Guía DocenteCurso
Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura
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Grao en Estudos de Arquitectura
  Comunicación gráfica en Arquitectura
Metodoloxías Competencias / Resultados Descrición Cualificación
Traballos tutelados A1 A64 B7 Realízase durante todo o cuatrimestre nos horarios facilitados ao alumnado e cunha periodicidade tal que permita o seguimento e correción da práctica exposta. 60
Proba obxectiva B2 É unha proba teórico/práctica y/o tests que se utilizan para a evaluacion da aprendizaxe individual do alumnado. 30
Presentación oral B4 É unha presentación pública por parte do estudantado (grupo de trabajo) do Traballo Tutelado realizado durante o cuatrimestre. 10
Observacións avaliación

Class attendance is compulsory for face-to-face classes (theoretical and practical sessions). Students who fail to attend to the 80% to all classes will be recorded as “Absent”, in addition, students are required to do all the tests based on the theoretical contents.

Students under part-time commitment, and other UDC academic exemptions (Artcs. 2.3; 3.b e 4,5) (29/5/212) will not have to meet the requirements about class attendance. On the contrary they will have to meet all the requirement in relation to the deadlines of the different parts of the tutored practice. In case they have a problem with a particular delivery date, they have to agree with their teachers a new delivery date to solve this eventuality. 

In order to pass the module, either during the first-opportunity term exams in June, or during the second-opportunity examination period in July, students will be required to have done 100% of all assigned work, and achieve the minimum specified mark for each of the compulsory assignments, under the appropriate direction and supervision of the lecturer. Students who fail to meet this requirement will be recorded as ‘Absent (NP)’ and have their assessment deferred to a subsequent examination period. 

Project supervision will only be deemed to have taken place when the supervising lecturer can confirm that student work on projects during class time is consistent with work completed outside of class hours. 

Consequently the following shall be met: 

1) Students recorded as “Absent” in the first opportunity, will be required to deliver all the assigned work (not delivered in the first opportunity) to be evaluated in the second opportunity. 

2) Students who only sit for the second opportunity (in July), will be strictly required to do all the assigned work during the course with particular emphasis to the lecturer supervision of all these tasks. 

3) Students who need to sit for the second opportunity who haven´t achieved the minimum specified mark required for the supervised project will be required to do a new tutored practice proposed by their teachers. the new assignment will be delivered the date of the exam of the second opportunity and will be recorded as the final mak for this methodology.

Delivery requirements that shall be met:

Assignments will be collected on the day set. Deliveries cannot be postponed. Late delivery is not allowed. Students who fail to meet this requirement will be recorded as “Absent”. Students under part-time commitment can agree with their teachers a different delivery date in case it is necessary.

Given the emphasis on personalized teaching and learning in this module, students will be strictly required to avail of the opportunities for engagement offered by the syllabus. Students who fail to attend the weekly tutorial meetings (at the minimum 1 hour)

Teaching, testing, and assessment in respect of mobility program students will be adapted to meet any special circumstances or supervision needs these students may have.

Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes