Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Science
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Mestrado Universitario en Investigación Química e Química Industrial (Plan 2020)
  Industrial Processes and Sustainability
Methodologies Competencies Description Qualification
Mixed objective/subjective test A2 A3 A5 Proba mixta na que o/a alumn@ debe de pór de manifesto os coñecementos e competencias adquiridos ao longo do curso.
Oral presentation B7 B9 B10 C1 Valorarase a capacidade de síntese, a capacidade para presentar e transmitir oralmente os aspectos máis importantes dos traballos realizados, con sentido crítico e usando de maneira adecuada a terminoloxía científica. 10
Field trip A9 B12 Valorarase o contido do informe elaborado, tanto no seu formato e presentación como na capacidad para comprender e transmitir os aspectos da instalación onde se poda apreciar ou cos los que se podan relacionar os contidos da materia. 5
Supervised projects B1 B5 B10 B11 C3 C4 Durante os seminarios poderanse expoñer estudos de casos concretos relacionados coa sustentabilidade dos procesos industriais, valorásese a presentación, unha procura e selección adecuada da información, o uso de fontes adecuadas, etc
Guest lecture / keynote speech A2 A5 B1 B2 B5 Avaliarase a asistencia e a participación activa na clase.

Seminar A4 A3 A6 B8 B11 C3 C4 Nos seminarios traballaranse aspectos prácticos relacionados cos temas teóricos e orientarase ao alumno para a realización dos traballos tutelados, estudo de casos, valorarase a iniciativa e a participación activa, espírito crítico e capacidade de debater co profesor e os/as compañeir@s os temas propostos.
Assessment comments

Class attendance is mandatory. Repeating students will have the same attendance rate as those who study the subject for the first time.
Attendance at 80% of the classroom activities is a requirement to approve the subject.
The evaluation of the subject will be done by means of a final exam (65%) and assessment of attendance, participation, problem solving / practical cases, oral presentations and continuous evaluation of the student in class (35%) as specified in the following pulled apart.
Students who do not pass the subject will be able to perform an extraordinary exam, and the evaluation will be carried out following the same criteria as the first opportunity.

Recommendations for evaluation

The student should review the theoretical concepts introduced in the different subjects using the reference manual and abstracts. It is fundamental to work the matter in a constant way, keeping the study of it "up to date". Those students who find important difficulties in working on the proposed activities should attend the teacher's tutoring hours, with the aim that the teacher can analyze the problem and help solve those difficulties.
The teacher will analyze with those students who do not successfully pass the assessment process in the regular exam, and so wish, the difficulties encountered in learning the contents of the subject. It will also provide you with additional material (questions, exercises, exams, etc.) to reinforce learning of the subject.

In the case of exceptional, objective and adequately justified circumstances, the Responsible Teacher could totally or partially exempt any member of the student body from attending the continuous assessment process. The students who are in this circumstance must pass a specific exam that leaves no doubts about the achievement of the competences of the subject.

The fraudulent completion of any exercise or test required of the student for the evaluation of the subject will be subject to disciplinary responsibilities, as stated in the Regulations for Evaluation, Review and Complaint of University Degree and Master's Degrees (Article 11) and in the UDC Student Statute (Article 35, point 3): "Failed grade in the call in which the offense is committed: the student will be graded with "fail" (numerical grade 0) in the corresponding call of the academic year, both if the fault occurs on the first opportunity or on the second. For this, the qualification in the first opportunity record will be modified, if necessary."


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