Teaching GuideTerm
Higher Technical University College of Architecture
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Grao en Estudos de Arquitectura
  Introduction to Architecture
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects A50 A54 A63 B1 B2 B3 B6 B12 C1 C4 C6 C7 C8 Realización satisfactoria correspondendo a unha axeitada progresión ó longo do curso tanto dos traballos individuais coma dos grupais.
Valoración parte individual: 20%
Valoración parte grupal: 20%
Objective test A50 A54 A63 B1 B2 B3 B6 B12 C1 C4 C6 C7 C8 Constará de varias cuestións teóricas e prácticas relativas ós contidos da materia. Serán obligatorias e plantexadas de modo progresivo buscando unha axeitada personalización da calificación final.
Assessment comments

The learning evaluation must include both the process and the result obtained. The student's performance in the subject taken depends, among others, on the combination of two factors: the effort made and the student's own ability. The way we evaluate it conditions the learning method and influences learning itself. In any case, given the typology of the Degree, continuous evaluation is proposed as an evaluation tool as indicated.

Learning through ECTS credits is adjusted to a continuous evaluation that must decisively contribute to stimulate the student to follow the process and become more involved in their own training. It is committed to a general evaluation criterion in which it is mandatory to have an instrument, continuous evaluation, materialized in the preparation of works.

The evaluation should serve to verify that the student has assimilated the basic knowledge that has been transmitted to him and acquired the general skills. But the evaluation must also be the instrument of verification that the student has acquired the theoretical and practical competences of the degree. Therefore, various learning and monitoring methods are used (oral presentations prepared in advance, short explanations made by the students in class, practical handling of the bibliography, use of the computer, teamwork, etc.) that allow the students to acquire progressively the transversal and practical competences.

The evaluation of the subject is raised continuously and the focus is on attendance.

In order to pass the course it will be necessary to meet the following requirements:

1º Deliver all the proposed works, within the deadlines and forms indicated in the course.

2º Regularly attend classes. A minimum attendance of 80% will be required.

The subject, which constitutes a unit, consists of two blocks:

Block I: Architectural

Block II: Geographical

In each of the blocks a work will be proposed that will be developed by the students throughout the course, by means of partial deliveries-corrections. Each work will have a final installment that will be publicly defended by the author.

The qualification in each block will be obtained from the following composition:

75% for the Work done.

25% For the Presentation of the Work in the final session.

The final grade for the course will be the arithmetic mean of the grade for the two papers, and it is necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 4 (out of 10) in each of the papers in order to be approved.

Evaluation in advance call: 

To be eligible for the evaluation in advance call,  general evaluation conditions in a previous course must be completed.

Students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic waiver of attendance exemption: 

In these cases, as long as they have official recognition from the center's management, the minimum attendance requirement will not be required, keeping the rest of the general requirements established .


With regard to plagiarism, it´ll rule the Article 14 of the Standards for evaluation, review and claim of qualifications for undergraduate and graduate studies at the UDC will be addressed.

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