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Datos Identificativos 2020/21
Asignatura (*) Xestión Empresarial Marítima Código 631480206
Mestrado Universitario en Enxeñaría Mariña
Descriptores Ciclo Período Curso Tipo Créditos
Mestrado Oficial 2º cuadrimestre
Primeiro Optativa 3
Modalidade docente Non presencial
Departamento Ciencias da Navegación e Enxeñaría Mariña
Correo electrónico
Rodriguez Fernandez, Angel A.
Correo electrónico
Web http://
Descrición xeral
Plan de continxencia 1. Modifications to us The contents are not modified 2. Methodologies * Teaching methodologies that are maintained - Maxistral session: it will be non-face-to-face. It will be done remotely by any of the means that the UDC makes available to us, such as email or Teams. - Jobs (they count in the evaluation). - Personalized attention * Teaching methodologies that are modified Are not modified 3. Mechanisms for personalized attention to students - Email: On a daily basis, the student can contact the teacher by email to ask questions or request a virtual tutorial to solve doubts through Microsoft Teams. We will try to carry out the tutorials in the time slot that is assigned in the face-to-face period, in order not to interfere with other subjects. 4. Modifications to the appraisal a.- Jobs and other interactive online activities: Weight in qualification, 60%. In relation to the works or anything else that has to be done and presented, the following will be assessed: - The methodological adaptation of the work proposals. - The depth of the content. - The treatment of a language of the disciplinary context. - The use of complementary and current documentary sources. - The presentation and clarity of the presentation. b.- Virtual final exam: Weight in qualification, 40% * Valuation observations: They remain the same as in the teacher guide, except that: The references to the attendance calculation change taking as a reference the attendees to the activities carried out through Teams, online tutorials, etc. A. SITUATIONS: a) Full-time students: - Tutored jobs and other interactive activities (60%) - Exam of the theoretical matter (40%) b) Students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic exemption from attendance exemption, as established in the "STANDARD THAT REGULATES THE REGIME OF DEDICATION TO STUDENTS OF DEGREE AT THE UDC (Arts. 2.3; 4.5) (5/29/212): - Jobs and other interactive activities (50%) - Exam of the theoretical matter (50%) B. REQUIREMENTS TO PASS THE SUBJECT: a) Participate regularly in the activities of virtual classes. b) Obtain a score of 50% of the weight of each of the parts to be evaluated: - Jobs and other interactive activities - Exam. c) Deliver the works on the date indicated. d) The July opportunity will be subject to the same criteria as that of June. 5. Modifications of the bibliography or webgraphy In addition to the materials and bibliography indicated in the teaching guide of the subject, students will have at their disposal the online resources of the University Library.
(*)A Guía docente é o documento onde se visualiza a proposta académica da UDC. Este documento é público e non se pode modificar, salvo casos excepcionais baixo a revisión do órgano competente dacordo coa normativa vixente que establece o proceso de elaboración de guías