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Bibliografía básica

[B] Disponible en la biblioteca de la UDC


Corner, J. (1992) Representation and Landscape. Capítulo en Swaffield, S. (2002 ed.) Theory in Landscape Architecture. University of Pennsylvania Press

Knowles, R.L. (1974) Energy and Form. An Ecological Approach to Urban Growth. MIT Press

McGrath, B. (2008) Digital Modelling for Urban Design. Wiley [B]

Mertens, E. (2010) Visualizing Landscape Architecture. Birkhäuser [B]

Reid, G.W. (2002) Landscape Graphics. Plan, section and Perspective Drawing of Landscape Spaces. Watson Guptill. New York [B]

Steenbergen, C. (2008) Composing Landscapes. Analysis, Typology and Experiments for design. Birkhäuser

Waterman, T. (2009) Principios Básicos de la Arquitectura del Paisaje. Capítulo 4. Representaciones. Nerea Académica [B]

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Brown, G.Z. (1985) Sun, Wind, and Light. Architectural Design Strategies. Wiley [B]

Claver Farias, I. (1984) Guía Para la Elaboración de Estudios del Medio Físico. CEOTMA [B]

Givoni, B. (1998). Climate Considerations in Building and Urban Design. Van Nostrand Reinhold. [B]

Herzog, T. (ed. 1996). Solar Energy in Architecture and Planning. Prestel, Berlin. [B]

Littlefair, P. et al (2000). Environmental site Layout Planning: solar access, microclimate and passive cooling in urban areas. Building Research Establishment, BR 380. [B]

Roaf, S. et al (2005). Adapting Buildings and Cities for Climate Change. Architectural Press.

Rogers, R. (1997). Cities for a Small Planet. Faber & Faber, London

Smith, P.F. (2006). Architecture in a Climate of Change. Architectural Press.

Szokolay, S. (2003). Introduction to Architectural Science. The basis of sustainable design. Architectural Press.

Thomas, R. (Ed. 2003). Sustainable Urban Design. An environmental approach. Spon Press

Ferramentas de deseño

Baker, N. Steemers, K. (2000) Energy and environment in architecture a technical design guide. E & FN Spon [B]

Bruse, M. (v.2009)

Envi-met 3.

1 Manual

Givoni, B. (1998). Climate Considerations in Building and Urban Design. Van Nostrand Reinhold. [B]

López de Asiaín, J. (1997) Espacios abiertos en la expo 92. Sevilla ETSA [B]

López de Asiaín, J. (2001) Arquitectura, ciudad, medio ambiente. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla [B]

Szokolay, S. (1996). Solar Geometry. PLEA Note 1. PLEA International / University of Queensland.

Arquitectura da Paisaxe

Bell, S. (1999) Landscape: Patttern, Perception and Process. London E.& Spon [B]

Forman, R.T.T. (1999) Land mosaics. The ecology of landscapes and regions. Cambridge University Press [B]

Laurie, M. (1995) Introducción a la Arquitectura del Paisaje Barcelona G.G. [B]

Lynch, K. (1966) La Imagen de la Ciudad Ed. Infinito 1966 [B]

Simonds, J.O. (1961) Landscape Architecture New York McGraw Hill 1961 [B]

Simonds, J. O. (1978) Earthscape. A Manual of Environmental Planning. McGrawHill [B]

Steenbergen, C. (2008) Composing Landscapes. Analysis, Typology and Experiments for design. Birkhäuser

Waterman, T. (2009) Principios Básicos de la Arquitectura del Paisaje. Nerea Académica [B]

Weilacher, U. (2008) Syntax of landscape. The landscape architecture of Peter Latz and Partners. Brikhauser [B]

Paisaxe coma proxecto

Ábalos, I. (2008) Atlas pintoresco.Vol. 1: el observatorio. Gustavo Gili [B]

Bell, P.A. Greene, T.C. Fisher, J.D. Baum, A. (2001) Environmental Psychology. Harcourt [B]

Celik, Z. Favro, D. Ingersotl, R. (1994) Streets. Critical perspectives on Public Space. University of California Press [B]

Galí-Izard, T. (2005) Los mismos paisajes ideas e interpretaciones. Gustavo Gili [B]

Kirschenmann, J.C. (1984) Vivienda y Espacio Público. Rehabilitación Urbana y Crecimiento de la Ciudad. Gustavo Gili [B]

Lynch, K. (1980) La Planificación del Sitio Barcelona G.G. 1980 [B]

Marshall, S. (2005) Street Patterns. Spon Press [B]

McHarg, I. (1972) Design with Nature New York Doubleday & Company 1972 [B]

Moughtin, C. (1992) Urban Design. Street and Square. Butterworth Architecture [B]

Navés Viñas, F. (1992) El Arbol en la Jardineria y el Paisajismo Barcelona Omega 1992 [B]

Nielsen, B. Dam, T. Thompson, L. (2007) European Landscape architecture:best practice in detailing. Rouletdge [B]

Pozueta Echavarri, J. dir. (2009) La Ciudad Paseable. CEDEX [B]

Prinz, D. (1983) Planificación y configuración Urbana Barcelona G.G. 1983 [B]

Salvador Palomo, P.J. (2003) La Planificación Verde en las Ciudades. Gustavo Gili [B]

Tillman Lyle, J. (1985) Design for Human Ecosystems. Landscape, Land Use and Natural Resources. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.

