.3. George Eliot.
3.4. Charles Dickens and the rise of popular literature.
3.5. Thomas Hardy.
Reading: Extracts from Emma, Wuthering Heights, Middlemarch, Hard Times and Jude the Obscure. Students will be expected to read at least one of these novels in its entirety.

4.1. Literature in the English Language at the beginning of the 20th century.
4.2. Lawrence.
4.3. Modernism in Prose.
4.4. Modernism in Poetry.
Readings. Poems by Owen and Sassoon. Extracts from Women in Love, Mrs Dalloway and Dubliners. Extracts from Selected Poetry of TS Eliot.

5.1. Orwell
5.2. From post-war transition to consumer society: literature and the changing world.
5.3. Poetry: Dylan Thomas, D. Dunn, P. Larkin, S. Smith
5.4. Stoppard and the English Theatre.
Readings: Extracts fom 1984, Look Back in Anger, Rosencratz and Guildenstern Are Dead, The French Lieutentenant's Woman. Extracts from poetry and prose works from the period.

6.1. Contemporary prose.
6.2. Contemporary Verse.
Readings: Selected extracts from The Trick is to Stop Breathing, London Fields, Trainspotting, Atonement.