Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Philology
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Grao en Galego e Portugués: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
 Free election credit
  Lingua Inglesa 1
Methodologies Description
Introductory activities Initial contact with the course contents. Different activities will be conducted to obtain relevant information from/about the students' level of competence in English. This information will be used to articulate the different teaching strategies to favor a comprehensive and effective learning.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Professor lectures, supported by A/V technologies, and including questions and discussions that help students to acquire general knowledge and specific contents.
Seminar Practical classes conceived to develop speaking, writing, reading and listening skills using a topic from the course contents or others that might be of general interest. Students will participate in these seminars every week, so that they are able to practice all skills uninterruptedly.
Directed discussion Oral activities in small groups, monitored by Teaching Assistants, in which students' speaking skills are put into practice. Informal, spontaneous, and natural conversations and debates are to be expected in these sessions.
Speaking test A brief conversation or interview with professors (individually or in pairs). Students will improvise situations suggested by the professors, and they will be allowed to use A/V materials during the test.
Workbook It includes all the reading material students will have to use as out of class preparation for the reading comprehension activities, as well as all other readings in English students use in other subjects or in other situations: journals, newspapers, magazines, internet, etc. Professors strongly encourage students to read as much as possible.
Supervised projects Students will work on a group project about a specific topic that will be detailed during the Introductory Activities session. The aim of this activity is to foster students' autonomous and collaborative learning. Each group's project will be presented in class, and a written/digital copy will be handed in to the professors.
Student portfolio É unha carpeta ou arquivador ordenado por seccións, debidamente identificadas ou etiquetadas, que contén os rexistros ou materiais produto das actividades de aprendizaxe realizadas polo alumno ou alumna nun período de tempo, cos comentarios e cualificacións asignadas polo profesorado, o que lle permite visualizar o progreso do alumnado. Na nosa materia deberá incluirse no portafolios todo o traballo persoal que o alumnado desenvolva fóra da aula que dea conta do seu esforzo e progreso na materia. Valorarase especialmente a inclusión dun diario de aprendizaxe escrito en inglés e feito con orixinalidade e creatividade.
Mixed objective/subjective test Written examination. It allows professors to assess knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes, and intelligences developed by students during the semester. The objective test may include several types of questions: multiple choice, brief answers, association, gap-filling, and other activities and tests.
Collaborative learning The production of a collaborative project will promote peer learning. Students are required to work in small groups, sharing abilities and information. Professors' supervision will help individual students optimize their learning.
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