As Paisaxes do Home

Ábalos, I. (2008) Atlas pintoresco.Vol. 2: los viajes. Gustavo Gili [B]

Ábalos, I. (2009) Naturaleza y artificio: el ideal pintoresco en la arquitectura y paisajismo contemporáneos. Gustavo Gili [B]

Álvarez, D. (2007) El Jardín en la arquitectura del siglo XX. Editorial Reverté [B]

Constant, C. (1994) The woodland cemetery toward a spiritual landscape, Erik Gunnar Asplund and Sigurd Lewerentz, 1915-1961. Byggförlget[B]

Corner, J. ed. (1999) Recovering Landscape. Essays in Contemporary Landscape Architecture. Princeton University Press [B]

Jellicoe G. y S. (1995) El Paisaje del Hombre Barcelona G.G. [B]

Krier, R. (2003) Town Spaces. Contemporary Interpretations in Traditional Urbanims. Birkhäuser

Montero, M. I. (2001) Burle Marx el paisaje lírico. GG [B]

Shannon, K. Smets, M. (2010) The Landscape of Contemporary Infrastructure. Nai Publishers

Steenbergen, C. Reh, W. (2001) Arquitectura y Paisaje. La proyectación de los grandes jardines europeos. Gustavo Gili [B]

Vaccarino, R. (2000) Roberto Burle Marx. Landscapes Reflected. Princeton Architectural Press [B]

Viljoen, A. ed. (2005) CPLUS Continuous Productive Urban Landscapes. Designing Urban Agriculture for Sustainable Cities. Architectural Press


Bibliografía complementaria

[B] Disponible en la biblioteca de la UDC


Álvarez, S. (1991) Architecture and Urban Space Proceedings of the Ninth International PLEA Conference, Seville Spain September 24-27, 1991. Klwer Academic Publishers [B]

Knaack, U. Klein, T. Bilow, M. (2008) Imagine deflateables. Delft University of Technology [B]

Spuybroek, L. (2009 ed.) Research&Design: the architecture of variation. Thames & Hudson [B]

Staub, U. Geiser, R. (2008) Explorations in architecture: teaching, design research. Birkhauser [B]

Reas, C. Fry, B. (2007) Processing: a programming handbook for visual desingers and artists.MIT Press [B]

Terzidis, K. (2006) Algorithmic Architecture. Elsevier [B]

Nota: Otras actas de PLEA se pueden descargar online http://www.arct.cam.ac.uk/PLEA/home.aspx

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Energy Research Group et al (Eds. 1999) A Green Vitruvius. Principles and Practice of Sustainable Architectural Design. James & James Ltd. London. [B]

García-Germán, J. ed. (2010) De lo mecánico a lo termodinámico : por una definición energética de la arquitectura y del territorio. Gustavo Gili

Girardet, H. (1992) The Gaia Atlas of Cities: new directions for sustainable urban living. Gaia Books.

Jenks, M. and N. Dempsey (2005). Future Forms and Design for Sustainable Cities. Architectural Press.

Oke, T.R. (1987). Boundary Layer Climates. Chapters 7 & 8 only. Methuen & Co., London

Yannas, S. (2000) Toward More Sustainable Cities. Solar Energy JournalVol. 70 No. 3 pp281-294,Elsevier Science Limited.

Ferramentas de deseño

Chatzidimitriou, A. and S. Yannas (2004). Microclimatic Studies of Urban Open Spaces in Northern Greece. Proc. PLEA 2004, Eindhoven, Vol. 1 pp83-88.

Yannas, S. (2000). Solar Control. EnDesigning for Summer Comfort. EC Altener Programme. Environment & Energy Studies Programme, AA Graduate School, London

Arquitectura da Paisaxe

Swaffield, S. (2002 ed.) Theory in Landscape Architecture. University of Pennsylvania Press

Magalef, R. (1998) Ecología. Ediciones Omega [B]

Paisaxe coma proxecto

Anderson, S. (1978) On Streets. MIT Press

Jacobs, A.B. (1993) Great Streets. MIT Press [B]

Marshall, S. (2005) Street Patterns. Spon Press [B]

As Paisaxes do Home

Dorothée, I. (1993) The modernist garden in France. Yale University (2008) Cusveller,S. Dijk,O. Schipper, K. ed. (2000) Remaking NL City, Landscape, Infrastructure. Amsterdam : S@M [B]

Levy, Leah (1998) Kathryn Gustafson. Sculpting the land. Spacemakers Press [B]

Lim, C.J. Liu, E. (2010) Smartcities+Eco-warriors. Routledge

Molinari, L. ed. (2000) West 8. Skira [B]

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