Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Educational Studies
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Grao en Educación Social
  Research Methods
Methodologies Description
Collaborative learning This methodology is combined with other methodologies such as analysis of documentary sources, diagrams, readings, concept maps, problem solving, etc. All these procedures will be guided PRESENTLY (or virtually, through the TEAMS platform) and/or supported with information and communication technologies. They are carried out in small groups (no more than 2 people). And they are carried out during all the interactive classes of the subject.
Document analysis Methodology that involves the use of audiovisual and / or bibliographic documents (articles, educational texts, databases, etc.) relevant to the subject matter with activities specifically designed for their analysis. This methodology can be used: as an introduction to a topic, as an application tool, to explain processes that cannot be directly observed, for the presentation of complex situations or as a synthesis of theoretical or practical content.
Mixed objective/subjective test Test used for the evaluation of learning in both expository and interactive classes. It consists of two parts:

a) Theoretical part: it will be what the teacher presents in the lectures and the corresponding dossier. All the contents of the teaching guide.

b) Analysis part: it will be only what the teacher presents and works on with the students in topic 6 of the content section of this subject and the corresponding dossier.

The questions in these parts can be direct or incomplete statements, even questions with several answer options or alternatives that provide possible solutions. But only one and only the most correct one. IN THIS TEST INCORRECT ANSWERS WILL SUBTRACT THE CORRECT ANSWERS. The subject is passed when all parts are passed and no part will be kept for other exams.


The student must present the mixed test (if the continuous assessment is suspended the mixed test will be like any non-attending student. If the continuous assessment is passed, the student must present him/herself so that the qualification of this assessment is real. BUT IF A/AN STUDENT SUSPENDS THE MIXED TEST (IF HE/she HAS PASSED THE CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT) HE/SHE WILL SUSPEND THE SUBJECT. The continuous assessment of the on-site students will only count in the June exam.

The non-attendance student will have the qualification of the mixed test of the June call in July as the final qualification of the subject (he/she does not have to take the continuous assessment).
ICT practicals This methodology will be used for two types of activities:
a) Online testing of each theoretical content addressed in the exhibition sessions. A test will be carried out at the end of each interactive session, where students will be able to put to the test the learning acquired in the theoretical sessions and applied in the interactive sessions. These tests will be part of the final evaluation of the subject.
b) Analysis of the computerized information. Use of both quantitative and qualitative computer programs for the analysis of information. The development of this analysis activity will be complementary to the problem-solving methodology.
This methodology is part of the "Pilot Program for teaching in Galician in the Degree in Social Education
Problem solving This methodology is only used for topic 6 of the contents of the subject. Students will have the interactive classes to carry out the assigned activities and will have to incorporate them all together in a single document, which will be called "Research methods" and will be handed in on the date stipulated by the teacher.
Case study This methodology will be used to carry out the practices corresponding to themes 2, theme 3, theme 4 and theme 5 of the contents of the subject. Students will be presented with one exercise per group and must apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in the presentation sessions to the resolution of the same. The students will have the interactive classes to carry out the assigned activities and they will have to incorporate them all together in a document unique that will call "Methods of Investigation", and that will be given in the date stipulated by the teacher

Guest lecture / keynote speech Class given by the teacher, in the exhibition classes, on the contents already mentioned in the "contents" section of this teaching guide. This methodology uses exclusively the word and the sight as a way of transmitting the information to the whole group.

The lectures, during the 2021-2022 academic year, will not be held in person, due to the number of students enrolled in the subject. Therefore, we will present one week in advance to the students in Campus Virtual (the exposition classes will be from 9 to 10:30 on Fridays) the material in Power Point with the recording of their voice (through Campus Virtual and Stream) for them to follow the exposition. In this material, the students will have bibliographical references to consult it, also, to complete the following wool exhibition of teachers.
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