Teaching GuideTerm
Higher Technical University College of Architecture
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Grao en Estudos de Arquitectura
  Proxectos 1
Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech The theoretical content delivered will help students to deal with the proposed works and to understand the learning aims.
Workshop practices are introduced as well.
It will explained and clarified the contents of work . Similarly, combined with group corrections developed exercises .
Accreditation to attend the master class: sketches, design on a specific book (white pages).
Non-contact hours : complete notes from the keynote peech with bibliographic consultations, graphic or textual nature , photos or sketches.
Practical test: At the end of the academic period, students must take a practical test in order to evaluate skills achieved. Capacitiy and aptitudes in relation to the basics of architectural design are measured using this objective test.
Practice test preparation : development of workshop activities , attendance at keynote sessions , graphic study of the works of architecture references in each of the workshop activities , review of the work itself .
Events academic / information Sesiones magistrales impartidas por profesores invitados en horas no presenciales, a las que el alumno habrá de asistir como complemento a la docencia presencial.
Se establecen cuatro sesiones, cuyas fechas se indicarán en la programación específica.
Obligatoria la asistencia a 3 de 4.
Student portfolio Caderno de apuntamentos gráficos, acompañados de aclaracións e esquemas da sesión maxistral, conferencias e eventos, notas de estudo e da realidade.
Recomendar aplicar técnicas mixtas: apuntamentos e collage, de modo que se incorporen fotografías, copias, apuntamentos.
Constitúe o fío condutor da aprendizaxe do alumno no cuadrimestre.
Pode incorporar apuntamentos, debuxos, esquemas e notas doutras materias que contribúan a aclarar os aspectos inherentes ao feito proyectual.
Workshop In workshop sessions diverse methods are merged to enhance learning (Individual and/or team work, presentations of the results, debates and analysis, as well as individualised tutoring). Students will develop design projects, helped by the teachers' support and guidance. The Design Workshop is planned for small groups. This workshop is the foundation of this subject. In the hour workshop , students develop their design work , with the support and supervision of teachers.
Non-contact hours: students will review and complete their work.
Accreditation workshop attendance : Delivery of work done in each weekly session.
Objective test Exercicio que permita avaliar o nivel de aprendizaxe. Trátase dun instrumento de medida articulado para avaliar as capacidades e actitudes adquiridas polo alumno en relación á materia.
Contido: desenvolver un exercicio análogo aos do curso nun tempo limitado (catro horas).
O aprobado da materia require alcanzar o nivel de apto na proba práctica.
Preparación da proba práctica: desenvolvemento dos traballos de taller, asistencia ás sesións maxistrais, estudo gráfico das obras de arquitectura referencias en cada un dos traballos de taller, revisión do propio traballo.
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