Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Tourism
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Mestrado Universitario en Planificación e Xestión de Destinos e Produtos Turísticos(plan 2016)
  Planning and management of destinations and touristic products in the coastal space and cruises
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A11 A5 A12 A6 A7 B2 B3 B11 C1 The assistance and active participation in the classes (20%) is compulsory and values taking into account the involucración of the studente in the face-to-face sessions (face-to-face modality) or the active participation and reasoned in the forums/virtual or similar chats as Team´s(on-line modality). 20
Problem solving A1 A11 A5 A12 B5 B10 B9 C1 C2 C3 C9 Problem/final exercise of content (40%) is compulsory and individual and consists in the realisation of a proof of knowledges on the content of the subject to which it is necessary to give answer justified to a series of short questions. This exercise is used to to be available usually from the last class of the asignatura and, later, will deliver in the time limit of 15 days (First opportunity) or like minimum 15 days before the closing of records of the month of July (Second opportunity). 40
Supervised projects A11 A12 A6 A7 B2 B5 C2 C3 C4 C9 The continuous evaluation of the work realised along the development of the matter. The development of the work represents 40% of the final note.
In the assessment of the work will take into account the following appearances Originality, application of the foundations, quality of the editorial and utilisation of bibliographic sources.
To surpass the matter, is necessary to reach a minimum punctuation of 50% in the monitored work.
Assessment comments
<p> The work tutelado (40%) has voluntary character and, stop this, the student has to choose before the last kind opts&nbsp; by the realization of this work that in the final case of not to deliver it will have a negative repercussion in the final note of two points (-2). Can be realized of individual form (students of the modality online) or in group of 2-3 people (students of the modality presencial or also students online) and versará envelope a study of one marry concrete, a proposal envelope to creation and the development of a system of management of one destine and/or new touristic product or any another fear related with the subject that the student consider of the his interest. In any case, when opting by this alternative of evaluation the student has to propose the thematic of the work to realize and the professor of the subject will communicate the acceptance of the even, his modification or the need of a new formulation. The final delivery will realize during it second fortnight of the month of April (1ªopportunity) or how minimum 15 days before the closing of acta of the month of July (2ª opportunity). Later, it facilitates more information on possible thematic and an orientation of the structure of the his Content. It is important take into account that the alternatives of evaluation chosen for student for it first opportunity will keep also for it second opportunity. During it first fortnight of the month of May will facilitate the provisional final qualifications and a possible date of review/discussion of the same in the second fortnight (second opportunity); as well as, roughly a week before the closing of acta in the month of July (second opportunity). Nevertheless, and in spite of the system of evaluation proposed previously, to the beginning of the academic course, in the presentation of the subject, can be exposed another type of percentage distribution go in the distinct methodologies. By another band, be able to be obtained additional qualifications in function of the exposed in the moment by professor of the subject.&nbsp; The work has to be of personal manufacture/grupal and, anyway, will be able to contain a summary of data, no a simple copy and hits of data consulted. It Will be necessary to indicate also in the own text the bibliographic sources consulted and at the end of the document collected all they in the bibliography section. The " stuents with recognition of dedicación in time partial and metes out academic of exemption of assistance" will communicate to the start of the course his situation the professors of the subject, second establishes the "Norm that regulates the regime of dedication to the study of the students of degree in the UDC" (Art.3.b And 4.5) and the "Norms of evaluation, review and claim of the qualifications of the studies of degree and mestrado university (Art. 3 and 8b). The students in this situation will be evaluated in the date approved in the Together of School, by means of join objective proof over the contents of the step 3 of the Guide, and a work to agreed upon with the professors of the subject.

</p><p class="MsoNormal">Implications of plagiarism, "the fraudulent
performance of the tests or evaluation activities, once verified, will directly
imply the grade of failing "0" in the subject in the corresponding
call, thus invalidating any grade obtained in all the evaluation activities of
face to the summons."</p>
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