First Year
760492027 Master Thesis Yearly
Obligatory 6
760492006 Accounting Analysis 1st four-month period
Obligatory 3
760492001 Complementary Social Security 1st four-month period
Obligatory 3
760492002 Labour Law and Corporate Crisis 1st four-month period
Obligatory 3
760492007 Legal and Labor Issues on Equality 1st four-month period
Obligatory 3
760492004 Macroeconomical and Regional Aspects of the Labour Market 1st four-month period
Obligatory 3
760492003 Management of Occupational Risk Prevention 1st four-month period
Obligatory 3
760492005 Tax Management 1st four-month period
Obligatory 6
760492023 Collective Bargaining Techniques 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
760492012 Companies, Workers and Transnational Tax Law 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
760492024 Conflict Resolution Measures 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
760492021 Cross-Border Relations within the Framework of the European Union. Introduction to Portuguese Social 2nd four-month period
Optional 6
760492020 Entrepreneurship 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
760492026 Internship 2nd four-month period
Obligatory 6
760492016 Knowledge Management 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
760492009 Labour and Social Security Management 2nd four-month period
Optional 6
760492025 Labour Management and Labour Law Sanctions 2nd four-month period
Optional 6
760492017 Leadership and Management Skills 2nd four-month period
Optional 6
760492022 Organization of Prevention in the Workplace 2nd four-month period
Optional 6
760492019 Social Security Management 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
760492008 Socio-Labour Audit 2nd four-month period
Optional 6
760492013 Socio-Labour Policies 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
760492014 Strategic Management of Human Resources 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
760492011 Tax System of Labour Relations 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
760492015 The Simulation as a Design Tool of HR Policies 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
760492018 Two Visions of the Industrial Dispute 2nd four-month period
Optional 3
760492010 UE Social Security 2nd four-month period
Optional 3