Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Humanities
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Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Multiple-choice questions A1 A2 B1 Individual multiple choice test with only one correct answer. Incorrect answers will penalize.
All materials and content taught and discussed in the classroom, either online or in offline, may be part of the exam questions. The exam, of an individual nature, must be prepared by using all the materials available on the virtual platform, that is, not only make use of the documents shared in class, but also the readings, audiovisual materials and notes the student take in the classroom.

To pass the exam it must be obtained a grade equal or superior to 2,5 points out ot 5.
Workshop B3 B4 B6 B7 B8 B9 C1 C4 C7 C9 Students must present a final project that will be made in groups. This work will take place both in interactive sessions and outside of the class (autonomous work). The written work will be presented at the end of the course. It must respect the evaluation criteria socialized in class. The written work represents 40% of the final grade. All group members will get the same marks.

In order to pass the practical assignment, students must get at least 2.5 points out of 5 as a result of the sum of the written work (40%) and its oral presentation (10%).
Oral presentation B4 B6 C2 All the members of the group must present the final task orally. In the oral part, students must adequately defend the key points of the task and demonstrate knowledge in the topic, thus properly answer the questions posed by the teacher, if any. The maximum grade will weigh 10% of the final grade. All team members will get the same grade. 10
Assessment comments

First opportunity

To pass this subject,
students must pass either the final exam and the final assignment with a minimum
of 2,5 out of 5 for each of the part mentioned. A minimum of 5 point will be
required for the students to pass the subject. In case of failing one of the
two parts, the failed grade (scored by using a scale of 0-10 points) will be
set in the "actas".

Second opportunity

The first opportunity evaluation
criteria will apply to both the first and the second opportunity. It also
includes Erasmus and other exchange students.

Anticipated call

Assessment conditions for the anticipated opportunity (Art. 19 of the
"Normas de Avaliación, Revisión e Reclamacións das Cualificacións dos
Estudos de Grao e Mestrado Universitario") will be specific for that
opportunity. It will be assessed through a multiple-choice questions type of
exam that will be worth 100% of the final grade.

Grade of “no presentado”

It corresponds to students who only participate in assessment activities
that are worth under 20% of the final grade, regardless of their grade.

Students who
are acknowledged with part time registration "dispensa académica de
exención de asistencia”

Students with
"dispensa académica de exención de asistencia" must do the oral
presentation (10%), the written work (40%) and the exam (50%). To pass the
subject, a minimum of 2,5 points out of 5 must be achieved in the final exam,
as well as in the practical part (oral presentation and written work) a minimum
of 2,5 points out of 5. The minimum to pass the subject is 5 points.

Other comments

introduction of any technological device in the classroom is forbidden when
evaluations take place. Fraud or cheating in any of the exams or assignments
will get a grade of 0.

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