First Year
615524005 New technologies applied to destinations and tourist products 1st four-month period
Obligatory 6
615524006 Planning and management of plans of tourism. The paper of the public and private organizations 1st four-month period
Obligatory 6
615524003 Promotion and commercialization of destinations and tourist products 1st four-month period
Obligatory 6
615524002 Social change, consumption trends and consumer behavior tourist 1st four-month period
Obligatory 3
615524004 Strategic management of the tourist organizations 1st four-month period
Obligatory 3
615524001 Tourism and sustainable development: The quality of the destinations and tourist products 1st four-month period
Obligatory 6
615524012 Developing strategic plans for tourism development: structure, content and methodology 2nd four-month period
Optional 6
615524013 Planning and management of destinations and touristic products of congress and conventions 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
615524019 Planning and management of destinations and tourist for special groups 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
615524016 Planning and management of destinations and tourist gastronomic products and enologics 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
615524017 Planning and management of destinations and tourist products of cultural and natural heritage 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
615524018 Planning and management of destinations and tourist spirituals 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
615524020 Planning and management of destinations and tourist sports 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
615524014 Planning and management of destinations and touristic products in the coastal space and cruises 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
615524015 Planning and management of destinations and touristic products of health and thermal 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
615524009 Program for qualitative data analysis with tourism examples 2nd four-month period
Optional 6
615524011 Program for quantitative data analysis with tourism examples 2nd four-month period
Optional 6
615524008 Qualitative techniques applied to tourism 2nd four-month period
Optional 6
615524010 Quantitative techniques applied to tourism 2nd four-month period
Optional 6
615524007 The process of research in tourism: types, structure and phases 2nd four-month period
Optional 6
Second Year
615524022 Master Thesis 2nd four-month period
Obligatory 12