Teaching GuideTerm
University College of Labour Relations (C)
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Grao en Relacións Laborais e Recursos Humanos (Coruña)
  Social Security Law I
Methodologies Competencies Description Qualification
Objective test Proba escrita sobre o temario da asignatura que valorará unha parte teórica e outra de resolución de supostos prácticos. 50
Seminar Resolución dos diferentes casos prácticos propostos polo docente. Será necesario superar a proba obxectiva (alomenos obter una puntuación dun 5 sobre 10) para poder sumar esta puntuación. 30
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Valoración obxectiva da asistencia e participación activa dos alumnos nas sesións a través de diferentes ferramentas propostas polo profesor Será necesario superar a proba obxectiva (alomenos obter una puntuación dun 5 sobre 10) para poder sumar esta puntuación.
Supervised projects Realización e presentación oral dun traballo colectivo dos propostos polo docente da asiganatura sobre as materias da mesma, en formato TFG (máximo 15 folios) 10
Assessment comments
<p>It was essential to obtain 50% of the corresponding qualification to each of the sections to evaluate different methodologies to obtain the final average grade to join. Esigido not get the minimum in any of the methodologies, the student does not exceed the matter. In this case, the assessment will consist suspended in the ordinary call and be examined again in the opportunity of Jullo where the assessment methodology will be a single objective test worth 100% of the qualification, versando both on theoretical and practical content of program.</p><p>Alternatively, students who can not do a normal pursuit of the subject, may choose to examine 100% of their qualifications through a final objective test. Of not getting 50% of the total grade in the test, the evaluation will consist suspended in the ordinary call and be examined again in July the opportunity, where the assessment methodology will be a single objective test worth 100% of the qualification versando both on theoretical and practical content program do.</p><p>All students shall show visibly in his record of student if they choose Continuous assessment or final exam. Of non expressly stated, or non deliver the ad in fifteen days after the start of the academic year, it means opting for the final exam. The choice is final and irreversible for the call in progress.</p><p>Curricular adaptations for students with disabilities or special educational needs will be patterned by the Commission of teaching center on the report of PAT</p></div>
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes