Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Nursing and Podiatry
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Grao en Podoloxía
  Pharmacological Therapy
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Oral presentation A19 A32 A50 B1 B3 B7 B12 B14 B18 B19 C1 C3 A avaliación da presentación oral do traballo tutelado realizarase tendo en conta os seguintes puntos: presentación do caso (modo de expresión, uso das tecnoloxías da infomración e capacidade de comunicarse), información sobre a farmacoterapia do caso e respostas ás preguntas expostas. 10
Multiple-choice questions A19 A32 A50 B1 B3 B19 O alumno deberá realizar unha proba de 50 preguntas tipo test con resposta múltiple, unha correcta de entre 5 posibles. Non puntúa negativo. O aprobado (5) estará no 70% das respostas correctas, é dicir, o número de respostas correctas para aprobar é de 35. É necesario obter un aprobado no exame para poder aprobar a materia.As respostas serán evaluadas únicamente na plantilla de respostas do examen. 70
Workshop A19 A32 A50 B1 B3 B5 B7 B12 B14 B18 B19 C1 C3 C4 C7 Avaliarase en función da participación do alumno nas actividades a realizar nos seminarios. Entre outros aspectos avaliarase o traballo de forma colaborativo, a capacidade de xestionar a información e a capacidade de aplicar os coñecementos na práctica. 10
Supervised projects A19 A32 A50 B1 B3 B7 B12 B14 B19 C1 C3 Na cualificación do traballo considerarase a elección do caso exposto, a anamnese farmacolóxica, o tratamento farmacolóxico seleccionado, o coñecemento dos grupos farmacolóxicos empregados (mecanismo de acción, interaccións e reaccións adversas), o rigor científico, a capacidade de síntese e de crítica e a adecuación da bibliografía consultada. 10
Assessment comments

The rating system will be expressed by numerical rating in accordance with the provisions of art. 5 of Royal Decree 1125/2003 of 5 September (BOE 18 September), which establishes the European system of credits and the system of qualifications in university degrees of an official nature and valid throughout the national territory

Qualifications system:

0-4.9 = Failed

 5-6.9 = Approved 

7-8.9 = Notable 

 9-10 = Outstanding 

 9-10 Honors Registration (Graceful) 

Graceful Honor Enrollment will be awarded to the student with the highest overall score as long as it is greater than 9.5. In the event that the number of enrollments that can be awarded is less than the number of students with the highest overall score, honors enrollment will be awarded to those students. with the highest grade on the exam. If the number of honors enrollments that can be awarded continues to be lower, the grade for the oral presentation of the supervised work, the written supervised work and, finally, the grade for the workshops will be taken into account.

Students with part-time registration (they must send an e-mail to the teacher indicating their situation at the beginning of the course): the evaluation of the workshops will be done by delivering the exercises presented in each workshop on the moodle platform. In these cases, the oral presentation two supervised works will be agreed with the student without having to be or day that corresponds to him. The evaluation of the multiple choice test will be performed following the directions in this guide.

Students with second enrollment and later (they must send an e-mail to the teacher indicating their situation at the beginning of the course): they can present academic waiver and the evaluation of the workshops, supervised work and oral presentation will be maintained from the previous enrollment. It will be possible to raise the note again realizing the exercises exposed in the workshops, tutored work and oral presentation in that matrícula. The evaluation of the multiple choice test will be performed following the directions in this guide.

It will be considered not presented: that student who delivers less than 50% of the exercises exposed in the workshop, does not realize the work tutelada neither the oral presentation and does not attend the final examination.

Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes