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Facultad de Sociología
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Mestrado Universitario en Políticas Sociais e Intervención Sociocomunitaria
  Cooperación, migración y desarrollo
   Fuentes de información
Básica Ayadi, Rym and Gadi, Salim (2011). “The Future of Euro-Mediterranean Regional Cooperation: The Role of the Union for the Mediterranean”. 7 PapersIEMed joint series with EuroMeSCo. Barcelona: European Institute of the Mediterranean
Bakewell, Oliver (2007). “Keeping Them in Their Place: the ambivalent relationship between development and migration in Africa”. Working Paper International Migration Institute, University of Oxford
Celata, Filippo and Coletti, Raffaella (2012). “Soft, mobile or networked? Cross-border cooperation and the topology of the European Union external frontier”. Working Paper EUBORDERREGIONS
Chetail, Vincent (2008). “Paradigm and Paradox of the Migration-Development Nexus: The New Border for North-South Dialogue”. German Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 52, pp. 183-215
Davies, Rebecca (2007). “Reconceptualising the migration - development nexus: diasporas, globalisation and the politics of exclusion”. Third World Quarterly, 28:1, pp.59-76
De Hass, Hein (2005). “International Migration, Remittances and Development: myths and facts”. Third World Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 8,pp. 1243 – 1258
De Hass, Hein (2007). “North African migration systems: evolution, transformations and development linkages”. International Migration Institute Working paper n.6
De Hass, Hein (2007). “Turning the tide? Why development will not stop migration”. Development and Change 38(5)
Kausch, Kristina (2013). “The End of the (Southern) Neighbourhood”. 18 PapersIEMed joint series with EuroMeSCo. Barcelona: European Institute of the Mediterranean
Lannon, Erwan (2017). “The Mediterranean in the EU’s 2016 Global Strategy: Connecting the Mediterranean, the Middle East and Africa”. IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2017, pp. 13-216
Portes, Alejandro (2009). “Migration and development: reconciling opposite views”. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32:1, 5–22
Cortinovis, R.; Conte, C. (2018). “Migration-related Conditionality in EU External Funding”. ReSOMA Discussion Brief, July 2018
Castillejo, C. (2017). The EU Migration Partnership Framework: Time for a Rethink?”. Discussion Paper 28/2017, German Development Institute
Koch, S. (2015). “A Typology of Political Conditionality Beyond Aid: Conceptual Horizons Based on Lessons from the European Union.” . World Development 75, pp. 97–108
Lavenex, S. and R. Kunz (2008). “The Migration–Development Nexus in EU External Relations.”. European Integration 30(3), pp. 439-457
Boswell, C. (2003). “The ‘External Dimension’ of EU Immigration and Asylum Policy”. International Affairs 79(3): 619-638
Casas-Cortes, M. and Cobarrubias, S. (2018). “It is Obvious from the Map! Disobeying the Production of Illegality beyond Borderlines”. Movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies
Lavenex S. (2008). “A governance perspective on the European neighborhood policy: Integration beyond conditionality?”. Journal of European Public Policy, Vol.15 (6): 938-955
Diez T. (2006). “The Paradoxes of Europe's Borders”. Comparative European Politics, Vol. 4 (2-3): 235-252.
Casas-Cortes, M., S. Cobarrubias, and J. Pickles (2013). “Re-Bordering the Neighbourhood: Europe's Emerging Geographies of Non-Accession Integration.”. European Urban and Regional Studies 20 (1): 37–58
Collet, E. and Ahad, A. (2017). EU Migration Partnerships: A work in progress. . Migration Policy Institute, Report
Reslow, N. (2015). “EU “Mobility” Partnerships: An Initial Assessment of Implementation Dynamics”. Politics and Governance, Volume 3, Issue 2: 117-128
Carrera, S., L. den Hertog, J. Núñez Ferrer, R. Musmeci, M. Pilati and L. Vosyliute (2018). Oversight and Management of the EU Trust Funds: Democratic Accountability Challenges and Promising Practices.. CEPS, Study requested by the CONT Committee of the European Parliament.
den Hertog, L. (2016). "EU Budgetary Responses to the ‘Refugee Crisis’: Reconfiguring the Funding Landscape". CEPS Paper in Liberty and Security in Europe, No. 93, May
Básicas Migration-development nexus [Units 1-2]  
• Chetail, V. (2008) “Paradigm and Paradox of the Migration-Development Nexus: The New Border for North-South Dialogue”, German Yearbook of International Law, 52: 183-215. 
• Portes, A. (2009) “Migration and development: reconciling opposite views”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32:1, 5-22.
• Geiger, M. and Pécoud, A. (2013) “Migration, Development and the ‘Migration and Development Nexus’”, Population, Space and Place, DOI: 10.1002/psp.1778
• Gamlen, A. (2014) “The new migration-and-development pessimism”, Progress in Human Geography, 1–17, DOI: 10.1177/0309132513512544

