Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Economics and Business
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Grao en Economía
  Econometrics II
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Workshop A1 A3 A4 A8 A13 B3 B4 C1 C4 C5 C7 C8 The active presence of students in these classes is recommended, in which they must solve and deliver the tests, problems, exercises and questions that are proposed to them and in the manner indicated during the course. These activities will represent in the evaluation up to a maximum of 3 points out of 10.

Objective test B5 B6 B7 B8 C6 Written test for the evaluation of learning. You can combine different types of theoretical and practical questions. This test will represent in the evaluation up to a maximum of 7 points out of 10 70
Assessment comments

1. Evaluation conditions

1.1 Rules for the realization of the face-to-face evaluation tests

According to the regulations approved by the Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business, it is forbidden to access the classroom in which the test is held with any device that allows communication with the outside and / or storage of information, including notes of the subject or similar. If a person is seen with such a device within reach during the test, it will be assumed that he/she is using it for fraudulent purposes and the corresponding regulations will be applied. Persons who bring such devices on the day of the test - including cell phones or smart watches - and have nowhere to leave them, must deposit them at the entrance of the classroom before the start of the test. The faculty is not responsible for their possible loss or misplacement.

1.2 Rules for taking the controlled evaluation tests through Teams

Test takers must be connected to Teams at all times, unless otherwise specified in the instructions for that particular test. If a person disconnects from Teams while taking the test or leaves the field of view of the camera during the test, the test will be considered undelivered. Each student must have the webcam activated at all times; disconnection of the camera will be considered equivalent to a disconnection from Teams, and will result in the test being considered undeliverable.

The faculty will record the test as a guarantee of the identification of the student and the completion of the evaluation process required by the Organic Law of Universities. It is the responsibility of each student to configure their space to avoid the violation of privacy or personal data of themselves or third parties. In all matters relating to the recording of these tests, the regulations of the university will be strictly applied. Unless otherwise stated, the same rules apply as for a face-to-face test: no device that allows communication with third parties and/or storage of information, including subject notes or similar, cell phones, smart watches, tablets, computers, etc., may be accessed. If a person is seen with such a device within reach during the test, it will be assumed that he/she is using it for fraudulent purposes and the corresponding regulations will be applied.

2. Student identification

The student must prove his or her identity in accordance with the regulations in force. For this purpose, the faculty may require at any time the identification of the student, who must prove it by means of the student card of the UDC, the national identity card, or an identification document that in the opinion of the faculty is equivalent to the above.

3. Procedure for action in the event of fraudulent performance of an activity that counts in the evaluation.

Fraudulent performance of tests or evaluation activities,
once verified, will directly imply a failing grade in the call in which it is
committed: the student will be graded with "fail" (numerical grade 0)
in the corresponding call of the academic year, whether the commission of the
offense occurs on the first opportunity or on the second. For this, the
qualification in the first opportunity will be modified if necessary.


1. No-show grade

According to the regulations approved by the Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business, only those students who have submitted activities that together account for less than 20% of the final grade of that opportunity will be graded as "No-shows".

2. Students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic dispensation of attendance exemption.

The same evaluation rules will be applied as for students enrolled full time, both in the first and second opportunity. Part-time students are exempt from class attendance, but have the same obligation to attend any type of face-to-face evaluation test as full-time students.


1. First opportunity

The evaluation of the subject will consist of one or more workshops and an objective test: the workshops will have a maximum qualification of 30%, the remaining 70% of the subject will correspond to an objective test  which will be carried out on an established date in the official academic calendar, in which the contents of the subject (topics 1, 2 and 3) will be evaluated, being necessary to obtain a minimum of 2.5 points out of 7 in this test.

Therefore, to pass the subject it is necessary to achieve a minimum of 2.5 points out of 7 in the first opportunity objective test and obtain a mark equal or higuer than 5 points in the sum of the qualifications of two workshops and the objective test.

Students who do not reach the minimum mark in the objective test (2.5 points out of 7) and who in the global computation of the evaluation obtain a final mark equal to or higher than 5 points, will not pass the course and will appear in the minutes with a grade of 4.5.

2. Second opportunity

The second opportunity exam will be held on the day and time set by the Faculty of Economics and Business for the official exam of the second opportunity.

The evaluation criteria in the second opportunity will be the same as those applied in the first opportunity, therefore the objective test will continue to be valued at 70% of the total mark (with a minimum of 2.5 points out of 7). To obtain 100% of the mark in this second opportunity, the lecturer will indicate the test that will be necessary to recover the 30% of continuous evaluation. Students who want to opt for the recovery of this 30% of the evaluation must take into account that the final mark of the continuous evaluation will be the one obtained in this second opportunity, losing the continuous evaluation obtained during the first. To pass the subject, the final mark must be equal to or greater than 5 points.

Students who do not reach the minimum mark in the objective test (2.5 points out of 7) and who in the global computation of the evaluation obtain a final mark equal to or higher than 5 points, will not pass the subject and will appear in the minutes with a grade of 4.5.

3. Advanced convocation

The evaluation corresponding to the advanced opportunity will be developed through a single test to be held on the date and time established by the center. This test will be evaluated with a maximum of 10 points and will be based on the complete syllabus described in the "Contents" section of the guide for the current academic year. In order to pass the subject it will be necessary to obtain a minimum of 5 points in this objective test. These evaluation conditions are specific for the advanced opportunity and will only be applied in this case.
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