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Grao en Galego e Portugués: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
  Literatura Inglesa 2
   Fontes de información
Bibliografía básica Thomson, D. (1981). The Pelican History of England in the Twentieth Century. Harmondsworth: Penguin
Todd, Janet (1992). The Sign of Angellica. Women, Writing and Fiction 1600-1800. Columbia UP
Spencer, Jane (1986). The Rise of the Woman Novelist: From Aphra Behn to Jane Austen. Oxford: Blackwell
Wollstonecraft, Mary (2004). Vindicacion dos dereitos da muller. Santiago de Compostela: Sotelo Blanco
Stone, Lawrence (1990). The Family, Sex and Marriage in England 1500-1800. Harmondsworth: Penguin
Showalter, Elaine (1989). A Literature of their Own. From Brontë to Lessing. London: Routledge
Stevenson, Randall (1993). A Reader`s Guide to the 20th Century Novel in Britain. London: Harvester
Sanders, Andrew (1994). The Short Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford: Clarendon
Ruthven, K.K. (1984). Feminist Literary Studies. An Introduction. Cambridge: CUP
Rogers, P. (ed.) (1978). The Eighteenth Century. The Context of English Literature. London: Methuen
Miles, Rosalind (1987). The Female Form. Women Writers and the Conquest of the Novel. London: Routledge
Marcus,L. and Nicholls (2005). The Cambridge History of Twentieth Century English Literature. Cambridge: CUP
Lorenzo Modia, M.J. (1998). Literatura inglesa del siglo XVIII. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña
Liggins, Emma; Maunder, A.; Robins, R. (eds) (2011). The British Short Story. London: Palgrave
Head, Dominic (2002). The Cambridge Introduction to Modern British Fiction 1950-2000. Cambridge: CUP
Gilbert, S. and Gubar, S. (2000). The Madwoman in the Attic. Yale UP
Álvarez Amorós et al (1998). Historia crítica de la novela inglesa . Salamanca:Ediciones Colegio de España
Brantlinger, P. y Thesing, W. (eds) (2005). A Companion to the Victorian Novel . Oxford:Blackwell
Butler, Marilyn (1981). Rebels and Revolutionaries: English Literature and its Background, 1760-1830 . Londres y Oxford: O.U.P.
Damrosch , D y Dettmar, K (eds) (2009). The Longman Anthology of British Literature, Volume 2C: The Twentieth Century and Beyond (4th Edition). Londres: Longman
Ledger, Sally (1997). Fiction and Feminism at the fin de siècle. Manchester: Manchester UP
Chris, Carol T. et al (Eds) (2006). The Norton Anthology of English Literature, vol 2. New York & London: Norton
Greenblatt, Stephen et al (eds) (2005). The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Victorian Age. New York: Norton
Copeland, E. & Mc Master, J. (eds) (2001). The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen. Cambridge: CUP

Lista de leituras: Na maioría dos casos se empregarán fragmentos das obras. 



Gulliver`s Travels, Moll Flanders.



Emma, Jane Eyre. Blake poems. Wordsworth poems. Great Expectations, "Lord Arthur Savile's Crime"


Puri & Miguel



Daphne du Maurier    Rebecca.


Jeanette Winterson-   Oranges are not the only fruit


Antonia S. Byatt.          Medusa’s Ankle (Stories)


P.D. James                    Death Comes to Pemberley


Angela Carter              The Boody Chamber and other stories.


Malcolm Bradbury      Eating People is Wrong

Margaret Dabble         The Pure Gold Boy


Ian McEwan                  Atonement


William Boyd                Fascination


Benjamin Black            The Black-Eyed Blonde

Bibliografía complementaria Todd, Janet (1988). Feminist Literary History. London: Polity Press
Pyckett, Lynn (1995). Engendering Fictions. The English Novel in the Early 20th Century. London: Arnold
Hanson, Clare (1987). Short Stories, Short Fiction 1880-1980. London: MacMillan
Eagleton, Mary (1998). Feminist Literary Criticism. London: Longman
Bell, Michael (1980). The Context of English Literature. London: Methuen

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