The external dimension of EU migration policy [Unit 3]   
• Casas, M. and Cobarrubias, S. (2018) “’It is Obvious from the Map!’: Disobeying the Production of Illegality Beyond Borderlines”, Movements: Journal Fur Kritische Migrations und Grenzregimeforschung, 4(1): 29-44.
• Cortinovis, R. and Conte, C. (2018) “Migration-related Conditionality in EU External Funding”, ReSOMA Discussion Brief, July 2018. 
• Gabrielli, L. (2016) “Multilevel inter-regional governance of mobility between Africa and Europe”, GRITIM Working Paper Series, No.30.
• Lavenex, S. and Kunz, R. (2008) “The Migration-Development Nexus in EU External Relations”, European Integration, 30(3): 439-457. 

Refugee crisis 2015 [Unit 3]  
• den Hertog, L. (2016) “EU Budgetary Responses to the ‘Refugee Crisis’: Reconfiguring the Funding Landscape”, CEPS Paper in Liberty and Security in Europe, No. 93.
• Barbulescu, R. (2017) “Still a Beacon of Human Rights? Considerations on the EU Response to the Refugee Crisis in the Mediterranean”, Mediterranean Politics, 22(2): 301-308.
• Geddes, A. & Hadj-Abdou, L. (2018) “Changing the path? EU migration governance after the ‘Arab spring”’, Mediterranean Politics, 23(1): 142-160
• Hauck, V.; Knoll, A. and Herrero Cangas, A. (2015) “EU Trust Funds. Shaping more comprehensive external action?” European Centre for Development Policy Management ECDPM, Briefing Note, No. 81 – November 2015.

North African migration systems [Unit 4]  
• Collyer, M. (2016) "Geopolitics as a migration governance strategy: European Union bilateral relations with Southern Mediterranean countries", Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(4): 606-624.
• De Haas, H. (2007) “North African migration systems: evolution, transformations and development linkages”, International Migration Institute Working paper n.6.
• Kausch, K. (2013) “The End of the (Southern) Neighbourhood”, 18 PapersIEMed joint series with EuroMeSCo. Barcelona: European Institute of the Mediterranean.

EU Migration Partnership Framework [Unit 4]  
• Brocza, S. and Paulhart, K. (2015) “EU mobility partnerships: a smart instrument for the externalization of migration control”, European Journal of Futures Research, 3: 15. DOI 10.1007/s40309-015-0073-x. 
• Castillejo, C. (2017) “The EU Migration Partnership Framework: Time for a Rethink?” German Development Institute, Discussion Paper 28/2017.
• Collet, E. and Ahad, A. (2017) EU Migration Partnerships: A work in progress. Migration Policy Institute, Report.
• Reslow, N. and Vink, M. (2015) “Three-Level Games in EU External Migration Policy: Negotiating Mobility Partnerships in West Africa”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 53(4): 857–874.

