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Faculty of Educational Studies
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1 Mestrado Universitario de Profesorado de Educación Secundaria: Ciencias Experimentais
  Complements of Formation for the education of the Sciences 2
Topic Sub-topic
Analysis of the thematic blocks of the natural sciences curriculum Interrelationships
The contents of experimental sciences in secondary education and bachillerato The BOE: the different levels of education
Acquisition and/or revision of fundamental and experimental concepts in the area of natural sciences. Biology: Biomolecules and metabolism. The cell. Levels of organisation. Evolution
Physics: mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism.
Geology: plate tectonics, internal processes, external processes and geological hazards.
Chemistry: matter, chemical bonding and intermolecular forces, acid-base and redox reactions.
Context and current scientific situations as an educational resource Clean and renewable energies. Climate change. Viruses and vaccines, health and pseudosciences
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