Teaching GuideTerm
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Grao en Educación Social
  Métodos de investigación
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Directed discussion A5 B1 To perform this task should take into account the following:
the small group will be formed-no more than 5 people;
to perform this task should take into account the following:
the small group will be formed-no more than 5 persons;
b-will work with materials that will present the professor in class;
c-he always material will complement of concepts presented in the sessions maxistrais;
d-each group shall elect a spokesperson. The role of such a figure is present and defend the ideas of the group. The teacher will monitor that each time you perform this methodology is not always the same spokesperson;
e-figure of moderator will be professor,
and-is compleméntase activity when it is delivered, afterwards, with an outline of the main ideas of the material (submitted pin teacher) to professor.

Specifically, there will be four led discussions. Each one of them is worth two points. But there is some discussion, automatically, would not obtain the points assigned to this methodology.

Workshop B2 C1 C2 This methodology will take place when item 6 to develop. The content of this topic will be the end of the month of April or may (it all depends on how to develop the previous issues). In item 6, Professor will be a problem of statistical problem-solving so that student watched the process. Therefore, in this process is deleted the exhibition and interactive classes and all students matter should attend obrigatoriamente. Since, the teacher will propose a number of statistical problems that will have to solve in class, students through outputs to the tarpaulin where the student will present the resolution of this guided practice. Wool care and accomplishment of all these problems is equivalent to acquire 15 points. If the student does not attend any of these classes, automatically, will not adquire 15 points.

For the evaluation of this activity will be taken into account: the development of the activity, the axilidade in its realization, the presentation

At the end of the classes in which this methodology is carried out will be all the practices carried out. This activity will never be delivered: In the grid of the teacher, or by email, or in the Office of Professor
Collaborative learning A11 A13 C6 C8 As it is a methodology to observe the learning of each student. Therefore, the student tendá that:understanding and managing the computers. In this methodology becomes a very important instrument of evaluation, as the learner to develop other methodologies here exposed, you may need to optimize their own learning and the rest of the group.
As is the complement other methodologies are subject to a point on the following tasks: analysis of documentary sources, discursion directed and Obradoiro. Also, it must be borne in mind that to compute the point the each one of these methodologies must meet the requirements of these methodologies described in this evaluation, as are: the ability to work individually, the ability to work in team, basic general knowledge, capacity for synthesis and analysis, ability to apply the knowledge of the session to practice, maxistrais capacity to generate new ideas (innovation and creativity), capacity criticism and self-criticism, decision making, oral and written communication and research skills.
Document analysis C4 Within the educational research, the student has to learn and familiarize yourself with the databases in which allows them to search for information.

For this reason, the teacher the first day of class will point to the students the specific days in which the activity will take place of activities of search and query. For this reason, the student must bring computer to be able to follow the explanations of the teacher.

Mixed objective/subjective test A5 A6 A11 A13 B1 B2 B5 B6 C1 C2 C3 C4 C6 C8 The review of the calls or the multiple-choice test consists of two parts:

1-part theoretical divided in turn into two parts:

a) first, called "Teoria pura", it will consist of a number of open-response items. A question with an incorrect answer subtracts a question with a correct answer. This part is approved when it reaches a score of 10 out of 18 points being the maximum score that is reached here.

(b) wool second part, called "Teoría práctica", will consist of an overview of a qualitative or quantitative research in which the student must answer the one article series of multiple answer questions. " A question with an incorrect answer subtracts a question with a correct answer. This part is approved when it reaches a score of 10 out of 18 points being the maximum score that is reached here.

IMPORTANT this theoretical part (with the subprobas two) is considered overcome when is exceed the two parts in each nail of them SE reaches a 10 on 18. If he is suspended one of these parts is suspended the part theoretical (is not saved anywhere, in any call note, if suspended).

2-part statistic. This part consists of several statistical problems. This part is approved when it reaches a score of 10 out of 18 points being the maximum score that is reached here.<


If a 10 is not reached in the theoretical part and in the statistics part another 10 (sings that the score reached maximum is 36 in the theoretical part and 18 in the practical portion not SOUTHEASTERN guard to note from the approved. STUDENT suspended the examination. The student will need to go to the next call with the two parties and TERNER into account peculiarities of these.

The date of the the CONVOCARTORIAS EXAMENS are marked by Board of faculty therefore not is moving. TABLE TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT:

a) 10 points to 12 points is the equivalent of the UN approved (5-6). Specifically, 10 and 11 points is the equivalent of the a five; 12 points is the equivalent of the a six.

(b) 13 points to 15 points is the equivalent of the UN NOTABLE (7-8). Specifically, 13 and 14 points is the equivalent of the a seven; 15 points is the equivalent of the eight.

(C) 16 points to 18 points is the equivalent of a tea stand (9-10). Specifically, 16 and 17 points is the equivalent of the a nine; 18 points is the equivalent of the 10
Assessment comments

In the evaluation of the matter (outlined in the section of the programme guide, called; "Paso 7: evaluacion" ") be taken into account first of all the following:

STUDENTS THAT ARE ENROLLED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THIS MATTER. This student has the following options of evaluacion:estudiante that always attend class (are considered that 80% are, this is equivalent to not have more than 3 absences without justifying. It is justified (with copy properly covered by a medical colexiado) medical failures and mistakes for a work (with copy properly covered in the work where it is justified that in class hours you are working). Outside classroom activities can never be made. For this the professor in class ask students to sign a sheet both kinds entry and exit. The evaluation of are students takes into account the following: 1 - the "participación in clase", in the active intervention in class will allow Professor to get a better idea of knowledge, doubts and concerns of students. " The information gained by the teacher, with this procedure is integrated with that obtained by other procedures used, and that intends to get a valuation more individualized and comprehensive; 2-the following methodologies through: "discusión dirigida" (8 on 100puntos), "obradoiro" (15 on 100puntos), "aprendizaje colaborador" (100puntos 20) and sources documentais "analise" (3 on 100 points) the student will achieve a score of 46 on 100.Los students will reach these points as Max will meet the following requirements:
-all the material, should be given as, for example, if you set four targeted discussions and student (provided that it justifies the absence does not exceed 80% absences class) does not have more than two reached maximum score would be, in this methodology, would not reach any score. This explanation is applicable to all the methods in this section. b - to achieve the maximum of each methodology score not be taken into account only if the material is delivered or not. It will take into account various factors such as: the ability of individual work, ability to work in team, general basic knowledge, capacity for synthesis and analysis, ability to apply the knowledge of maxistrais sessions to practice, ability to generate new ideas (innovation and creativity), criticism and self-criticism, decision making, oral and written communication and research skills.
ALL this LO observed the professor to the length of the classes interactive (should not be forgotten that many of these methodologies will develop and develop in these classes). For this reason in these classes the teacher will take relevant observations
3 - the examination of the calls or multiple-choice test consists of two parts. The score that you can achieve is 54 points: la-theoretical part which is divided in turn into two parts: a first, called "Teoría pura", it will consist of a number of open-response items. A question with an incorrect answer subtracts a question with a correct answer. This part is approved when it reaches a score of 10 out of 18 points being the maximum score that is reached here. The second part, called "Teoría práctica"; will consist of an overview of a qualitative or quantitative research in which the student must answer the one article series of questions. " This part is approved when it reaches a score of 10 out of 18 points being the maximum score that is reached here important this part theoretical is considered overcome when is exceed the two parts with a ten in each nail of them. If suspended one of these parts is suspended the theoretical part.
SCALE to take into account (only in the case of students enrolling for the first time in this matter and asisgten always class): 10 points to 12 points is the equivalent of the UN approved (5-6). Specifically, 10 and 11 points is the equivalent of the a five; 12 points is the equivalent of the a seis.13 points to 15 points is the equivalent of the UN NOTABLE (7-8). Specifically, 13 and 14 points is the equivalent of the a seven; 15 points is the equivalent of the an ocho.16 points to 18 points is the equivalent of the one outstanding (9-10). Specifically, 16 and 17 points is the equivalent of the a nine; 18 points is the equivalent of the a 10.

b-statistical part. This part consists of several statistical problems. This part is approved with a 10, therefore, this part rate on 18 points. The scale that gives each problem will be reflected in the review.


If not is reached in each of the parts of the theoretical part one ten-point Y EN La part statistics other ten points, not is GUARDA La note DE La part approved. The student will have to go to the next call with both parties and take into account the PARTICULARITIES of these.


If the student suspended examination marked for the call of June as all practices performed and valued interactive classes is not them saved the PUNTUACIONS reached in such activities for the following calls - these students suspending consideration of June with the practices held throughout the course.

The examination of the call of July that even academic score over 100 points. This means, students must achieve the following score: at) theoretical part, includes the part called the "Teoría pura" and the side called "Teoría Práctica" is the maximum score of 10 in each of the parties. both parties shall be approved with a 5. If any part fails with a five, is considered student suspended all the theoretical part. (b) statistical part the maximum score is 10. If it is one of the two parties, previously listed, suspended student be suspended throughout the test (or notes parts is not saved).

THE date of the EXAMENS DE Las CONVOCARTORIAS are marked by Board of faculty per LO both do not move. FOR students attending class and have achieved at the end of the month of April (April 30) a score of interactive kinds of 40UNTOS. They can introduce themselves to the partial EXAMENS (theory of texts (practice) and statistical part (the PAREte practice).) The EXAMENS partial is carried out when is meet all the following situations:-the material that would go into the theoretical part and which corresponds to what is taught in the exhibition classes top explain in class before May. b material that would go into the part of texts and which corresponds to what works in interactive classes top explain in class before May. c-Materia that would take the part practice and explained in class in the last week of April and the weeks corresponding may (second academic calendar) finish off the last day of classes for this academic year.

The teacher at the end of April will be in classes that students have reached the 40 points and will meet all the above conditions
STUDENTS who do not attend always class (are they fail when more than 80%, i.e., it has more than three absences without justifying. Is jstifica (with copy properly covered by a medical colexiado) medical failures and mistakes for a work (with copy properly covered in the work where it is justified that in class hours you are working. Also, they would be at this point the students, who have passed by the relevant body, partial tuition. These students must submit a copy of the resolution of such tuition teacher); students do not have to do any of the practices marked in interactive classes, students who directly carried out the examination of any of the calls.

The GOT THIS REVIEW SCORE IN THESE STUDENTS score out of 100 points. This means students must achieve the following scores: a) Theoretical part includes the part called "pure theory" and the part called "Theory Practice" is the highest score of 10 in each of the parties. both parties approve a 5. If any party is not approved with five, it is considered that the student suspends all theoretical. b) Part statistical maximum score is a 10. If any of the two parties is suspended above indicated, the student will suspend the entire exam (not parts or notes saved)

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