First Year
652512203 Action Research and innovation 1st four-month period
Obligatory 4.5
652512202 Coexistence. mediation and conflict resolution 1st four-month period
Obligatory 4.5
652512206 Comunity Institutions and agents: socio-educational actions in the network society 1st four-month period
Obligatory 4.5
652512205 Information processing in the management and evaluation of institutions 1st four-month period
Obligatory 4.5
652512201 Leadership and management of educational institutions 1st four-month period
Obligatory 4.5
652512204 Quality management models 1st four-month period
Obligatory 4.5
652512218 Assesment instruments of programs and services 2nd four-month period
Optional 4.5
652512209 Designing educational projects for schools 2nd four-month period
Optional 4.5
652512208 Dissertation 2nd four-month period
Obligatory 6
652512210 Educational Resources Assessment 2nd four-month period
Optional 4.5
652512213 Human Resources management 2nd four-month period
Optional 4.5
652512212 ICT Projects for educational innovation 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
652512207 Internships (Prácticum) 2nd four-month period
Obligatory 6
652512214 Management and innovation of socio-educational institutions 2nd four-month period
Optional 4.5
652512217 Projects and research reports 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
652512215 Strategic planning and participatory culture 2nd four-month period
Optional 4.5
652512211 Teacher training and learning communities 2nd four-month period
Optional 4.5
652512216 Values??. equality and culture of mediation in socio-educational contexts 2nd four-month period
Optional 4.5