Euro-African Dialogue [Unit 5]
• Barslund, M.; Di Salvo, M.; Laurentsyeva, N.; Lixi, L. and Ludolph, L. (2019) “An EU-Africa partnership scheme for human capital formation and skill mobility ” MEDAM Project, CEPS, Brussels.
• Crawley, H. and Blitz, B.K. (2019) “Common agenda or Europe’s agenda? International protection, human rights and migration from the Horn of Africa”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(12): 2258-2274.
• Flahaux, M-L. and De Haas, H. (2016) “African migration: trends, patterns, drivers”, Comparative Migration Studies 4:1, DOI 10.1186/s40878-015-0015-6
• Lebovich, A. (2017) “Bringing the desert together: how to advance Sahel-Maghreb integration”, European Council on Foreign Relations, Policy Brief.
• Scheffran, J.; Marmer, M. and Sow, P. (2011) “Migration as a contribution to resilience and innovation in climate adaptation: Social networks and co-development in Northwest Africa”, Applied Geography, doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2011.10.002

Complementária Albinyana, Roger (2018). “La cooperación euromediterránea, entre el desorden regional y la búsqueda de intereses comunes”. Quaderns de la Mediterrània 26, pp.211-216
Calvo, S.; Hernando, M.J.; Souto, J. (2005). Glosario para comprender la globalización. El poder de las siglas: mostrar y ocultar. Madrid: Manos Unidas
Chang, H.J. (2004). Retirar la escalera: la estrategia del desarrollo en perspectiva histórica. Madrid: Los libros de la Catarata
De Castro, J. (1951). Geopolítica del hambre: ensayos sobre los problemas alimentarios y demográficos del mundo. Brasil: Dimensión Americana
Escobar, Arturo (2005). Mas allá del Tercer Mundo. Globalización y Diferencia. Colombia: ICANH Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia
Michou, H.; Soler i Lecha, E. y Torreblanca, J.I. (eds.) (2013). Europa y la democracia en el Norte de África: una segunda oportunidad. Barcelona: CIDOB Monografías
Pérez de Armiño, K. (2001). Diccionario de acción humanitaria y cooperación al desarrollo. Barcelona: Icaria
Romero, Eduardo (2006). Quién invade a quién. El Plan África y la inmigración. Oviedo: Cambalache
Romero, Eduardo (2011). Quién invade a quién. Del colonialismo al II Plan África. Oviedo: Cambalache
Terron, Ana (2004). Migraciones y relaciones con países terceros. España. Barcelona: CIDOB
Delgado Wise, R.; Mázquez Covarrubias, H.; Rodríguez Ramírez, H. (2009). "Seis tesis para desmitificar el nexo entre migración y desarrollo". Revista Migración y Desarrollo, 12, pp. 27-52
Bello, Oladiran (2010). “La asociación UE-África: Una encrucijada estratégica”. FRIDE Policy Brief n.37
Escribano, Gonzalo (2005). “¿Europeización sin Europa? Una reflexión crítica sobre la Política de Vecindad para el Mediterráneo”. Real Instituto Elcano Documento de Trabajo (DT) 23/2005
Dayton-Johnson, Jeff (2008). “Migración y desarrollo: ¿Cuáles son los vínculos?”. La dimensión exterior de las políticas de inmigración en la Unión Europea. CIDOB
Riera-Figueras, Luis (2008). “El nexo entre políticas de inmigración y políticas de desarrollo en el marco europeo”. La dimensión exterior de las políticas de inmigración en la Unión Europea. CIDOB
Escobar, Arturo (2005). “El ‘postdesarrollo’ como concepto y práctica social”. En Daniel Mato (coord.), Políticas de economía, ambiente y sociedad en tiempos de globalización.
Ochoa Hidalgo, Javier (ed.) (2007). Guía básica del codesarrollo: qué es y cómo participar en él. Madrid: CIDEAL