Lecturers |
Amado Vazquez, Maria Eugenia | Barcia Seoane, Miriam | Bello Rodriguez, Olalla | Carballo Costa, Lidia | Chouza Ínsua, Marcelo | Fernandez Cervantes, Ramon | Giménez Moolhuyzen, Esther | Gonzalez Doniz, Maria Luz | López García, Asenet | Martinez Bustelo, Sandra | Martinez Rodriguez, Alicia | Martínez Toledo, Beatriz | Meilán Devesa, José Ramón | Menéndez Pardiñas, Mónica | Naia Entonado, Zeltia | Ortigueira Garcia, Serafin | Paseiro Ares, Gustavo | Patiño Nuñez, Sergio | Pose Gontad, Alba | Ramos Gómez, Fernando | Raposo Vidal, Isabel | Rivas Neira, Sabela | Robles García, Verónica | Rodriguez Romero, Beatriz | Sanesteban Hermida, Yolanda | Seijo Ares, Andrea | Senin Camargo, Francisco José | Souto Camba, Sonia | Souto Gestal, Antonio | Vilanova Pereira, María | Viñas Diz, Susana | Vivas Costa, Jamile |
E-mail |
maria.eugenia.amado@udc.es | miriam.barcia.seoane@udc.es | olalla.bello@udc.es | lidia.carballo@udc.es | marcelo.chouza@udc.es | ramon.fcervantes@udc.es | e.moolhuyzen@udc.es | luz.doniz@udc.es | asenet.lopezg@udc.es | s.martinez1@udc.es | alicia.martinez@udc.es | b.mtoledo@udc.es | jose.meilan@udc.es | monica.menendezp@udc.es | zeltia.naia@udc.es | serafin.ortigueira@udc.es | gustavo.paseiro@udc.es | sergio.patino@udc.es | alba.poseg@udc.es | fernando.ramos@udc.es | isabel.raposo.vidal@udc.es | sabela.rivas@udc.es | veronica.robles@udc.es | beatriz.romero@udc.es | y.sanesteban@udc.es | a.sares@udc.es | francisco.senin@udc.es | sonia.souto@udc.es | antonio.souto@udc.es | maria.vpereira@udc.es | susana.vinas.diz@udc.es | j.vivas@udc.es |
General description |
The subject Final Degree Dissertation is compulsory and involves a total load of 6 ECTS that are generally planned in the 2nd four-month period of the 4th year of the syllabus of the Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy. The UDC establishes that students can register for the TFG subject as long as they have a maximum of 78 credits left to finish their studies, including the credits corresponding to the Final Degree Project. For the defence and grading of the TFG it is essential that the student has passed all the ECTS credits of the degree, with the exception of the TFG itself.
The TFG subject involves the completion, individually by each student, under the supervision of a director assigned by the Centre, of one of the activities described in point 2.5 of the TFG Regulations of the Faculty of Physiotherapy of the UDC (i.e. Literature review, Research project, Research work, Real clinical case or Learning and service experience).
The TFG must be a reflection of the knowledge and competences acquired by the student during the teaching period of the Degree in Physiotherapy. These competences are set out in ORDER *CIN/2135/2008, of 3 July, which establishes the requirements for the verification of official university degrees that enable students to practise the profession of physiotherapist. |