Teaching GuideTerm
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Grao en Arquitectura Técnica
  Construction III
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Objective test A4 A22 A24 THEORETICAL EXAM: At the first opportunity, throughout the semester four theoretical examinations, that in order to compute the% weighted established for the same is scheduled, it should reach half 4 out of a total of 10 points (s say
16 points out of a total of 40 points). The completion of these tests is set to YES essential requirement to pass the course. Failure to submit one of them will be an NP (not shown) at the first opportunity.
Exceptionally, whenever it deems the affected (being specifically excluded) teacher, the student can adequately justify in writing, as early as possible the existence of any of the 6 events set forth in art. 12 ("Standards of evaluation, review and claim the qualifications of graduate and master" approved by the CG: 19-December 2013), the completion of the assessment test in question, in the last week class of the semester.
The rating of at least the first 2 tests (50% of total), be made at least 3 days before the date set for the start of the evaluation period in the academic calendar, without prejudice to the publication of the final provisional ratings, having no overall assessment test matter, with 7 days before the end date of the closing of records.
The second time (July), a single theoretical examination computing the 40% of the total, which have to reach 4 points out of 10 to proceed to this computation is scheduled.
(See comments and other indications of this teaching guide).
The objective test may be essentially one of the following two ways:
1 - SHORT ANSWER TEST (TYPE-VIÑETAS). At the first opportunity will consist of 4 tests with 4 questions each in principle with the same score each, otherwise it will indicate the margin the corresponding score. Time 16 minutes.
The second time will be composed of one test with 5 questions in principle with the same score each, otherwise it will indicate the margin the corresponding score. Time 20 minutes.
Responses to ink will adhere to the area I boxed for each.
Originally examination students may not leave the room or leave the table-board working to end (except for just cause) and have collected all the students on the test.
All graphic details will be made provided with precise information (dimensions, designations, etc..) For proper definition and / or interpretation by a supervisor.
2 - MULTIPLE ANSWERS TEST (TYPE-TEST). At the first opportunity will be composed of 4 tests with 10 questions each. The valuation of the questions is the same for each, can be three cases: correct Replies +1.00 points, -0.60 points erroneous response, blank responses + / -0.00 points. Time 6 minutes.
The second time will be composed of one test with 20 questions. The valuation of the questions is the same for each, can be three cases: correct Replies +0.50 points, -0.30 points erroneous response, blank responses + / -0.00 points. Time 12 minutes.
The answer is considered correct is marked with a cross (X) in ink in the appropriate box.
Any amended answer is void.
There is always one and only one correct answer.
Initiated any objective test modes listed above, students may not leave the room, or leave the table-board working to end (except for just cause) and have collected all the students on the test.
(See comments and other indications of this teaching guide).
Workshop B7 B9 B13 B15 B21 B30 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 PRACTICUM: To compute the% of practices course, he should have submitted a minimum of 50%, ie, 2 of the 4 proposed practice and achieving average 4 out of a total of 10 points (ie 16 points out of a total of 40 points). Failure to provide one will be an NP (not shown) at the first opportunity, unless the student in writing to communicate to the teacher requesting to be equally qualified end of the year, with at least 6 days before the date set for the start of the evaluation period in the academic calendar. Your correction will be possible after delivery week and his rating at least 3 days before the date set for the start of the evaluation period in the academic calendar. In July a second chance, that requirement must be set as NO.
(See comments and other indications of this teaching guide).
Long answer / essay questions A4 A22 A24 PRACTICAL PART OF THE EXAM: At the first opportunity, throughout the semester two practical examinations, that to compute the% weighted set for themselves be scheduled, should reach average 4 out of a total of 10 points (ie 8 points on a total of 20 points). The completion of these tests is set to YES essential requirement to pass the course. The measurement details, questions or requested exercises indicate beside each. Time 40 minutes each. Failure to submit one of them will be an NP (not shown) at the first opportunity.
Exceptionally, whenever it deems the affected (being specifically excluded) teacher, the student can adequately justify in writing, as early as possible the existence of any of the 6 events set forth in art. 12 ("Standards of evaluation, review and claim the qualifications of graduate and university maestrado" approved by the CG: 19-December 2013), the completion of the assessment test in question, in the last week class of the semester.
The rating of at least the 1st test (50% of total), be made at least 3 days before the date set for the start of the evaluation period in the academic calendar, without prejudice to the publication of the final provisional ratings , having no overall assessment test matter, with 7 days before the end date of the closing of records.
The second time (July), one practical examination computing the 60% of the total, which have to reach 4 points out of 10 to proceed to this computation is scheduled. The measurement details, questions or requested exercises indicate beside each. Time 80 minutes.
(See comments and other indications of this teaching guide).
In general constructive remedies under the rules applicable under the material used, representing all those auxiliaries necessary for its implementation and operation are indicated. Will mainly occur in ink or pencil and ink passing only the main elements, the latter having sufficient sharpness for adequate legibility for a standard optical system.
