Teaching GuideTerm
University College of Labour Relations (C)
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Grao en Relacións Laborais e Recursos Humanos (Coruña)
  Business and Economics
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects A6 A14 A18 B4 B9 C3 C4 C5 C6 C8 Development of a workgroup any topic related to the content of the course : up 1,5 points .
Workshop A6 A16 A18 A19 A26 A27 A31 A32 A35 B6 B8 B9 Realization and delivery on our issues : up 2 pts . The last scheduled day delivery for each practice not being qualified practices delivered late.
Some of the practices can be done and upload to the space enabled in Moodle during the class. If the student has not attended the class on the day the corresponding practice is performed, the practice can not be delivered, there is nothing conveniently justified.
Oral presentation A13 A18 A21 A31 B1 B3 B5 B6 B14 Students will make a presentation to the protected work. Your score may be up to 0.5 points. 10
Objective test A6 A13 A18 B2 B4 Exam: will, at most 60% of the grade (6 points) to which will be added those obtained in the other sections, as long as more than 2 points (20%) are obtained. On the date passed in Center Board will conduct an objective test in which the student must answer questions from a theorical and practical questionnaire. It will be a test of closed answer with four alternatives, only some each correct answer or Open-ended questions (brief explanation, abstract, graphic representation and interpretation, problem solving, etc.) or both may also be done.
The student who does not practice or work, perform the same objective test and will not add the items in those methodologies.
The note obtained during the course with the realization of the practices and work, will remain for the July session.In this call, those students who they have accepted the continuous evaluation system and have not done any work or practice during the semester, they will be qualified on 6 points.
Guest lecture / keynote speech A6 A10 A18 A20 A29 B12 B17 C7 Exposición oral por parte do profesor, complementada co uso de medios audiovisuais e a introducción dalghunas preguntas dirixiadas aos estudantes, coa finalidade de transmitir coñecementos e facilitar a aprendisaxe.
Valoración obxetiva da asistencia e participación activa dos alumnos nas sesions presenciais.
Assessment comments



Á nota obtida na proba obxetiva se  lle sumará a
das  restantes metodoloxías sempre e cando o alumno aprobe  a devandita
proba obxectiva.


Aqueles alumnos  que non superen a asignatura na
convocatoria ordinaria, poderán gardar  a nota das outras metodoloxías
para a oportunidade de xullo . Ao igual que na convocatoria ordinaria,  a  ditas metodoloxías se lles sumara a proba obxetiva sempre y cando esta proba obxetiva sexa  aprobada.


Como alternativa, aqueles alumnos que non poidan facer un
normal seguemento da asignatura, poderán optar por examinarse do 100% da sua
cualificación por medio dunha proba  obxetiva final. En ningún caso
poderán realizar as demás metodoloxías.
Estos  alumnos deberán comunicarse ca profesora nos 15 primeiros días 
dende o comienzo oficial das clases . Si no lo hacen , considerarase que optan polo outro sistema de evaluación.



– A adecuación metodolóxica das propostas de traballo

- A profundidade do contido

- O tratamento dunha linguaxe propia do contexto

- A utilización de fontes documentais complementarias e

- A presentación e a claridade da exposición

Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes