Teaching GuideTerm
Higher Technical University College of Architecture
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Grao en Estudos de Arquitectura
  Structures 1
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects B4 B5 B7 B11 B15 B21 B22 B24 GLOBAL PRACTICE
- Participation and collaboration in group
- Original Contributions
- Structure and presentation
- Quality of documentation

Objective test B2 B11 PARTIAL TEST
- Troubleshooting
- Mastery of theoretical knowledge
- Structuring content
- Planning, clarity and precision
- Mastering the art of operational
- Attendance and active participation in class
- Carrying out practical
- Application of knowledge acquired

Assessment comments

One possible continuous assessment as intended, so to pass the course must complete and submit a series of tests and work along the same.

For the processing of the material, the delivery of virtual or electronic record of the student will be detailed as requested. 

Facing the course note the following aspects, which have a different weight in the final grade, as broken down in the table of assessment will be assessed:

* Class attendance is mandatory understood, verifying by means of interactive practices, with the ability to use the notes and the material that the teacher sees fit. These practices will be made without notice. 

* Throughout the course an overall practice or work directed by the teacher, the revisions will be made or specific monitoring will be developed, but the student will develop on their own. It is anticipated that this work will be developed in the group consisting of 4 students, and build capacity for organization and a cooperative attitude. 

* Throughout the course about exams, which consist of questions, problem type, and may also contain conceptual topics will be made. Will be individual and will not be able to see some literature. Must obtain a minimun of 3 pts in each exam.

Satisfactorily overcoming the above aspects, students can obtain the approval of the course without having to go the final tests. 2nd student enrollment or later, they will follow the course in the same conditions as those of first enrollment to be eligible to pass the course.

* If it is not approved by course, in the first final opportunity of course there will be a written test or exam. The result of this test counted as partial evidence of progress. The assistance will be weighted as global practice during the course.

* In the second final suitability of course there will be a written test or exam containing problems and a series of short questions of theoretical nature. The student may submit this final test without having to meet any other requirement rather than included in the records of the subject. In this case the total weight of the note will be the test.

For the experiments and examination materials will be permitted only: 

 - ID card or other identification 

 - Material of writing and drawing 

 - Calculator 

 - A summary sheet of formulas 

 - Mobile phones is expressly prohibited 

The offset will consider structuring content, order submission and accuracy of results. Take into account the errors of concepts generally considered very serious, and may nullify the whole exercise.

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