Teaching GuideTerm
Higher Technical University College of Architecture
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Grao en Estudos de Arquitectura
   Architectural Analysis 1
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Objective test A1 A2 A3 B1 B3 B11 B12 C6 The objective test will take place at any special moment in the educational process and of course at the end of the course. Consisting of a practical exercise where students will demonstrate achieved abilities and competences for the architectural analysis and graphical thinking skills

Workshop A1 A2 A3 A4 A9 A10 A13 A34 A42 A44 A45 A46 A47 B2 B5 C3 As AA1 is a very practical subject, oral presentations done by the students are the best way to assess both knowledge and skills that are the objective of the subject 65
Assessment comments

The student must attend the theory sessions and present the
graphic works, models, etc. put forward in the workshops, with the level of
quality required to pass the course. 

Attendance to the theoretical and
practical sessions and workshops is compulsory at least 80%. 

Without this
requirement, the student will not pass the course. In order to pass the
subject, the student will have two opportunities: January and July. 

The first
one coincides with the date of submission of the last job, and may enable
students to pass the course. Students who do not pass this first opportunity,
may take a second one, which will consist of a practical exam in July. 

submission of exercises below 80% implies a grade of "Absent" in
the two assessment opportunities. Therefore, the student must repeat the
course from start to finish. It is essential to deliver the specific
practices of the subject, including the 3rd semester workshop with Projects 3
in order to pass each of the subjects that make up the workshop. This will
amount to 20% of the final grade. 

Students who do not submit practices
-wholly or partly- required in the workshop will be graded with an
"Absent" in all subjects of the workshop. Students who do not pass
the subject Projects 3 on the two opportunities, must attend the workshop the
following year. In that case, students will do all the course work of the
subjects that they did not pass.
Students who passed the subject Projects 3 but did not pass any of the other
subjects of the workshop, will have to redo their exercises with the
corrections suggested by their teachers. 

Students enrolled after the start of
the academic year, must attend the theoretical and practical classes from the
date of enrollment, with the possibility of new dates of submission. 

 MOBILITY: Teaching students on mobility programs will be adapted to teaching
conditions as well as supervised exercises and tests.

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