The drawings will be represented in dihedral projections, map views and scale appropriately bounded. Are not allowed in or out of scale perspective. The number of views in each case, shall be such that the resulting geometric definition thorough and complete, so you can build what is involved with the data provided and the site supervisor can interpret.
Any missing or incomplete data shall be set by the student at their discretion.
Presentation is as verbally or indicated by diagram is attached in the statement.
In different constructive details and requested sections, all the elements involved in them to run properly represent, not admitting indefinite generic representations (as in white frames or scratched).
Within half an hour after the start of the exam, students may not leave the room, or leave the table-board working to end (except for just cause) and have collected all the students on the test. Those who decide to leave the examination during the first half hour exam sheet delivered with the forenames, subgroup number and signature before leaving it.
(See comments and other indications of this teaching guide).
Workshop B7 B9 B13 B15 B21 B30 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 SIGNATURE OF 12 ITEMS:
Of the 12 items that arise if evaluate and assess positive over 2/3 of them summative score would be obtained as follows: the 12% of the total item valuation that is 2 points is reached, 11 items obtained 1.5 points, 1 point with 10 items, with 9 items 0.5 and 8 items or less no points would increase under this heading. These points are summative, ie you will increase the set of other tests, provided that the same minimum and medium identified, greater than or equal to four (4.0) are met; and in all of them (jobs, internships, objective tests and essay tests-development) greater or equal to five note (5.0) is obtained.
(See comments and other indications of this teaching guide).
Given the nature of the items and the nature of continuous assessment with no final test established in the art, non-positive valuation of more than two thirds of them involve a grade of NP (not shown) at the first opportunity, indicating that on the second occasion (July), this requirement is set to nO imperative, since his character is not exportable to the opportunity.
The 12 items that arise and value are:
1 - Attendance at lectures. Positively to compute the item, you must have at least 80% of classes taught.
.2 - Attendance at interactive classes: Same as above
3 –Punctuality at lectures. Positively to compute the item, it must be at least 80% in the classes given. Be understood positively not enter class later than 5 minutes after the time set in the middle.
. 4 – Punctuality at interactive classes: The same as above
5.-Attention to lectures: To compute the item positively must have a minimum of 80% in the classes given. Attitudes such as NO use of mobile or any other device for unscheduled topics or issues in class (unless the professor stated at the beginning of the class waiting for a message or call urgent), proximity within the group is understood to positively teacher or focus, consensus standard classroom between teacher and students (not away, hide, barricade, etc..), in a clear sign of disinterest.
6 – Attention to lectures. The same as above.
7.-Portfolios manuscript notes of lectures: To compute the item positively must have a minimum of 80% in the classes given.
It will consist of the student in each class take minimal notes or manuscripts that consider the extension on those aspects or considerations it deems necessary or essential to complete and further develop the topics covered. With the particularity that on top of the sheet used to record the date that class, subgroup, full name, in that order. With these notes a physical or virtual portfolio will be created, as indicated by each teacher and will be given in the schedule of dates that is made in the early going and always before performing any of the objective tests scheduled (theoretical examinations).
8 - Portfolios of handwritten notes interactive classes. Same as above ... and always before performing any of the tests scheduled test-development (practical exams).
9 - Monitoring the delivery and presentation standards established in papers, practical and objective tests and test-development. Positively to compute the item, you must have a minimum of 80% of the work and practices according to the rules of delivery and presentation. That is, five (5) out of six (6). And the objective and test-development tests (exams), identified as specified.
10.-Observing the rules of inclusion and presentation of the literature on group work: To compute the item positively must have a minimum of 100% of the group work according to the rules of inclusion and presentation bibliography therein. That is, two (2) of a total of two (2). ISO 690-2010, first element-date with quote by superscript footnotes will be used. The literature will comprise at least the following documentary sources consulted: Monograph 3, 2 Standards and 1 Website page.
11.-Group work, oral presentation: To compute the item positively to each member of the group, must be at least 100% of group work submitted under the guidelines established for them. That is, two (2) of a total of two (2). It consist of at least each student must submit a piece of work interacting with the parties to submit their colleagues how they see fit, being able to adequately respond to the clarifications thereon are developed by their peers or teacher.
12.-Group work, audiovisual presentation: Same as above ... Each student will complete and support his presentation with audio-visual presentation support the group has done (PowerPoint or similar, board, etc..).
(See comments and other indications of this teaching guide).
Workshop B7 B9 B13 B15 B21 B30 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 COURSE WORK GROUP: To compute the weighted% of the course work, they must be submitted a minimum of 50%, ie 1 of the 2 proposed work (as well as make the presentation thereof); and achieving the same average of 4 out of a total of 10 points (ie 8 out of a total of 20 points). Failure to provide one will be an NP (not shown) at the first opportunity, unless the student in writing to communicate to the teacher requesting to be equally qualified end of the year, with at least 6 days before the date set for the start of the evaluation period in the academic calendar. Your correction will be possible after delivery week and his rating at least 3 days before the date set for the start of the evaluation period in the academic calendar. In July a second chance, that requirement must be set as NO.
(See comments and other indications of this teaching guide).
Assessment comments
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Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes