First Year
652606E42 InnovaciĆ³n docente Yearly
Obligatory 2
652606612 Insertion and labour orientation Yearly
Obligatory 4
652606621 Learning and education of the modules of formation(training) and labour orientation Yearly
Obligatory 12
652606E3I6 Projects of innovation and educational investigation(research) in training and employment guidance Yearly
Obligatory 2
652606611 Vocational training and labour market Yearly
Obligatory 4
652606003 Education and Languages in Galicia 1st four-month period
Obligatory 1.5
652606005 Education, Society and Education Policy 1st four-month period
Obligatory 4
652606004 Psychological Development and School Learning 1st four-month period
Obligatory 4
652606001 Teaching Methology, Syllabuses and School Organisation 1st four-month period
Obligatory 4.5
652606002 Tutoring and Careers Guidance 1st four-month period
Obligatory 2
652606607 Final Dissertation 2nd four-month period
Obligatory 6
652606606 Practicum 2nd four-month period
Obligatory 12