Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Educational Studies
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3 Mestrado Universitario en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria: Educación Física
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects A32 A33 A34 A35 O/a titor/a da Facultade realizará a avaliación do contido do traballo cos seguintes criterios: - Capacidade de relación teoría-práctica - Dominio conceptual e capacidade analítica - Capacidade para relacionar ideas e accións - Capacidade de argumentar e fundamentar - Expresión escrita propia e claridade expositiva - Capacidade de descrición de escenarios, situacións e accións - Capacidade de autoavaliación e autocrítica - Orixinalidade da proposta 50
Field trip A33 A34 A35 O/a titor/a da institución colaboradora realizará a avaliación da implicación e actuación do alumnado no centro/aula. 50
Assessment comments

The qualification of the practices may be not presented, failed (1 to 4.9), approved (5 to 6.9), remarkable (7 to 8.9) and outstanding (9 to 10).

The final qualification will be the result of the average between the qualification granted by the tutor of the center and by the tutor of the University.

To pass the internships, you must obtain a pass in both qualifications. In the case of not passing any of the parts of the subject, the final mark will be the mark of the part not passed.

At the second evaluation opportunity:

- The memory can be recovered, so the students who do not pass this part in the first opportunity will have the opportunity to improve it for the second. Not presenting the portfolio having passed the practices supposes a fail at the first opportunity as a qualification.

- Practices cannot be recovered, so the qualification obtained in them on the first opportunity is maintained for the second.

The review, which will be done in front of the UDC tutor faculty, will serve to reconsider, if applicable, the qualification of the report. Regarding the qualifications awarded by the tutors of the center: the students can ask to be informed of the scores awarded in the different houses of the evaluation «grid» by their faculty tutor at the faculty, in the review date for qualification in the subject.

- Not doing the internship while enrolled in the subject supposes a NP.

Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes