Guía DocenteCurso
Facultade de Filoloxía
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Mestrado Universitario en Estudos Ingleses Avanzados e as súas Aplicacións (2013)
  Literatura e perspectivas de xénero no ámbito anglófono
Metodoloxías Competencias / Resultados Descrición Cualificación
Presentación oral A9 B6 B9 B10 For class presentation, students should provide a close reading as well as an indepth analysis of one or two theory essays (included in the bibliiography list).
The purpose is for each student to critically introduce one/two particular articles/essays to the rest of the class, and engage in a dialogue with the other students.
This is a power point presentation.
Students are encouraged to include audio-visual material such as documentaries, video clips or film trailers.
Students should highlight most interesting/innovative /controversial/ difficult points and provide quotations from the article.
They should come prepare to ask questions to the audience and respond accordingly.
Lecturas A9 A11 B6 B7 B9 B10 B11 Since students are expected to read assigned required readings BEFORE class, we will start by commenting on specific assigned text.
Students should come prepared to class with comments and or questions on the specific text.
Students's own voice, originality, creativity and challenging readings would be taken into account
Sesión maxistral A9 A11 B7 B6 The lectures that introduce each particular section on black feminist thoughts and black feminist writers/orators matter.
Students are expected to use some of that general or more specific information on the subject when working on their class presentations and/or comparative essays.
As it could not be otherwise, the general content of the lectures dialogue with the more specific information students learn about (contradictory/controversial) critical approaches and their authors.
Introductory lectures are, thus, part and parcel of the whole course.
Traballos tutelados A9 A11 B7 B9 B10 ALL students should write a comparative essay and provide a Black Feminist/s reading.
Texts for comparaison should be chosen from the Required List readings.
Students are encouraged to use the theoretical articles included in bibliography as well as any other material.
Observacións avaliación

Given that this degree programme is part distance learning, part actual attendance, students are required to attend the compulsory sessions, unless they have applied for exemption within the time period specified by the Academic Commission of the degree, and this exeption has been granted. This exemption will be valid provided students comply with the rules on attendance in force in the three universities participating in the programme, and provided they comply with the assessment systems that are specified in the teaching guides for each module. Students should be aware, however, that not attending two or more classroom sessions may affect their final grades.
Students who have been granted exemption, as specified in the university regulations, will be assessed according to the criteria applied to the July opportunity.
Students who do not submit a supervised project, or who fail to submit at least 50% of the other tasks for assessment, will be graded as absent from assessment (NO: no presentado).
Students who do not pass in the first opportunity will be able to re-sit in July, when they will be required to demonstrate that they have acquired the skills for each module via two types of assessment: a supervised project with the same percentage value and characteristics as in the first opportunity, plus the exercises agreed upon with the lecturer(s) as a substitute for the other activities of the module.

Students with special needs should contact lecturer. For more information they can also contact ADI office (Ext. 5622) or

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