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Mestrado Universitario en Neurociencia (Plan 2011)
  Evolución do Sistema Nervioso
   Fuentes de información
Básica Kaas, JH (2007). Evolution of nervous systems: a comprehensive reference. Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam

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- Collin, SP, Davies, WL, Hart, NS & Hunt, DM2009, ‘The evolution of early vertebrate photoreceptors’, Phil Trans R Soc B, vol. 364, pp. 2925-2940.

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- Eccles, JC 1992, La evolución del cerebro: creación de la conciencia, Editorial Labor, Barcelona.

- Fay, RR & Popper, AN 1999, Comparative hearing: fish and amphibians, Springer-Verlag, New York.

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- Fritzsch, B, Beisel, KW, Pauley, S &Soukup, G 2007, ‘Molecular evolution of the vertebrate mechanosensory cell andear’, Int J Dev Biol, vol. 51, pp.663-678.

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- Jarman, AP 2002, ‘Studies of mechanosensation using the fly’, HumanMolecularGenetics, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 1215-1218.

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- Kaas, JH 2007, Evolution of nervous systems: a comprehensive reference, Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam.

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- Nieuwenhuys, R, ten Donkelaar, HJ & Nicholson, C 1998, The central nervous system of vertebrates, Springer, Berlin.

- Nilsson S & Holmgreen S 1993, Comparative physiology and evolution of the autonomic nervous system, Hardwood Academic Publishers, Chur, Switzerland.

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- Shichida, Y & Matsuyama, T 2009, ‘Evolution of opsins andphototransduction’, Phil Trans R Soc B,vol. 364, pp. 2881-2895.

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- Striedter, GF 2005, Principles of brain evolution, Sinauer Associates, Sunderland (Massachusetts).

- Swanson, LW 2012, Brain architecture. Understanding the basic plan,2nd edn, Oxford University Press, New York.

- Williamson, R & Chrachri, A 2007, ‘A model biological network: thecephalopod vestibular system’, Phil Trans R Soc B, vol. 362, pp. 473-481.

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