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Mestrado Universitario en Estudos Ingleses Avanzados e as súas Aplicacións (2013)
  Perspectivas transculturais no ámbito anglófono
   Sources of information
Basic Yamashita, Karen Tei (). Through the Arc of the Rainforest.
Adiga, Aravind (). White Tiger.
VVAA (). Selected poetry and narrative.

Bibliografía básica e complementaria
Al Maleh, L. (Ed.). (2009). Arab Voices in Diaspora: Critical Perspectives on Anglophone Arab Literature. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.
Baker, Houston A. Three American Literatures: Essays in Chicano, Native American, and Asian American Literature for Teachers of Literature. New York: The Modern Language Associaton, 1982.
Bloom, Harold. Asian American Women Writers. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 1997.
Brennan, Jonathan (ed). Mixed Race Literature. Stanford: Stanford UP, 2002.
Bringas, Ana y Belén Martín. Identidades multiculturais, revisión dos discursos teóricos. Vigo: Universidade de Vigo, 2000.
Cheung, King-Kok (ed.) An Interethnic Companion to Asian American Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997.
Cuder Dominguez, Pilar, Martín-Lucas, Belén, Villegas-López, Sonia. (2011). Transnational poetics: Asian Canadian women's fiction of the 1990s. Toronto: TSAR Publications.
Eckard, Paula Gallant. Maternal Body and Voice in Toni Morrison, Bobbie Ann Mason and Lee Smith. Columbia: U of Missoury P, 2002.
Fishburn, Katherine. The Problem of Embodiment in early African American Literature.Westport: Greenwood P, 1997.
Huntley, E. D. Maxine Hong Kingston. A Critical Companion. Londres: Greenwood P, 2001.
Hutchinson, George. The Harlem Renaissance in Black and White. Cambridge (Mass) & Londres: The Belknap P of Harvard UP, 1995.
Jay, Paul. (2010). Global matters: the transnational turn in literary studies. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Kaplan, Caren, Norma Alarcón, and Minoo Moallem. Eds. (1999). Between woman and nation:nationalisms, transnational feminisms, and the state. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Lewis, Simon. (2011). British and Áfrican literature in transnational context. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
Li, David Leiwei. Imagining the Nation. Asian American Literature and Cultural Consent. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1998.
Morrison, Toni. Race-ing Justice, En-gender-ing Power. Londres: Chatto & Windus Ltd., 1992.
Nandín, Teresa. “El reflejo de la experiencia multicultural en dos obras de contextos dispares, ‘East, West’ de Salman Rushdie y ‘Woman Hollering Creek’ de Sandra Cisneros”. En Ana Bringas y Belén Martín, Identidades multiculturais, revisión dos discursos teóricos. Vigo: Universidad de Vigo, 2000.
Nyman, J. (2009). Introduction: Diaspora, Home, Writing. Home, Identity, and Mobility in Contemporary Diasporic Fiction (pp. 9-34). Amsterdam: Rodopi.
O’Reilly, Andrea. Toni Morrison and Motherhood. A Politics of the Heart. Albany: State U of New York P, 2004.
Otten, Terry. The Crime of Innocence in the Fiction of Toni Morrison. Columbia: U of Missouty P, 1989.
Ozieblo, Bárbara. El vínculo poderoso: madres e hijas en la literatura norteamericana. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 1998.
Sesay, K. (Ed.). (2005). Write Black Write British: From Post-Colonial to Black British Literature. Hertford: Hansib Publications.
Simal, Begoña. Identidad étnica y género en la narrativa de escritoras chinoamericanas. La Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, 2000.
Sollors, Werner (ed.). Beyond Ethnicity: Consent and Descent in American Culture. New York: Oxford UP, 1986.
Stein, M. (2004). Black British Literature: Novels of Transformation. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State UP.
Wilentz, Gay. Binding Cultures: Black Women Writers in Africa and the Diaspora. Indianapolis: Indiana UP, 1992.
Wilson, Rob and Wimal Dissanayake, eds. (2005). Global-local cultural production and the transnational imaginary. Durham: Duke University Press.
Yin, Xiao-Huang. Chinese American Literature since the 1850s. Urbana & Chicago: U of Illinois P, 2000.


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